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The Thing From Beyond Time


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rizla mission
15:30 / 07.06.02
STEPHEN should have dreams about scary stuff happening to ARTHUR! That would be great!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:11 / 07.06.02
Is it okay if I link to Minty from my blog?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
16:20 / 07.06.02
Stephen Peterson: Medium for the Bizarre!
17:18 / 07.06.02
I hear you on the giveaway thing.

Where *is* Stephen's blog?
17:24 / 07.06.02
This is why I wanted this idea to be done on livejournal. Because first of all more people will read it due to the interests list in LJ, plus you could link to your friends' live journals.
18:03 / 07.06.02
Oh, found it. (I'm still playing catchup for the week off.)

So.... I think next week should be the meeting between the two main players, Minty & Arthur. Or is that too soon?

It's been suggested they meet at a party. What kind of party? Why would Arthur be there?

Also, earlier in this thread it was suggested Arthur recently broke up with his college girlfriend. She's living elsewhere. Should he refer to this in his blog? I wrote a post about mating butterflies that was almost a reference, but not quite.

Maybe she should call him, he should get depressed, and decide to go to the party? What's her name? What does she do?

I need to figure out the comments thing on blogger, too, to put it in Minty's blog. I'll do that now.
Captain Zoom
18:36 / 07.06.02
grant, so cool. Capturing Arthur beautifully. And adding in the stuff about the butterflies was great. I was kind of skirting the topic 'cause I'm lazy and haven't really researched it yet.

I think next week at a party is fine idea. We can perhaps have Stephen drag him to it.

18:42 / 07.06.02
One bit about bug collecting I'd forgotten: the smell of acetone. It's used in killing jars. Sticks to the fingers, slightly. Main component of nail polish remover.
21:11 / 07.06.02

-The party will be held next Friday. It will be thrown by one of Arthur's neighbors, who invites everyone in the building to prevent noise complaints. Minty crashes the party for some reason.

-Even before we get Arthur driving the Love-Craft, so to speak, he needs to start noticing weird details, a kind of background giminess to his life. So, have him wake up to find a bag lady rummaging through the garbage, a dead cat in the drain, a nasty smudge that won't come out of the tub.
21:13 / 07.06.02
By the way, is this Badtz Maru person one of us, or is this just a random Livejournaler?
Captain Zoom
21:45 / 07.06.02
True dat, logos. Already dropping hints with the books he wants to read. I figure that he'll forget about them for a while and then come across them one day when he's got nothing to do. I think adding the weird grimy details is a great idea.

I had hoped to be far more prolific with my entries for Art, but my computer broke down. Back now.

22:20 / 07.06.02
Badtz maru is a penguin fancier. Not one of us.

I was actually looking for a different badtz maru, but he appears to have cancelled his LJ account.

It was awesome - nothing but charts listing everything he was putting into his saltwater aquarium. Daily temperature readings. Occasional equipment updates. Like geek heaven. The guy doing it was a friend of mine with widely varied interests, but you'd never know it from that monomanic journal.


I like the idea of Minty & Arthur not actually getting involved in a romance. More of a friendship that could blossom if, well, if not for the interruption of Unspeakable Things.


I was also thinking today that it'd be a nice touch if Minty describes the party and meeting Arthur, but Arthur doesn't mention her -- until Minty posts comments in his blog, asking why he left her out of his recollection. Just a thought.


Another thought: Elijah, since Stephen's blog is actually on webspace and not a regular blogging server, is it possible to backdate his entries? Or make a mock-archive, at least, so it looks like he's been sporadically blogging for a few months? I would have no objection to you copying and pasting anything I posted in the Barbelith Collective blog over the past year or so, if you wanted content.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
11:09 / 08.06.02
hmm, i would need to see if i can spoof around the blogger software...
i can write an archive page in html and write some random "old school" posts whining about episode 2...
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
11:35 / 08.06.02
Stephen's Archives so far, after doing a few more i will add a link from his main page
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
15:54 / 08.06.02
in my first archive entry stephen talks about the vapid new years party he attended hosted by some girly he thought was named peppermint, could he drag arthur to another party at her place?
17:32 / 08.06.02
That's totally cool.
Captain Zoom
18:20 / 08.06.02
Okay, is the party this weekend or next weekend?
I'll do up Arthur's entry for it tomorrow if it's meant to be tonight.
(Unless someone else wants to.)

Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
11:07 / 09.06.02
ok, well, when is minty's "true friend dana" rolling into town?
theres already basis for a party there...
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
11:08 / 09.06.02
and i figured out how to backdate posts, so i can backlog anthing you guys need
rizla mission
13:22 / 09.06.02
this is going soo well so far.. maybe I'll join in soon..
rizla mission
13:47 / 09.06.02
I have alarmingly discovered that all the ThingBeyondTime blogs appear to have died. What the fooks goin'on?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
14:48 / 09.06.02
minty is showing an internal server err, Arthurs LiveJournal(tm) is funtional, as is my webspace hosted blog, perhaps blogspot is down for maintainence?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
16:09 / 09.06.02
minty is back
Captain Zoom
16:23 / 09.06.02
sorry, been a bit deranged for a while. Art'll be back to "normal" this week.

Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
18:32 / 09.06.02
so, is the party next friday night?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:54 / 09.06.02
It's the Blogger server- my blogs were fucked too for a while. Everything's back now, but it won't let me futz with my templates *sulk*.
14:11 / 11.06.02
So - party to coincide with Dana's arrival, then? So let's make it for June 22.

It seems like Minty might stumble on something before then that will seem significant later, but not now. Something like finding the group at the club that turns out to be the "cult," eh? Would that do?

Or Dumb Bastard suddenly disappearing under mysterious circumstances? (Weird enough so she'd mention, but not so she'd want to go to the cops....)

Anyone have ideas about that?
16:06 / 11.06.02
All right, who here left this comment on Minty's blog?

"I am reminded of a few issues of the Doom Patrol, sort of an automatic writing kind of feeling. Your poem doesn't open any hungry paintings, does it?

(Oh, nevermind, I'm too much a geek)" --Damabupuk

16:37 / 11.06.02
I have reinformed in Minty's blog that the party is coming up June 22nd. I'll throw some stuff in about Dana's arrival wednesday or thursday of next week.

So, Minty and Stephen are friends? Is that too close a connection?

Maybe Stephen is friends of one of Minty's friends and gets dragged along to her parties with them? Stephen and Jeremy could be friends? Or even Stephen and Colin....
16:56 / 11.06.02
I'm not sure we even need to be specific. Stephen has a friend who's in a group that's going to be at Minty's, he'll drag along Arthur.

I think Stephen should have a nightmare sometime soon. I want something foreboding before they meet.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
11:18 / 12.06.02
considering i have been unable to sleep lately (do to perhaps an ulcer, or an ancient evil back to destroy us all) i will whip something up today and backdate it if i can.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
11:32 / 12.06.02
ah well, backdating live posts works, but as soon as i publish the blog again the dates revert, so as far as dating goes the archive is the best i can do, i did come up with a valid reason for not posting for a few days though

Also, i like the DP ref in mintys comments section, when you combine it with the DP ref Stephen made a while back you get a hint that all is not what it seems
Captain Zoom
15:03 / 12.06.02
damabupuk is me.

And I hadn't noticed the DP ref. that Stephen made, so that's really quite cool.

16:00 / 12.06.02
So nice on the latest Arthur Blake entry. So very, very nice.
Captain Zoom
17:07 / 12.06.02
Arthur's going to mention today that Stephen called him last night (Tuesday) to tell him about the party. I'm not going to post it until all parties have OK'ed that, as this is our first big thing we've had to co-ordinate, and I don't want to mess it up. So, Stephen is going to the party, but doesn't necessarily know Minty, and he called Arthur on Tuesday night to try to persuade him to come. Art will take a couple of days to make up his mind, but ultimately will go. And the party is the night of the 22nd, which is Saturday. Art will comment on the party, but not Minty, on Sunday, whereas Minty will mention Art. The subsequent comment on Art lj will get the two of them involved.

Does that sound about right? I really want to pull off this whole meeting thing with, um, panache, I suppose.

Something else that's been on my mind. Should we mention this thread and project elsewhere? Like up in the Conversation? I think it's one of the best collavorative fictions we've done in these parts, and I wonder if our compatriots might be interested in it.


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