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Angel -- Season Four


Page: 12345(6)7

10:44 / 10.04.03
Shiny Happy People eh - another good episode I thought, scary to but then I've always found that kind of body snatching stuff a bit scary. Jasmine was cool too, at least the Firefly people are getting some employment.

Poor Fred all alone again, just like being back in her cave.

How can she see the true face then, someone elsewhere mentioned the blood being the key would make sense.

Nice getting a bit of a history lesson about the great powers walking the earth before mankind showed up. Still not sure what the deal is with Jasmine though and why is she getting them to kill all the vampires, maybe because she only needs beings with souls? A different kind of apocalypse? Taking away everyone's free will and having the whole planet worship her?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
14:13 / 10.04.03
It seemed like she's engineering all this to get Angel to become Angelus without having to get him laid.
14:25 / 10.04.03
Yup possibly but she did mention that him being happy wouldn't matter as the evil in him would be removed maybe she means the whole him turning human thing.

Of course there is the chance that Jasmine isn't evil at all First Evil and First Good - doubt it though. Wish they would mention the First though seems strange that these two huge powers wouldn't be aware of what's happening at the same time, would make sense though if Jasmine was actually the physical form of the First actually no it wouldn't because why would Angel cross over to Buffy after Angel is finished unless of course Jasmine jumps over too - I dunno what's going on but I like it
22:31 / 10.04.03
I loved the episode but I didn't like that we got to see her rotten maggoty face. I was really digging the idea that they had to fight, not an invading evil, but an onslaught of love. That was the coolest aspect. Ultimate Goodness is just as bad and Ultimate Evil. But then they had to ruin the effect by showing that Jasmine really isn't good at all, she very bad, like all the others.
I don't think Angelus is this things goal or if she even cares about him. I have a feeling by the end this is going all to get very cosmic. Oh and my original comment about this season being extremely Biblical, well, looks like we've just met the Antichrist. So I wonder who the real savior is? Ideally I wish it were Buffy, but that's never going to happen.
Saint Keggers
02:46 / 11.04.03
It'll be the guy with cheese on his head. It just HAS to be!He was the coolest character from BTVS!
02:53 / 11.04.03
I kinda dug the brief terrifying maggoty-faced glimpse....what I did like is that they didn't show it repeatedly throughout the ep. I'm not a horror guy, but something about that rotting flesh shot really scared me

I agree that this is going to get very cosmic and biblical; I also feel like this is one of the few times in a show like that I really can't easily predict what's going to happen next? It's nice to literally have no idea what's going to come next. Fred hooking up with Angel? As one friend put it, "Well, they're already run through all other possible pairings in the group!"

I like the idea of Fred as the reluctant chosen one, having to get past her insecurity that she could never be chosen to be a hero. How long will they stretch the Jasmine plot out? We'll see......

I thought it was a cop-out that they said the birth would kill Cordy but now she's just sleeping in a coma-like state. Cheap way to threaten the death of a main character with no intent on following through.

I'm still trying to figure out what is it about Fred and that guy that they see through Jasmine, keeping in mind that Fred was entranced by her as well, in the beginning. It seems like it was Fred's insecurity and obsession with cleaning Jasmine's shirt and being unworthy of Jasmine that might have freed her from the spell? Not sure about this.

Anyone else reminded of Sybok from STAR TREK V making with the happy happy love love 'cure you of all your fears and problems' thing? Like Shatner says, in one of the few decent moments in ST V - "I NEED my pain!"
Saint Keggers
04:17 / 11.04.03
" I'm not a horror guy, but something about that rotting flesh shot really scared me"

Me too!! I love the fact that it was such a quick glimpse too. I almost rewound the tape to make sure I hadnt imagined it.

Im not sure that I like Gina Tores as Jasmin...if he had to get one of the Firefly cast why couldnt it have been the companion?
And another of the Firefly cast is going to be on Buffy playing a priest who worships the first...
The Wheadon for everyone.
06:21 / 11.04.03
If the theory I heard about touching Jasmines blood is true then maybe Fred is kissing Angel to pass fluids, seems a bit strange though - next week though! New Buffy poor Xander - I can't believe how many spoilers I've read, but mostly about the last episode of Buffy so this isn't the place...
08:03 / 11.04.03
Actually I just watched the trailer and it looks like a real kiss rather than a spell breaking kiss - Oh Jasmine you came and you gave us salvation
16:42 / 11.04.03
Ideally I wish it were Buffy, but that's never going to happen.

Good God, I hope they keep her way out of the show. Seven years is enough, dude. It's stretching my patience watching her in Season Seven as it is: she' been the worst thing about Buffy since the end of Season Three.
21:33 / 11.04.03
I think they were hinting that Fred and the other guy could see her because they were different. That is to say, Crazy. Only crazy people can see through the illusion, probably because they're broken in just the right way. How very Malkavian of them.
09:52 / 17.04.03
Anyone else watch the Magic Bullet, wasn't that impressed to be honest although I did watch it rather disjointed. Pity though because the previous episodes have been really good.

I just wish they would stop the whole Conner as the outsider arc, let him in! Every time you think he might be "one of the gang" something happens and throws a spanner into the works.

Sacrifice is up next with a band of warrior teens, haven't they already done that?
15:37 / 17.04.03
So what the hell happened? I was out last night and taped the new ep., but I'm dying to know what happened?!?! Did Fred stop Jasmine? What was up with the Fred/Angel kiss previewed? And why could Fred and that guy see what Jasmine really is?? Are they stretching out the Jasmine story for another few eps???!??
12:16 / 18.04.03
Mr. Wolf, go watch the episode. Some of your questions will be answered some won't and yeah, I think the Jasmine this is going to be stretched to the end.
12:18 / 18.04.03
reflect, I can't get enough of her.
13:17 / 18.04.03
I was thinking recently about the prophecy from last season: "The father will kill the son," the reason Wes stole Connor in the first place. Was this prophecy revealed to be a fake, or could it still play into the end of this season? I can't remember.
Don't make eye contact
14:19 / 18.04.03
Sahjan (the demon who brought Holtz to the present) said that he had faked the prophecy about the father killing the son and originally it had read 'the son of the vampire with a soul will kill sahjan' which is why he tried to arrange Connors death. I think its entirely likely that the prophecy is true anyway but unless they forget about it completely either Angel has to kill Connor or Connor has to kill Sahjan (who is currently trapped in a magic urn).
18:23 / 18.04.03
I'm rooting for Angel killing Conner, personally. I'm so sick of that brat.
15:47 / 19.04.03
I wouldn't want them to kill Connor even though I agree he's annoying. I think he should move to whatever spin off Joss is cooking up. That'll give him plenty of room to grow into his own. Kinda like Wesley was annoying on Buffy but developed rather nicely on Angel. At first he could play a similar role Angel did for Buffy, mysterious protector/love interest, and then go from there. But if he stays on Angel he'll always remain an outsider and annoying.
The Natural Way
10:32 / 22.04.03
Out of interest, doesn't anyone think the whole Beast-blocking-out-the-Sun-in-order-to-get-the-goodies-to-summon-Angelus plot's just too lame? I mean, how fucking pointless can you get? It has to be the most inelegant, convoluted bollocks in the world ever. The drama's completely undercut by its rubbishness. It took a few mins of a Buffy episode to de-curse the fucker.... Couldn't they just have evil Cor seduce him? Y'know?

And as for the total destruction of Wolfram & Heart.... Please! Build them up over four seasons only to have some pointless (see above) bastard smack them down. How much more interested am I in seeing the Wolfram final end-of-the-world masterplan than I am in the Beast? A very much! This isn't good drama, people. It just seems so....whimsical and silly. And why is it I can't smell even a whiff of a strong, meaty subtextual thread running throughout this series? Y'know....the stuff you can really get yr teeth into (if anyone says redemption I'll scream) - the thing's reason for being.
16:27 / 22.04.03
I rather like the minor fact that in the episode 'The Trial', before Angel fights to save Darla's life (mentioned by Jasmine as being the main act that allowed Connor to be created), we see Darla in the garden at night smelling a flower. She says: "Hmm, Jasmine. It blooms at night. I remember what that was like."

It's the little things sometimes.
19:38 / 22.04.03
Runce: It was Cordelia's visions that prompted them to give Angel his moment of happiness. The beast was just window dressing to make the team desperate enough. She's been manipulating things the whole season, which is actually a pretty simple arc now that it's been revealed. We just don't fully know why yet (in the UK, at least).

As for inelegant, convoluted bollocks: Spike's given a chip. Spike falls in love with Buffy, who is now he can hurt now that she's back from the dead (ie: chip doesn't work in this situation). Spike undergoes a very vague ritual in order to get his soul back (as if having a soul means that you're a good person, a useless distinction that Angel did away with ages ago). Spike goes mad when he gets his soul. He also has a hypnotic trigger placed in his psyche to make him kill people, which apparently he can do now regardless of the chip. Spike's chip starts malfunctioning, he gets the chip removed. Trigger's still there, though. Exactly when are they going to decide what to do with this character?

The destruction of Wolfram and Hart?
Puh-lease. It's already been shown that their influence extends over several dimensions, and that employee contracts extend beyond death. Angel story arcs work via misdirection, this is another red herring. We'll be seeing them again.

Angel is more complex than Buffy, it's true. Buffy borrows its narrative structure from computer games: a few puzzles, a character switches sides in what passes for a plot twist, the goody finds the right weapon to kill the end of level boss in the nick of time. Interspersed with monster of the week epiodes which are like the X-Files with postmodern jokes.

Angel has no real big bad each season, it instead opts for an overall arc across the whole series. Subtexts include redemption and overcoming one's past; loyalty, friendship, family; moral relativism (it rarely opts for the easy 'good vs evil,' as events later this season will show); predestination vs free will; the motivations of the gods... perhaps we should throw this one out to the board, as I'm just getting started. It's universe is broader in scope, opening up the battlefield across dimensions, throwing in bits and pieces of real world mythology (a few names, techniques, images and motifs amongst the usual made-up stuff). It has better effects and better fight scenes. It's better directed. It's better paced (Season Three had at least three episodes that could have made Buffy season finales). In fact there is no departmentin which it doesn't outstrip Buffy, IMHO.

It's OK to prefer the parent show, Runce. Just make a decent case for your dislike of its faster, deeper, angrier, funnier, darker child.
09:28 / 24.04.03
Talking of dimensions and away pops Angel, thought it was a much better episode last night. Those creatures are very similar to Buffys ubervamp no? Do you think Angel has maybe crossed over to where we saw all those thousands of vamps we saw at the end of that Buffy episode.

Am I rigth in thinking that we've met all three Gods now? I was watching Buffy Season 5 and they mention before all the humans came three powers ruled, Jasmine, Glory and the First? Maybe I'm totally off course!

How many more Angels now?
13:45 / 24.04.03
It was a pretty good episode - felt very much like the sort of middle-of-the-story episode (the 2nd act in the famous 3 act structure). Some good creepy stuff with Jasmine talking through everone, esp. the kid (THAT was creepy).

I liked the way the heroes were all so fatigued and beginning to lose their energy and hope, and the whole debate that the only way to keep hope alive was to shut yourself off from the more difficult emotions.
That's a little more complex and realistic than the "We must fight on at all costs!!!" you usually get from a story like this.

The monster thing was pretty cool - the best thing about him, I thought, were his unique dialogue patterns (shifting senses, strange slang type phrases) and all the cool clicking sound effects they gave him.

I like the idea that the way to defeat Jasmine is not another huge fight scene, but to simply know her true name. Great way to use the whole magickal concept that names have power.

Interesting point about the three powers - I wonder if that's what the writers are going for here.
The Natural Way
11:22 / 30.04.03
Runce: It was Cordelia's visions that prompted them to give Angel his moment of happiness. The beast was just window dressing to make the team desperate enough. She's been manipulating things the whole season, which is actually a pretty simple arc now that it's been revealed. We just don't fully know why yet (in the UK, at least).

Yes, I understand all that. I appreciate that it's the beast-master's show. But what I don't appreciate is why the writers went about the whole thing in such a convoluted fashion. Just seemed a really silly, overcomplicated way of bringing about the conditions Cordy desired. I don't think that's an unfair criticism.

As for inelegant, convoluted bollocks: Spike's given a chip. Spike falls in love with Buffy, who is now he can hurt now that she's back from the dead (ie: chip doesn't work in this situation). Spike undergoes a very vague ritual in order to get his soul back (as if having a soul means that you're a good person, a useless distinction that Angel did away with ages ago). Spike goes mad when he gets his soul. He also has a hypnotic trigger placed in his psyche to make him kill people, which apparently he can do now regardless of the chip. Spike's chip starts malfunctioning, he gets the chip removed. Trigger's still there, though. Exactly when are they going to decide what to do with this character?

The Spike thing: well, the chip stuff's been going on for three and a bit seasons - you'd expect it to be a little convoluted. But, like you're so keen to point out above re the Beast business, there's a simple current underlying all this stuff. The chip was intended as a device to entrench Spike more deeply in the show and the Scoobie gang; what follows is a slow, incremental progression towards total involvement. And post-chip Spike shares a lot in common with early Angel. Angel lost it too, remember? Spike and Angel's goodness is borne of guilt - he still has to decide what kind of man he is, and that's what this season's about. That's why there's still some confusion. He has to make a decision. In hindsight, perhaps the writing team have fillyfallied about for too long, but, for me at least (and I think for a lot of viewers), the thing always felt like an organic process.

The destruction of Wolfram and Hart?
Puh-lease. It's already been shown that their influence extends over several dimensions, and that employee contracts extend beyond death. Angel story arcs work via misdirection, this is another red herring. We'll be seeing them again.

Fair enough. You have to be right about this one or David Fury's a right crap bastard. Yeah, I probably spoke too soon.

Angel is more complex than Buffy, it's true. Buffy borrows its narrative structure from computer games: a few puzzles, a character switches sides in what passes for a plot twist, the goody finds the right weapon to kill the end of level boss in the nick of time. Interspersed with monster of the week epiodes which are like the X-Files with postmodern jokes. Angel has no real big bad each season, it instead opts for an overall arc across the whole series.

Whilst I don't deny any of the above, I really think you're making a straw man out of the show. Yes, Buffy does opt for a simpler story structure, but I think that's one of its strengths. The story always comes second to the characters and their interactions and there's PLENTY of meaty stuff there. And it's far from 'simple'. Angel and Buffy are full of fantastically polymorphous individuals The emotional shape-changing is more than just plot-twist stuff, it's an integral part of what both shows are all about: embracing the other, indulging your opposite, redemption… Both shows are choca with wonderfully twisted couplings and both, regardless of any apparent 'good' vs 'evil' narratives, historically and subtextually inhabit moral/sexual grey areas. Oh, and as for the X-Files comparisons....whatever. Sure, you could compare the surface narrative structure to a gazillion different series/films/etc spewn out by Hollywood over the years, but that's not what I'm interested in.

Subtexts include redemption and overcoming one's past; loyalty, friendship, family; moral relativism (it rarely opts for the easy 'good vs evil,' as events later this season will show); predestination vs free will; the motivations of the gods...

Okay, you're right, I don't dispute that these things are there, but the first four are present in Buffy also and as for the fifth... that’s kind of dealt with above. While Buffy ostensibly appears to be fighting for the right and good, the subtext and the ongoing series' lack of closure continually complicates and recomplicates the character's moral postions. The last two, while they're all when and good and groovy, are probably a bit too abstract and conceptual for the Buffyverse. The series is primarily concerned with relationships and individuals. It's altogether too earthy for that kind of stuff. I don't want Buffy to start pondering whether or not God plays dice. I prefer the Buffy's constant digs at heirarchy and patriarchy to Angel's BIG questions. This is just a taste thing - it doesn't make one deeper or better than the other. It depends where your interests lie.

It's universe is broader in scope, opening up the battlefield across dimensions, throwing in bits and pieces of real world mythology (a few names, techniques, images and motifs amongst the usual made-up stuff). It has better effects and better fight scenes. It's better directed. It's better paced (Season Three had at least three episodes that could have made Buffy season finales). In fact there is no department in which it doesn't outstrip Buffy, IMHO.

Again, most of the above's just a taste thing. I don't want extra dimensions and stuff (TBH, I find tat business a bit too Star Trek-y) I like Sunnydale. I like the way it's completely knowable and controllable. It feels more solid to me. As for pacing...well, see, that's the thing I find so messy about Angel and that's my real beef with it. I like the strong, simple structure of the Buffy plotlines. I like the way it obeys and fucks around with its rules. And, generally, it's pretty fast. Angel, for me, is all over the place. But I'm aware that this might have something to do with being slightly more unfamiliar with the show - have to get back to you on that one....

It's OK to prefer the parent show, Runce. Just make a decent case for your dislike of its faster, deeper, angrier, funnier, darker child.

I don't dislike Angel - I just like shooting my mouth off. It bugs me sometimes, but I still think it's one of the better shows on telly. Faster? You have to make a case for that one - I don't see it. The last Angel episode on Sky reeeeally dragged (and as for the Beast-master's fucking 'voice': urrgh! Sheeeit! And stop with the bloody awful soliloquies De Knight). Funnier? Okay, again that's just a matter of opinion, but I think one of thing's that makes Buffy work so well IS the humour and the whimsical dialogue. And I can't bear 'Whacky Angel'. There's something so….I don't know…'boy's own' about Angel. It's got skill fight scenes! Again with the neck stabbing! It's so beardy! I actually find its core pretty humorless, TBH. Angrier and Darker? Yes, if you need your darkness spoonfed to you. It's shot in a dark room, someone's just been stabbed in the neck and isn't Angel tormented? Whatever. I will always find the Buffy's horror schtick - the Lynchian tension between white-picket fence lifestyles and what-lies-beneath much nastier. Y'know, the blonde cheerleader chick practically breastfeeding a vampire his blood in her cosy all-american bedroom (from the hostage ep a few weeks back). Or First Evil Chloe joking about how she and the real Chloe stayed up all night for a girly chat resulting in the child's suicide. That stuff's far more deviant (and possibly complex) than any of the really obvious, shrink-wrapped horror Angel throws at me.

In the end, there's somthing just a little bit too...boy's own-y about Angel for me to be really into it. It's got skill fights! It's dark! It's beardy!
The Natural Way
11:29 / 30.04.03
I hereby propose we bring back the 'edit' function. That post sucked.

Please ignore the fucking stupid repititions and irritating punctuation and syntax - I wrote that one on the run!
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:47 / 30.04.03
Er... we do have an edit function. It's called 'moderate post' and it appears under your name on all your posts.
14:18 / 07.05.03
ANYWAY , tonight's season finale looks good & fun!!
15:05 / 07.05.03
Looks more a wrapup than anything else to me. All the plot was resolved last week. At least they came out and admidted outright that Jasmine was a Power That Was. It was good to finally hear some of her version of the story. And you know, this was the first episode that I actually felt for Connor. Finally, he's more than just an angsty teen. He's a dangerous loose cannon with nothing to loose, for everything in his life has been taken away from him. I call him on being the baddy for next season, if its ever shot.
16:10 / 07.05.03
I doubt it. Conner's a twat. Angel kicks his ass at every turn (Liam, Angelus), Faith kicked his ass good too. I think he's primed to accept he doesn't know shit and take his place at the bottom rung of Angel Inc. or hopefully leave the show and join the spinoff.
18:44 / 07.05.03
There will be no Buffy spinoff. ANGEL looks 99% good to be renewed for another season. James Marsters now looks to be 80% a sure thing to join the cast full-time or long-term guest-starring next season of ANGEL, which should be interesting.

I'm sort of divided on Connor. Although I lean towards him being an annoying one-note character (fault the writers, not the actor), and I think Imp's right - his will be the path of the newly humble, struck down from his arrogance, ready to learn.

Um...can't wait to find out how this character is ALIVE again!!?? And very happy to see him/her back
13:55 / 08.05.03
Ok, its finished. Hurray for the end (or removal, as the case may be) of the angsty teen! I think that was actually handled nicely for once.

So here's the poll: Did the good guys actually win or not? What is the greater good: free will or world peace? Wolfram and Heart give a good argument for their side having come out on top from this one.

Fav lines:

"Who would have thought the humans would be the most corruptable?"

"I know its an evil limo and all, but no cherries?"
15:22 / 08.05.03
Aye that's it then and we find out if Angel is given another season on Monday but it looks really likely though eh, after that poll (that reflect posted) showed Angel was the show that most people wanted to keep (54%)

Everything wrapped up nicely then, I doubt they'll bring Conner back though right? Wouldn't like to go through the whole thing again!

Next season should be great though with their nice big office with guns and labs, big changes!

So what's up with Gunn and what did the Panther offer him?

And what was the necklace that Angel took, what does it do? Guess we'll find out soon enough.

Season 4 was good!
15:52 / 08.05.03
This episode/season finale fucking rocked! I just kept smiling ear to ear watching it, thinking over and over "My God, ANGEL is so much better than BUFFY this season!!" Lots of great lines in this episode. The bit about Angel being able to enjoy sunlight inside the building (and the bs name they came up with for it 'necroresistant glass' or something like that) was terrific. Very clever.

Nice way to wrap up Connor. I guess it would have been boring or tiresome for him to become the humble pupil/student/beginner a la the martial arts.

LOVED the panther spirit and Gunn. And I liked how they didn't explain it at all, just left it hanging out there with Gunn coming back all resolute: "I'm doing this thing."

Great Wesley/Lila interplay. Very complex, very dark, very interesting. When Wesley called Lila "a loved one" - very cool.

Lorne ACTUALLY said "I know it's an evil limo, but [you're telling me] you don't re-stock the sherry?" As in the drink, sherry, not cherries. That Lorne, always with a drink in his hand.

How funny was the minutes of silence and the crew's stunned reaction in the first moments of the ep after the teaser? I love it when silence is used to great effect like that in TV & film.

I'm totally psyched for next season, which is what a good season finale should do. Will Cordy come out it? Will Spike indeed join the show? Just how corrupt is this deal with Wolfram & Hart? Nice job, Tim Minear.
20:34 / 08.05.03
"necrothermic" glass, I believe. Very energy efficient, too. Its the details like that that make it for me.

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