BARBELITH underground

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04:19 / 07.12.07
due to my impatience and greed, i'm on the triple-time server. unfortunately, i've neglected the crannie thing, and have now just dealt with my first day of raids. my resources are fucked. i'm at -74/188 (ponytron village), if anyone wants to let me in their alliance so i can get some protection so i can fortify my dirt wall.
Benny the Ball
05:39 / 07.12.07
with troops, the best idea is to not start building them until you have a second village - a big alliance should warn off other attackers and stop people from using you as a farm. The best thing to do is to focus the first village on resources and build that up - building up a residence to level 10 and getting all your fields to 8 at least, then get a second village that will help feed the first one and then build an army.

Quantum, I've sent you a message in the game re the alliance.
17:12 / 07.12.07
The alliance is growing strong my brethren, invite anyone you like.
I think the speed server is dangerous, that would take up too much time.
13:57 / 08.12.07
The alliance profile needs a description of Barbelith-

Barbelith is a website...

Join the Brighton/Barbelith Collective if you like rock. Or post on Barbelith. Or play Cities.
14:40 / 08.12.07
I've got a speed game running as a kind of experimental ground to figure out tactics etc for the s4 game.

I'm getting regualar raids from someone who has the following message in her profile:

If you dont like being raided by me, just send a polite message and I will stop

I really like the idea of that rule of engagement.
madfigs #32, now with wasabi
17:38 / 08.12.07
It seems like there are a range of attitudes to aggression in the game. Some people seem to make an effort to only farm inactives, while others are specifically griefing players into quitting. My style is definitely going to be more defense-oriented, so the Gauls were a good choice.

I thought the alliance description was hilarious, I didn't realize "Barbelith is a website" was just a placeholder. You could say "the internet's premier Grant Morrison fan site," but while it would be funny it would probably do more harm than good.
All Acting Regiment
09:12 / 09.12.07
This is shit hot, innit? I'm upgrading my cranny, lol.
14:54 / 09.12.07
I just started! Look out for the village of Triplets III.
15:05 / 09.12.07
I have a field.

And some wheat.
All Acting Regiment
12:49 / 11.12.07
Good, good. You lot get your embassies up nice and quick and join the gang.
13:51 / 11.12.07
I'm on Server 4 at -28 -57. Not really sure what I'm doing, but I have an embassy and a marketplace.
All Acting Regiment
14:10 / 11.12.07
That means you can be invited. I think Qunatum's the only one that can do that though.
foot long subbacultcha
14:26 / 11.12.07
How exactly do we work together? What's the master plan? How does an alliance gather points?

Reading around it looks like the ultimate aim is to gather some artefacts required to build a wonder and upgrade that between two players. I'm not sure how culture points and the general score work but I assume as we all grow our villages we can trade with each other and contribute to the wonder and general protection of each other and beating up of enemies. I guess that's where being close to each other helps.

It looks to me like the local aims for each of us is to build up our resources, then build armies and then try and compete with immediate neighbours for the oasis tiles, then build another village or two each.

I'm on a pop of 55 and have a level 6 cranny, a level one wall and a level three main building. I'm aiming to not bother doing anything apart from improve resources until I have a pop of 100 and then aim to build a marketplace and a couple hundred basic troops, then go for an oasis, then a second village, then compete to dominate my local area.

Is this how it works? Maybe we need to find out who our nearest alliance member is and pair up?
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
15:30 / 11.12.07
Hey! Sorry it took me so long to respond to the invite, I've been waiting for my friend to tell me what server she's on and finally gave up.

I have now founded the Gaul village of RojoGrande on uk4.
All Acting Regiment
17:45 / 11.12.07
What exactly is an oasis tile? Can anyone give me the co-ords of one? Is it just an empty tile, or one of those ones with wolves in it, or what?
All Acting Regiment
17:45 / 11.12.07
BTW, my current plan is to build up my village large and well defended, and then build another one next to it, before I start any fighting business.
Benny the Ball
05:41 / 12.12.07
Oasis can be conquered by heroes and boost resources - they take a few goes to get conquered though, as the animals and creatures there put up a fight.

Now, the alliance - I've been attacked twice by the guy here -13, -53 - erichf1992, so, any chance the alliance can attack back? I've contacted him but no answer, and I have no army.

We need to sort out roles for people in the alliance - we need a chief of arms, some one who tries to talk before attacking anyone, some one to perhaps sort out what people should be building resource wise and where we need to be strengthening/sending resources to? Quantum, any chance you can get the forum up and running for the alliance?
08:45 / 12.12.07
Will do. There's an Alliance Chat function in your embassies, everyone have a look, I will be mailing people with info soon.

So you're all aware, I have 10 Phalanxes (Gaulish defenders) for hire, if you need reinforcements send me some resources and I will send you defenders.

The short term plan is to build up our resources and make troops (get a city wall to go with your cranny), raid inactive players and defend any of us who get attacked, build up a big alliance and make allies with other alliances, then try and take down the Lords of SW alliance who need kicking.
11:31 / 12.12.07
So what's our motivation here?

The common good?
'They killed my father/brother/wife/whole family!'?
Sheer, frightening logical necessity?

How do we play this?
All Acting Regiment
12:58 / 12.12.07
How can you tell who is an inactive player? Does it say anywhere?
12:58 / 12.12.07
Think of us as a benign memetic virus. Spread and prosper, until we rule the Travian world, and have fun in the meantime.
All Acting Regiment
12:59 / 12.12.07
And Tramp, I take it you know you came under attack recently?
12:59 / 12.12.07
How can you tell who is an inactive player? There's a coloured dot next to their name in the Alliance, that goes blue/green/yellow/red/grey I think, showing how active you are.
13:02 / 12.12.07
Hahaha, I've been watching Heroes and Trampetunia got attacked by Peter Petrelli, haha!
Does anyone else have troops to reinforce?
And Princess, you aren't active! If you want someone to sit your account just let me know.
13:17 / 12.12.07
Yeah. I keep getting attacked, but all my goods are well covered by my crannies. I'm hoping this will prove amusingly frustrating for the attacker.

Though I suppose I should ask - unless your goods aren't crannied away, or unless you have troops that might get killed, is there any detrimental effect to being attacked? I'm sure there must be, but I've not spotted it yet...
13:18 / 12.12.07
Think of us as a benign memetic virus.

Can we count this under the 'Sheer, frightening logical necessity' tab?

All Acting Regiment
13:23 / 12.12.07
Hmm, but how do I know if someone on the map near me is inactive?

I have, by the way, been sending out some nice informal messages to local weaklings, to see if they would like to come under our protective quilt. I haven't had any replies back yet. If none comes in the next day or so they're getting raided.
All Acting Regiment
13:27 / 12.12.07
Though I suppose I should ask - unless your goods aren't crannied away, or unless you have troops that might get killed, is there any detrimental effect to being attacked? I'm sure there must be, but I've not spotted it yet...

I think you can only cranny so many resources - I think, ultimately, when both are fully levelled up, the cranny won't protect everything that you have in your granary or your warehouse project

Er, hang on. The cranny won't protect everything that you have in your granary or warehouse - so you still stand to lose. Also, when they attack with rams and catapults, they can smash your buildings as well. The official forums are full of bitching about them.
14:00 / 12.12.07
I has Multiplus Crannies!

More cranny than your filthy hands could ever touch upon!


Which is to say, at my current resource level, I can happily hide all my stock in my crannies for the forseeable future...

The catapult thing is a slight worry, though. Maybe forces of MIGHT would be helpful in such an occurence?
15:15 / 12.12.07 there any detrimental effect to being attacked?

No! Huzzah!

Don't worry about catapults yet, they're a long way in the future. Cranny up children!
15:31 / 12.12.07
Cranny up children!

That sounds awfully immoral.
16:23 / 12.12.07
I've seen on the forum that there's a hell of a lot of moaning about Farming and Raiding, but then again, the only real solutions are either overwhelming passive defence, or going on the offensive, which is a 50/50 gamble as to whether the person you go for has an easygoing attitude or calls in all their alliancemates to have a pop at you and reduce you back to... Bronze Age? Stone Age? Anyway.

I'm annoyed with myself. "Whoop!", I thought. "I have enough resources, strangely, to build a Hero's Mansion! I will do this right away!" Without realising that building a barracks first would be a good idea. Still, that's done now...

I like the idea of a Master at Arms, but I'm not the person to do it. What would also be useful is a Quartermaster or two - everyone chips in resources to get one person's resource production of a particular, well, resource, up to the highest reachable number, then that person gets a high-level marketplace and sends out shipments on a regular basis - but that might be too difficult to administrate.

There's always the Golden Child strategy, but that suffers the same sort of problems.

Poke it with a stick
05:11 / 13.12.07
I just started out last night, but am at -7, -90 and have a bit of room to myself, it seems. And I've got an embassy, if you want another grunt for the Barbeloid legions.
Benny the Ball
06:05 / 13.12.07
A village becomes pretty self sustaining at around resources 8+, by this I mean that the resources can fill up and you can work on other areas (armies, residences etc) fairly quickly and then look at getting a second village and so on. At the moment I'm around the 3 mark for most things, and have no army. I've been attack three times by two different people, the first person responded to my message asking them to stop, the second responded by attacking again. If anyone has an army or a force that they would like to send to attack him sending the message that we defend as a unit, that would be great.
07:14 / 13.12.07
Celery, what's your player name?
Benny, send me the attacker's name and I'll warn them off, in the meantime I'll lend you my 10 phalanxes to surprise them if they attack again.

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