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The Thing From Beyond Time


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17:39 / 22.05.02
Uhh... I just sent the password to about five or six people. I'll stop now.

and for minty whatserhead, here's a list of Boston nightclubs. With links to their homepages, if they've got 'em. There's a list of Boston goth hang outs at the bottom of this page, along with what nights happen at which places.
17:45 / 22.05.02
I worry that the approval process Rizla wisely speaks of might slow things down a bit too much. Surely, the big events should have some discussion here, but the day to day stuff, which should be most of it, is probably fine without approval.
Captain Zoom
19:12 / 22.05.02
Agreed, and the random element this produces can spur other's ideas.

20:51 / 22.05.02
I'm liking minty so far, even if she is synthetic.

Does anyone else have a blog? Maybe you could link to her (or him, once he shows up).
Captain Zoom
21:05 / 22.05.02
I'm going to link to minty's blog from my livejournal after she's a bit more established. I must admit I'm a little nervous of writing anything in there for fear it will sound trite. When do we want to start Art?

ill tonic
00:45 / 23.05.02
Okay, here's my two bits :

I don't think giving everybody a key to the blogs is a wise idea.

First off, having an open door will allow "trollish" behaviour (gawd, I'm coming to hate that label)or less serious folk, who may "goof" with the project - taking it in other directions then it was intended.
(Jokey entries etc.) Second, with multiple people blogging I don't think you will be able to maintain "a voice" (or at least, it will be harder to achieve) and the blog may come off as "schizophrenic" or blatently apperant that more then one person is making entries on the blog. (Although, the "schizophrenic" effect won't neccesarily be a bad thing once the shit hits the fan.)

What appeals to me about the project is the idea of suckering the unawares surfer into believing the blogs are real -- thus hooking them for the hell ride ahead. So I think you folks should take the utmost care and attention, at the start, in order to make the project believable.

My suggestion is that each blog has it's own "editor" or "director". Then we start another thread here where we can all enter in random blog entries -- creating a compost pile or deposit from which the "editor" can freely pick entries from - in accordance to whatever events line or story line we come up with.

That way, all entries are filtered through one or two people -- thus maintaining voice (the editors slanting our entries as they will to suit the overall story)and also avoiding "debate/updating" lag -- re: everything (however wild or silly) sitting in a thread, ready and waiting to go up on the 'blogs.

Start out with 'control' in the hands of only a few people, who can thusly maintain believability (or consistancy) when it's needed, and then when things get kooky (hopefully, by then the project is finally able to stand on it's own two feet), thats when you open the doors and let us crazies have more control.

As all ways, just my opinion.



We have this odd ball character Arthur, working his shit job, killing insects and sperlunking in odd and spooky places. He's gotta meet the girl.

(WHAT IF -- it's Minty (is that really the name we have decided on? ) that gets Arthur involved with the occult. Perhaps she drags him into a sex cult or an underground club that is (eventually revealed as) HQ for a radical cyberpunky coven involved with revoluntionary politics while serving the Dark Ones From Beyond Time. CYBER COVEN anyone??? Maybe we could get the folks in the magick forum involved. Does Arthur or Minty ever post here in 'lith land?)

(damn, ever since you started this thread Zoom, the idea of a "haunted webpage" has been going through my head -- but I think that's something all together different from what we got going here)

(WHAT IF - Arthur starts out as a mild stalker, Minty is his obsession. He keeps seeing her around and she always takes his breath away. What does she do again? Maybe he hangs out at her work place -- that hip cafe in the hood -- or around her favorite hang outs, anything for that chance meeting. Maybe learns where she lives and starts taking walks through her neighborhood.(Maybe after one of his night time adventures sperlunking the sewers...) He's all swoony and in love even before actually meeting her. (It could be the thru line , along with his hobbies, for the first part of his blog.) Then BANG - when he least expects it, their worlds collide -- literally, smash into each other coming around a corner. She's off to a club or something and drags him along. They have a great time. The next day his blog entry is all gushy about the wild night they experienced while hers is more simple. "Met an interesting guy last night, Arthur, went to (where ever). I think I'm going to call him tonight."

I wouldn't link their blogs until they finally get something going on.)

Perhaps it looks something like this :

a month of Arthur and Minty doing their thing (while only hinting at the dark stuff that is going to happen/maybe some weird dreams for both of them/ oddly synochratic (??? is that a word??? both of them experience the same dream motifs) - Arthur obsessing/Minty partying her ass off (spunky chick but with edge--major edge- freaky -- her name is growing on me), followed by another month of relationship development/now bringing the weirdness into the light (strange encounters/odd discoveries etc.) then month three the actual story begins ...

... or is that too much development??

Well, I've gone on long enough. A post of this length, I think I'm involved now. (If you folks will have me.) Let's rock and roll.

By the way Zoom, have you posted the address to Arthur's blog?? If you did, I missed it when I re-scanned the thread. I'm gonna take another look.



WHAT IF Minty is actually A Thing From Beyond Time ... heh heh, my wheeels are spinning. We need monsters, kids. (Who?What?Where?When?)

Maybe we should start character bio threads for Art & Minty so we can figure out who exactly our characters are ... and keep this one for our debating, notes and story development.

We're The Great Old Ones Now
08:19 / 23.05.02
Ooookay. May I suggest that this is the moment to collate the responses in the thread and put down some guidelines right here? One or two posts, basic rules for participation.
13:12 / 23.05.02
Rule 1: Whatever you write can be edited for continuity - plot AND character - by thread supervisors.

Rule 2: It's a blog. It's all about the subjectivity, not the exposition. It's not a traditional tandem story, and it's not a write-the-next-guy-into-a-corner contest.

Rule 3: Don't obsess over what has already been written about the characters. Blogs are fun to read because you're always learning new things about people's interests. They surprise. Add bits of autobiography ("There was an old man next to me on the train home. He looked like a stockbroker, but smelled of rosewater."), add links to interesting things found on the web, keep novelty flowing in.

Rule 4: Captain Zoom has the final word on what happens in the blog. We need a central authority to settle differences in direction or opinion. He's the one who came up with the idea. He's there to make all of us look good.

Sound agreeable?

13:18 / 23.05.02
The mild stalker thing sounds cool.

I also think someone should set up a calendar of events. Whoever's first to the blog that day will get to write it. You can try to get dibs here, but if you have something to say that doesn't get said by the first entry, then add it in a second entry. People do that with blogs.
13:34 / 23.05.02
Just wanna ask: Is there already a specific horror or event to be unleashed at the "end" of the entries or we'll cross that bridge when we get there? What kind of monster/danger are we talking about here?
rizla mission
15:49 / 23.05.02
Yeah, it might be wise to get that out of the way.

Let's start with a somewhat corny Lovecraft scenario and try to elaborate upon it:

A cult is active in Boston, performing degenerate ceremonies in accordance with some photocopied fragments of Necronomicon (of extremely dubious origin - photocopies of photocopies of photocopies from .. nobody really knows where.. like the tape in Ring?). Their eventual aim being to call up, and harness the power of, say, Yog So-Thoth? (it's my favourite).

Somehow .. our characters become involved with said cult .. fairly obvious that, i suppose..

It would be good to turn the standard HPL "half-casts and mulattos" cliche on it's head by having a cult made up of successful business people and socialites .. and, oh, oh, they can be led by a MAD old man who came down from the mountains and subjects great "influence" over everybody, Rasputin style..

so what do you think? too corny? too straightforward?
16:48 / 23.05.02
What abou mixing this this set-up with a concept from "Foucault's Pendulum":

1)Heroes stumble upon piece of enigma;
2)Meet an old, strange man who hints to be connected with strange associations scattered worldwide and likes to play the wise-ass;
3)They give up trying to force the enigma to make some sense (and, ultimately, find out - with aditional info - that it was all a hoax all the time);
4)Disappointed, but trying to play a trick on the old wise-ass man, they CREATE an ellaborate theory of cults and demons and set it loose (with a phone call, a false report in a magazine, whatever);
5)..And the old man, who's really an important leader in the underworld of cultists, BITES IT - because there ws a missing link all along that now seems to be provided by our heroes completely fake theory;
6)The Chase Scene;
7)The ritual scene. The heroes can't tell the cultists they made the whole shit up. On the other hand, when nothing happens in the end of the rirual, they'll get killed the same! What to do, what to do?;
8)Only that... something starts to happen!

How does it look? I admit this set-up will involve months of preparation, but if it's done correctly, boy... what a piece of shameless Umberto Eco's ripoff!
16:57 / 23.05.02
I like the idea of starting with the cult. It's small, it's human, it's very real, and it can be a gateway to virtually anything else we want later.

I'm remembering back a few years, someone invited me to a party being thrown by some local chapter of the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis). I had read some Crowley and thought it would be interesting (and let's face it, I was hoping something like our story was going to happen). As it turned out it was just a bunch of goth kids who were looking for some link to each other and a direction for future tattoos. They weren't bad people, they just weren't cultists. But there was this one guy there who didn't talk much and he seemed really wise (let's face it by virute of not opening his mouth), and I pinned all these ideas on him, about how he was a member of the REAL O.T.O. and he was directing these kids as his pawns. Basically that there was a real and sinister cult and it was attracting these alienated kids who had a frustrated to desire to belong to a family. And I figured if he talked to me, he would see that I was someone more important than them, and that I could be trained in real secrets and magics. Obviously, I was dead wrong, and he just didn't talk because he didn't have much to say, but you get where I'm going. This is a possible way into a cult...
17:11 / 23.05.02
was also thinking, as some point friends of Minty could start leaving comments after being forced to check out her blog. Jeremy seems like a good choice. Possibly even the big dumb bastard....
17:26 / 23.05.02
Oh, and don't use Lovecraftian terms or you'll give the whole thing away. Make up your own strange deities and tomes.
19:11 / 23.05.02
agreed. we should probably any para-real things that are not made up by us or justiafiably ancient...
20:02 / 23.05.02
Who is Jeremy? Do we need a scorecard already?

We can probably get away with making jokes about Lovecraftian horrors, but the less we show, the creepier it will be. (e.g. If Art comes hom one day and there are a set of deep scratch marks in his hallway floor, as if made by a set of really big claws, it's unsettling. If he comes home, and Cthulhu's actually sitting there making the marks, it's just silly.)

Do we have a real name for Minty yet? Patricia Simms, Brittany Faust, Leah York...

I think she's maybe in her mid to upper twenties--26, say. A little on the short side. Red hair. A little less inclined to take things seriously.

Art is maybe a couple of years younger. Kind of thin in a way that could be really healthy, or not quite filled out. Likes foreign foods...
20:08 / 23.05.02
I take some of that back. I see who Jeremy is. Also, Minty's turning out to be a bit more acerbic...
Captain Zoom
15:23 / 24.05.02
Proposed opening entry for Arthur:

"Today I woke up and felt the need to order my thoughts.

My name is Arthur, as you can probably tell from the name of this journal. I don't go in for pseudonyms or anything. Just Arthur. I'm just Arthur.

I'm really not sure this is a great idea. I've never been terribly good at keeping a journal, or a record of anything really, but the idea that someone else might be reading it almost embarasses me into updating it.

I live in Boston. It's a large, busy place, but it's always interesting, so I like it. Not that I go out much, but when I do, there's always something to do. I work at a library, which is a complete waste of my education, but it keeps me interested.

The strangest thing about me is that I collect butterflies."

Anyone recommend a library in Boston that might provide older texts? Or should we keep it vague, so that he's less easy to verify as a real person?

Anyway, gimme suggestions. That's off the top of my head right now, and I think we should start it at the beginning of next week. Once the journals are linked, two butterfly collectors starting journals around the same time might look a little suspicious. Or am I being paranoid?

Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:43 / 24.05.02
She could be called Minty. I saw a biography of Harrison Ford once that was written by someone called Minty Clinch.
rizla mission
16:10 / 24.05.02
That opening entry sounds OK to me. There's a nice sort of hint of awkwardness about it. Sort of "um, well, I suppose this is my blog then.. I'd better write on it". I like it.
20:26 / 24.05.02
Keep the library vague. A lot of people who blog about work do this. That way, he can post things like, "the head of interlibrary loan comes by and suggests that all the assistants start wearing ties or 'business attire'. Sure. As soon as they triple my salary."
Captain Zoom
20:36 / 24.05.02
That's kind of what I thought too. Shows a little nervousness that he feels his higher ups might read this and wants to preserve his anonymity. Okay, well, though it'll probably be fairly quiet on the 'lith this weekend, if there's no objections or suggestions for changes, I'll post that on Tuesday.

I'm going to look about, but anyone wanna find a suitable user pic for Arthur. If I find some I'll post 'em here.

Captain Zoom
20:43 / 24.05.02
Nevermind. Just saw that he's already got one and it's perfect.

Quick question. He's already got a friends list, though he's not posted anything yet. Are these random ones, or are they people here?

20:59 / 24.05.02
You mean Arthur has a journal already? Where is it?
13:35 / 25.05.02
I've had a friend add a link to Minty's blog on his blog, which has been around for a while.
Captain Zoom
16:26 / 25.05.02
Arthur is here.

Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:25 / 25.05.02
is arthur our fic char, then who are these "friends"??
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:34 / 25.05.02
ok, just read through it, arthur is one of our chars.
Idea that may have bee brought up, at work so only skimming

other blogs as an idea was posted by someone. So, what if we organize, and have say arthurs old school roomate/chum who after the strangeness happens gets a call from arthur, so on the same day or within a day or 2 both update, 1 saying "im really scared now, i dont know whats real anymore, i gave steve a call..." and the other "Arthur called last night, hadnt seen him in a year now, still seems a little odd..."

of course, blogs for supporting casts would need to be fleshed out and made to seem real, we could even make links to our own real journals...

sorry for style of post, setting up net connections while im typing
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:37 / 25.05.02
chain posting sorry

also, looking over the blogs, this is starting to feel like the Evan Chan game that was far better than the film it promoted

I swear this is all for now, whoever is organizing send me a PM and assign me a char and i will make the blog this evening
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:55 / 25.05.02
gah, dammit, i cant stop

seriously this is the first progect that has really interested me in a long time.

Ok, i am going to make a blog for Stephen Peterson, Arthurs dorm mate from school. What uni did they attend? i am going to start it pretty bland and post to it every few days, i will put a link here after the intro post is up.
Captain Zoom
20:09 / 25.05.02
Ah, there's a good Lovecraftian uni there, isn't there? Brown? Is that right? I have no idea. I'm gonna start Art's lj on Monday or Tuesday. I really like how Minty's is sounding. She's the opposite of how I envision Arthur, and therefore a perfect foil for him.

23:44 / 25.05.02
This is getting interesting. It's like Cloudmakers (the internet group that formed to solve the Evan Chan murder mystery/AI movie tie-in ), only in reverse.

Which just goes to show you how complex this could get if we really start rolling.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
11:48 / 26.05.02
gah, pay for a livejournal?
i will need to hold off on stephens log until i get a pal to give me an access code, or one of you all PMs me
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
14:05 / 26.05.02
Stephen Peterson's Blog

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