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The Thing From Beyond Time


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Stone Mirror
16:40 / 23.06.02
LiveJournal has been wonky on and off this morning. It was denying I existed, then denying it had a root index page. Seems to be better now...
12:53 / 24.06.02
Minty's party review is up. If anyone wants to add any shenanigans, feel free. I wasn't feeling super creative this morning....
13:59 / 24.06.02
Ha.... just noticed. Minty's party was on her own one month anniversary (er... birthday?).
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
14:51 / 24.06.02
stephens reply is up
19:51 / 24.06.02
I put up Arthur's party night reminiscence. More could be added by those who care (just hit the "Edit" link in the Update messages area). I just couldn't wait to read what he had to say, so I did it myself.

So now, he and Minty (and stephen) get buddy-buddy, right?

I included mention of an abandoned building Stephen's eager to explore. It could be worth something plotwise, but might not be. Up to whoever.

I guess the next point will be getting Arthur to the club, where he can meet the creepy people, right? And they'll help with the book... but at a cost. I think that's what we'd decided - correct me if wrong.

What flavor madness does he get afflicted with?
20:45 / 24.06.02
paranoia is always a safe start. but could we pull off a paranoid blog? it's not a contradiction is it? possessiveness of his new special secrets would make for bad blogging. maybe something more akin to a kid after his first acid trip, finding connections between everything in the universe to everything else. nothing is meaningless.

also, grant, i like the idea of him consulting with some strange character they meet in the club about the translations. that's a nice welding of ideas, plus it lets stephen and minty meet said person enough that they can go to him when they're hunting for Arthur much later.

maybe the abandoned building explorations will come in handy when they're looking for somewhere to hide? or when stephen and minty are searching for arthur after he goes missing?
Captain Zoom
17:36 / 25.06.02
Oi, who replied to Minty's comment?

'Cause I just put something on the journal about the Spanish translation without having actually read that and the synchronicity was excellent. I'm having such fun.

18:19 / 25.06.02
I registered Minty, Stephen, and Art's blogs with google, so they should be found by some random people searching for... um... well, weird stuff...
13:05 / 27.06.02
So, last night, they hung out.

What happened? Coffee? Buildings? Clubs? What??
13:25 / 27.06.02
a debate about whose better, ninjas or pirates?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:04 / 27.06.02
i'm down with grid on this one, stephen will recall the pirate/ninja debate.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:14 / 27.06.02
stephen is up, not very exciting night through his eyes, but others may have thought different
18:53 / 27.06.02
Hmm. I put something in Arthur's that mentions dropping by the club (probably before pancakes, because it was "lame") - sets scene for going back on Saturday, meeting the creepy people.

There's also a reference to abandoned buildings in there, but he may have been on his own then.
18:58 / 27.06.02
I assume Minty would be pro-pirate. especially grrrlll pirates....
Captain Zoom
19:03 / 27.06.02
Ha! I just started to read Arthur's latest entry on my friends page and I thought it was another of my friends. I thought Art's spanish passage had somehow found it's way elsewhere. How cool would that have been?

19:22 / 27.06.02
I think it's a bad idea to add the blogs to the Barbeliblogs list. I mean, if people follow the links they'll end up on the Barbelith Underground and will see this thread and will be in on the whole joke.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:25 / 28.06.02
I've blogged Minty and Arthur, as innocently as possible. Just so's you know.
14:26 / 01.07.02
Somebody add something to Arthur's about the weekend - I'm too beat to do it.

Maybe about meeting Mr. Creepy Cult Man, learning more about what the Spanish passage means....

(by the way, "Amo" can mean "I love," but can also mean "Lord".)

It's a race - if you've got the keys to the blog, and you get your entry in first, you win!
14:15 / 08.07.02
Updated today, you swabs!

"Cultists" ahoy.

Stephen's having roach problems. Where's Minty?
14:43 / 08.07.02
I've started getting kind of burned out on doing Minty, that's why Jeremy took over for her last week.

If anyone feels like pumping some new blood into Minty's collapsed veins, please do....
13:10 / 09.07.02
Done my best.

I want more surprises in these blogs!!

Arthur's prime for descent into fracture.
20:42 / 09.07.02
Plot points:

minty starts to get a bug infestation of her own, but just zaps them with Raid.

Arthur is awakened by someone rooting through the dumpster in back of his house.

Stephen receives a letter with an address in Budapest.
Captain Zoom
21:59 / 09.07.02
Hope no one minds, but I've started cracking Arthur's fragile little shell. Tonight he's going to be awoken by someone rooting in the dumpster. When he checks out the window, it's going to be someone in Goth clothing. That is what Spooky Phil wears, right?

If that's too obvious, say so and it will not happen. I'll check here before updating. Sorry I've been away the last little while. I'm in, I'm back. Let's mess this poor boy up.

Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
11:44 / 10.07.02
ok, stephens having more insect troubles and tonight he is going to do some solo exploration in the sewars near his house.

Why a letter from Budapest? Should it be from an old school chum or from someone he doesnt know?
19:26 / 11.07.02
Captain, has anyone told you that you're beautiful lately?
Captain Zoom
20:52 / 11.07.02
Not recently. *bats eyelashes*

11:29 / 12.07.02
Letter from Budapest=someone he doesn't know. Lots of tiny handwriting. Smudgy.
12:00 / 12.07.02
and a sketch of what appears to be some sort of pokemon...
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
15:51 / 12.07.02
ha ha ha
Captain Zoom
16:26 / 12.07.02
Check out my livejournal picture. Or bitchiekittie's. You want Cthulhumon, you got Cthulhumon. Actually, Dork Storm just released a parody RPg called Pokethulhu. It's quite amusing.

Captain Zoom
19:29 / 12.07.02
So, hopefully without sounding too obsessive and weird, I'm beginning to find that when I log in as Art and write an entry, it's not my voice doing it. His entries sound very different from the ones I write in my own journal. I think it's a testament to our group that Art has really developed a personality for me. I'm having fun.

19:35 / 12.07.02
I know what you mean. I was feeling a little posessed when I was doing Minty...
Captain Zoom
19:41 / 12.07.02
This from Mordant Carnival's blog:

Cthulhu Story Name Generator

Appropriate to this thread, I thought.

Captain Zoom
21:49 / 12.07.02
Okay. Art and Minty getting together this weekend. She's worried about him, but things'll be fine this weekend. No odd dreams, no obsessing about the book. However, Art's making an effort. He really wants to go back to the books. Perhaps they'll have lunch on Saturday and he'll, without meaning to, begin to babble on about the books and what he thinks they mean. (What does he think they mean?) He'll decline to join her clubbing in the evening. I think a subconscious fear of the dark should start cropping up in Art. Minty's bug problem sounds good. How's Stephen's?

I want to set something up so that Art notices that something has been taken from his dumpster. Like he's cleaning out some old notes and a few days later sees that the garbage bag he had them in has been ripped open and the notes taken. Let's give him an excuse to throw stuff out though. Perhaps a spurt of manic cleaning to coincide with his little mental downslide.

23:28 / 12.07.02
That's perfect, Zoom. He feels like he's getting too obsessive about the book, so he throws away all his notes and vows to go out partying. But while he's out, he loses his resolve, and when he get home, he wants to get right back to the translation, so he goes out to the garbage to get his notes and they're gone.

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