Arthur's going to mention today that Stephen called him last night (Tuesday) to tell him about the party. I'm not going to post it until all parties have OK'ed that, as this is our first big thing we've had to co-ordinate, and I don't want to mess it up. So, Stephen is going to the party, but doesn't necessarily know Minty, and he called Arthur on Tuesday night to try to persuade him to come. Art will take a couple of days to make up his mind, but ultimately will go. And the party is the night of the 22nd, which is Saturday. Art will comment on the party, but not Minty, on Sunday, whereas Minty will mention Art. The subsequent comment on Art lj will get the two of them involved.
Does that sound about right? I really want to pull off this whole meeting thing with, um, panache, I suppose.
Something else that's been on my mind. Should we mention this thread and project elsewhere? Like up in the Conversation? I think it's one of the best collavorative fictions we've done in these parts, and I wonder if our compatriots might be interested in it.
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