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Watchmen movie news


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00:11 / 12.09.07
First set photos.

Not a whole lot to see yet, other than JFK and Jackie lookalikes and Ozymandias' vivarium (actually a botanical garden in Vancouver), but it's officially underway...
17:13 / 12.09.07
Nice, stuff. That JFK-alike looks creepily accurate, though.

Dead presidents should be dead!
15:22 / 21.11.07
does anybody think Thomas Harris borrowed the Rorshach segment with the psychological parts for his Silence of the Lambs? dog eating girl...psychological character study or even the Last Action Hero borrowing from Animal mans Deux machina? There have been also the Sandman "Game" of you borrowed to make Crying "Game". any other from comics to movie similarities? Alot I think.
Jack Fear
15:36 / 21.11.07
I dunno about that, but I'm almost certain that Alan Moore borrowed the denouement of that sequence—with the handcuffs and the hacksaw?—from MAD MAX.
16:50 / 21.11.07
He did indeed, I'd say. As far as I can tell he also nicked the "walking around the ledge outside the building" bit in V for Vendetta from a Stephen King short story (The Ledge, I think...)

Not that I have anything against people nicking stuff, you understand...
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:02 / 22.11.07
There have been also the Sandman "Game" of you borrowed to make Crying "Game".

Have there?
09:33 / 22.11.07
Those two spellings of the word 'GAME' are certainly very similar. The way the E comes after the M like that.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:45 / 22.11.07
Is Compton in the house?

Without a doubt.
Jack Fear
11:57 / 22.11.07
Erm. Somewhat back on topic, scuttlebutt has Zack Snyder working on a whole bunch of world-building extras for the eventual WATCHMEN DVD, including an animated "Tales of the Black Freighter" short and a mock TV chat show featuring Hollis Mason discussing his book "Under The Hood."

Unconfirmed, but interesting ideas nonetheless; a smart way of getting around the "WATCHMEN is a story that can only be told in comics because it is conceptually grounded in the medium" argument. WATCHMEN does use the techniques of comics brilliantly to imply and flesh out an entire world around its central story, and the internal consistency and echoes within that imagined world enrich that central story. It sounds like Snyder recognizes this, and is trying, with the DVD extras, to suggest the shape of his universe by placing it in an imagined landscape of cinematic arts.

It's a nice idea. But does it really add up? Look at how it's been tried before; Does the fictional universe of PULP FICTION gain more resonance because we know that its characters watch films like DEATH PROOF and KILL BILL?
12:49 / 22.11.07
sorry, was being a bit facetious and silly there. having a bad day (builders)
15:57 / 23.11.07
In the case of Watchmen, so much of the work's power comes from the creation of a fully realized world, so yeah, I do think the ancillary cultural background material makes a difference in the overall appreciation of the story. However, it probably works a lot better in the serialized comic book form than as a bonus feature on a DVD. This is another case where the work would be better served by a TV miniseries, where you could put some of those bonus features after each episode.

And, if you doubt Alan Moore's interest in the minutiae of world building, sometimes valuing it over the central narrative, take a look at the new League of Extraordinary Gentlemen book, which is almost exclusively background material.
10:26 / 27.11.07
>First set pictures. And Rorschach.

This looks frigging' great. Note the posters in the background of some of the shots - Black Freighter comic, Pale Horse, Veidt Sport.
Eloi Tsabaoth
10:32 / 27.11.07
It looks like Mystery Men. But there's no way that it could ever compare to that...
Jack Fear
11:47 / 27.11.07
Nicely ambiguous wording, Greyface.

Those pictures are making me hungry. I wish there was a Gunga Diner in my neighborhood.
yawn - thing's buddy
13:56 / 27.11.07
looks absolutely incredible.

really really excited bout this.

no electric cars tho? city looks dirty, like REAL New York.

have they chopped that aspect?
13:58 / 27.11.07
Yeah, I think the electric cars are gone.
14:02 / 27.11.07
Front door to the Rumrunner, the bar next to Moloch's place:

14:05 / 27.11.07
Why do I not see Rorschach there?
14:08 / 27.11.07
Did our posts just get out of order?
Anyway, I see him now, walking briskly.

The details in those scenes are really nice.

I'm wondering now why my beloved Gill Sans seems to have become the typeface of fascism.
yawn - thing's buddy
14:44 / 27.11.07
like the 'who watches...' graffiti.

way its done, www comes to the fore.

did alan moore invent the web too?

he so cleva!

god I'm so nostalgic for watchmen just now.
H3ct0r L1m4
15:05 / 27.11.07
i'm so glad the movie's not being entirely shot with green screens.

cool pics
Keith, like a scientist
12:31 / 20.02.08

Bigger version
11:56 / 21.02.08
Christ, someone tell me I didn't start this thread more than six years ago.
15:09 / 21.02.08
It wasn't you, Sax. It was the other.
20:29 / 21.02.08
the whole legal thing that Fox brought up still has to be settled, right? I'm sure WB will throw some money at them and make it all go away, esp. since they've already shot the film itself.
15:45 / 22.02.08
that is quite a cool pic, though. Remains to be seen how they'll handle the moving shapes on Rorschach's face as he moves, speaks & such..... maybe some low-key CGI?
16:59 / 22.02.08
I've heard that Rorschach's mask will indeed be CGI. Interesting to see that the black shapes are present in that shot, I'd heard from someone on the production that his on-set mask was your typical motion-capture ping-pong ball thing, and that all the moving blots would be added in digitally.
02:06 / 23.02.08
Anyone see/hear Alan Moore on The Simpsons the other week?

"Can you sign my Lil' Watchmen?"

HA! Oh man, I'm so glad he's got a sense of humor.
07:56 / 06.03.08
First pictures of the cast in costume.

Well. Comedian looks great but for the hair, which looks distressingly obvious as a wig, I like Nite Owl, Rorschach looks as perfect as you could get, Silk Spectre is pretty decent. The only one I'm not sold on is Ozymandias, partly because it's the most sculpted chunky rubber of them all and also because the actor looks about 21.

There's a part of me that is aware that they all look ridiculous. But then I've always thought any superhero movie costume looked ridiculous until seeing them in context. I'm cautiously optimistic...
Whisky Priestess
08:50 / 06.03.08
Where's Nite Owl's cloak? And didn't Silk Spectre have a skirt (however token) as part of her costume back when she was just a drawing on a page?

My slight concerns are
a) Rorschach will be too handsome when the mask comes off
b) all the cast will be a bit too young to pull off the world-weary, slightly defeated mid-thirties exhaustion that seeps off the page of the comic. Dan Dreiberg and Laurie will be especially hard to pull off in this respect.

But obviously my fists are still in my mouth with squee.
08:53 / 06.03.08
Ozymandias looks like the revenge of Joel Schumacher. I thought we'd seen the last of sculpted rubber nipples in superhero films... apparently not.

Although it does fit Ozy a little better than Batman to have them. I can't wait to see what is likely to go down in history as the pinnacle of rubber arse design.
Jack Fear
12:19 / 06.03.08
Rorschach will be too handsome when the mask comes off

Dude, have you seen Jackie Earle Haley?

Not a chance.
Jack Fear
12:22 / 06.03.08
Also: I find the sculpted muscles, nipples, and Eye-of-Horus codpiece for Ozymandias both hilarious and perfectly in character.

Also also: the big, obvious zipper on Nite Owl's costume. GOLD.
Keith, like a scientist
12:27 / 06.03.08
They all look fine to me except for two things:
1. Nite Owl - Where's the fat? Couldn't they have left the character with even "strong guy with beer belly" aura, even if they didn't want to make him too rundown?
2. Ozy should have had a bit more cloth and less "armor" but not a huge deal.
13:16 / 06.03.08
Nite Owl - where's the fat?

Patrick Wilson allegedly did gain some weight for the role, but that would only be visible under a thin spandex costume, which this is not. This thing would act as a body corset. I'm assuming we'll see a schlubby, shirtless Dreiberg at some point.

Also his cape is visible, hanging down the back. There's something about the cowl's shape around the shoulders that suggests to me that the cape can be pulled around to the front or retracted.

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