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Angel -- Season Four


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Spatula Clarke
23:09 / 18.11.02
Maybe I've missed something here, but... the team decide to bring Angelus out in order to save the world? Why would they think Angelus would be interested? He's shown no interest in stopping everyone from being sucked into hell before, so what's changed?
14:23 / 19.11.02
Yeah, it should be interesting to see how they think they can even come close to controlling Angelus.
15:15 / 19.11.02
They should put a chip in his head.
Captain Zoom
01:21 / 20.11.02
Tonight's episode was the first one I've really enjoyed of this season. Nice to see Wes back in the fold, sort of. I had really hoped that the thing clawing it's way up would somehow tie in to the one on Buffy. Maybe there's still hope. I'm finally interested in Angel again.

Now what's all this talk of Angelus?

09:48 / 20.11.02
I have a strong feeling that there will be no tie-ins between series until one of them ends. Which is a real shame, and short-sighted on the part of the networks, as it's bound to bring in viewers (although I guess the scheduling is important, as they'll be providing competition for themselves when the episode airs).
12:18 / 20.11.02
I want to see the forces of evil twist things in some way that the team from Buffy has to fight the team from Angel! Like in an old superhero team-up comic.

Buffy vs. Connor
Spike vs. Angel
Wesley vs. Giles
Cordelia vs. Dawn
Gunn & Fred vs. Willow & Xander
Loren vs. Anya

That would be sooooooo sweeeeeet....
14:16 / 20.11.02
Actually I think Dawn would but attracted to Conner. And Willow would kick both Fred and Gunn's ass. I would like to see what Cordy and Xander have to say to each other. Also (of course) Buffy and Angel but not so much.
Saint Keggers
16:08 / 20.11.02
You're forgetting the best yet..Faith vs Lila
17:10 / 20.11.02
16:01 / 15.01.03
Does this start today? If it does, what time?
Saint Keggers
21:36 / 15.01.03
Yeah I beliwve it starts tonight at 10 on FOX..right after "Man vs Beast"...they put crap like than on and cancel Firefly..dont get me started...!!
Foust is SO authentic
21:21 / 22.01.03
About controlling Angelus... remember the tale end of Cordy's vision? The big bad was saying to Angelus "You are a worthy adversary. But we need not be enemies." Which I thought was a truly compelling moment - why was Angelus fighting a demon?
Captain Zoom
21:35 / 22.01.03
Um, is it just me or is this show losing it's drive? I'm gonna watch out the season, but I'm not really getting into it as much as I used to. Nice little tribute to Glenn Quinn at the end of this week's ep, even if he didn't part with them on the best of terms.

So, they're going to bring back Angelus. Again. I feel like this particular season has been plotted from way back, when they may have been able to hook the Buffy and Angel series together. The similarities between the two major villains is unshakable. But without the link to the first, this one feels like the villain is a second rate knock off. Great, he's gonna blot out the sun, but Buffy's fighting the first fucking evil ever. Maybe that's it. I'd love to see them all being friendly again, too. Nice to have Wes back in the fold, but Gunn hates Wes, Angel hates Wes, Cordy and sometimes Connor, Connor hates Angel, Fred and Gunn are all rocky and Angel's usually bitchy to Lorne. I think I prefer my protagonists to get along. Now, if Angelus returned and the premise of the show became him going around killing people brutally, then it might be interesting.

But what happened to his purpose on Earth being to help people? When was the last time someone came into the office and got help. I think the last guy to try it got possessed by a water-sucking squid thing.

When Season one comes out in February, I get the suspision that it's going to remind everyone how good it was when it started, and how unfocussed it's become.

But that's just my extremely arrogant humble opinion .

Foust is SO authentic
21:59 / 22.01.03
Yeah, I'd like to see the characters get along a bit more. It's becoming tedious.
Jack The Bodiless
22:07 / 22.01.03
Well, Buffy hardly 'patrols' anymore, unless They run out of ideas for a pre-credits sequence, or unless They decide to 'lighten her up' by giving her some badly choreographed fight scenes with vampire-extra-of-the-week and utterly shite one liners... presumably no one's being butchered in Sunnydale anymore on a random basis...

Angel kicks Buffy's spreading ass, and has done since it started, a few duff episodes in season one notwithstanding. It has more places it can go, it seems able to genuinely stir things up amongst the cast (cf current bad vibes in the office)... It says something that, for the majority of critics/watchers, Spike's been the best thing about Buffy for over two years... a character who started life as a throwaway villain in season two, and who they kept having to find increasingly contrived reasons to keep around.

Wait, why am I bothering with this fanboy crap? Just trying to avoid going to bed early, I guess...
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:49 / 23.01.03
This is so general it's almost off-topic, but isn't it a Catch-22 that a series that goes on for more than two seasons will either have to a) stop adhering rigidly to its original premise, and thus invite criticism (cf the now old complaint of "I thought she was supposed to slay vampires!"), or b) end up repeating itself interminably, and thus invite criticism (quite rightly so, cf every Star Trek series except DS9, and for that matter most shows). The only way out of this would be to quit really early on, and we know how the fans love that...
13:58 / 23.01.03
I love how Gwen sees herself like some sort of x-men. And she plays it badly and beautifully. It's funny how she doesn't fit in (but does in her weirdness). I'd really like to see this character unfold.

There's a trend in Angel to spoof movies. Resident Evil (hell, the even had a creepy little girl in red), panic room, next episode looks like it's going to be heavily influenced Hannibal franchise. Can you think of anymore? I kinda like it but since it's now become apparent it might get distracting.
16:04 / 23.01.03

Willow just filmed an episode of Angel. I presume to re-curse Angel...
16:29 / 23.01.03
WOO! Where are you getting this?
16:36 / 23.01.03
Will last night's ep be shown again this Sunday when they do their Big WB rerun Sunday? I missed it! Did I miss sexy Faith showing up??!?!?
16:41 / 23.01.03
No I think Faith shows up in ep. 13 and this was only ep. 9. And I don't think Angel is part of the Big WB thing.. It's more lame shows like Smallville and Everwood and crap like that, but I could be wrong.
16:57 / 23.01.03
I know they used to show ANGEL on Sunday nights, a few months ago, but not sure if that was it's 'new airing' nite or it's 'big Sunday repeat' nite.

And hey, SMALLVILLE isn't lame! This week's ep was really good, and Michael Rosenbaum kicks ass! Seriously! I have really grown to like the show. It's improved a lot since its debut - you should give it another chance, Imp.
19:56 / 23.01.03
my source:
lolita nation
22:11 / 23.01.03
My friend told me that Faith is getting vamped, does anyone know if that's true? I have never really watched Angel and I don't keep up with Buffy anymore but now I'm curious.
22:54 / 23.01.03
I don't know about vamped but I heard she might not be surviving Buffy's final. (Which is obvious if one of the potentials get to be slayer.)
Foust is SO authentic
01:58 / 24.01.03
By the way... when the big bad was rampaging through Wolfram & Hart, Wesley showed up and rescued the evil female execuative - she asked him why he was there, and Wes replied "I have a man on the inside."

What was that about?
Jack The Bodiless
02:39 / 24.01.03
Wasn't he referring to her (Lila)?
02:42 / 24.01.03
Wesley is a sneaky bastard.

Not that it matters now, at best he's got a zombie inside.
06:09 / 24.01.03
Since when did having a principle cast in a state of antagonism make a show bad? Conflict is the essence of good drama. Anyone who wants their characters in permanent lurve limbo can stick with bland ol' Next Gen.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:42 / 24.01.03
Okay, so for all you spoiler fiends, Spoiled Rotten has a huge heap of spoilers, all the way up to episode 16. Be warned, though, a lot of this is pretty extensive, reliable stuff. It seems that Faith's in episodes 13-15, and while she does get bitten by Angelus, she isn't vamped - and she then leaves with Willow, heading for Sunnydale.
Captain Zoom
01:40 / 29.01.03
Yeah, so I guessed about 30 seconds before it happened. Anyone else? Reason was sitting next to me going "This sucks. This is terrible. Why are they doing this?" Then it happened and it all made sense and now I really can't wait for next weeks ep. And that's the first time this season that I've said it about Angel. Neat.

Saint Keggers
03:42 / 29.01.03
(Semi-off topic) Was todays (tuesdays) Buffy a repeat? I only catch it off a friends tape or have to wait until saturday when its shown on a chanel I can get without digital cable.
Foust is SO authentic
10:22 / 29.01.03
Damn. I'm working straight through both airings of Angel this week. Maybe I should call in sick.
Saint Keggers
14:54 / 29.01.03
Just find someone to tape it.
18:02 / 30.01.03

ok who saw this last night?! what a fricking psych out! was i watching angel or dallas??

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