Jade's eviction placing established her as the "cult" housemate - not exactly big time, but popular enough to have garnered a loyal, hardcore following. The sort that attracts the lone obsessives, a la "Avid". As much as she annoyed me, she's not exactly horrid or anything(and certainly DID NOT deserve all that cuntery in the press) and I'm pleased she's so well set up now she's out the house.
Tim? Sweet? Maybe. But I tend to think the magnanimous, generous-to-a-fault thing was motivated more by his desire for the public's approval than, y'know, his being a reeeeaally great guy. Note: I don't think this makes him a wanker - under the circumstances, it's completely understandable. It must be horrid being Tim. Tho' I am guilty of big dislike for the guy.
And I certainly don't think Alex was "pissed off". I'm not sure, upoun their leaving the house, a contestant's emotional state can be so easily reduced. Ambivalence, bewilderment and FEAR were, more than likely, the cause of any gracelessness on Alex's part. To me, he just seemed a little bit "dun in" by the whole affair.
So happy Kate won. She was a lovely ray of light in, more often than not, a very gloomy atmosphere. And she's female (which DOES mean something whatever that twart from the Late Review says).
And, speaking of Late Review twarts, it was nice to see Paul Morley articulate, around Mark Lawson's table of snobs, exactly what is interesting and exciting about BB (and with so much gusto and enthusiasm! He was bordering on manic!).
Bye-bye for another year excellent Brother. Now, tellykrunts, bring on the fine documentaries, the Sopranos and as much Buffy as I can shake a stake at! At least Oz is still griming up the airwaves.....
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