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Battlestar Galactica: Razor + Season 4 (SPOILERS)


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Ron Stoppable
09:37 / 09.06.08
Seconded! Just knowing that BIG THINGS might have been revealed and I have the internet right in front of me, mocking me, ready to spew out Truth And Answers is killing me.

Killing me.

Must be strong.
Evil Scientist
10:21 / 09.06.08
So say we all.
12:48 / 09.06.08
Could I ask that, if the fifth has been revealed, no-one mention who it is on here until we lag-about Brits have seen it too?

Just don't read the thread until you've seen the episode. Works for me.
14:13 / 09.06.08
Three's reveal of the fifth Cylon was awesome. The music the reaction, everything.

Kept it deliberately vague for all you guys.

Hope if Didn't spoil or give license to spoil!
Evil Scientist
07:23 / 10.06.08
No worries, I was just a little nervous. If it happens in the Hub attack episode then it's on tonight.
06:31 / 11.06.08
SPOILERZZZ (just in case someone hasn't seen the bit we're talking about yet)

That scene was, indeed, made of Win. Almost like the writers were deliberately taking the piss out of themselves.

What actually set it up brilliantly was the fact that it fit slap-bang into the box marked 'dramatic irony' - Roslin is dying, but has wiped out the Cylons to stop them resurrecting, only to find she is one, and has therefore (a) committed horrific genocide against her own people and (b) may have destroyed her shot at resurrection. And then Deanna laughs...

Roslin saving Baltar was done well, though I too think the portrayal of Roslin as some uber-Buster who hates everyone in the world was a bit strong. But Laura saving Gaius, and the point made that the humans have to show compassion if they're to be worth saving, was a really powerful moment, and, for me, was the first time this series that the show got out of its continuity obsession and vaulted back into being a powerful metaphor for our times, which has always been part of its appeal for me.

Gaius trying to rabble-rouse the Centurion was great. And Cavill, what a dick! 'She's going to destroy the hub...why, that would be an act of mass murder', oh rlly? And what exactly was it you pulled a couple of episodes ago, then? A picnic that got out of hand?

Really looking forward to the end now, but in a good way.
Evil Scientist
13:10 / 11.06.08
I'm not looking! I'm not looking!

(And doing surprisingly well, all I saw was the word "Cavill" so no worries there)

I thought the Hub attack was a little disapointing to be honest. A bit of witty banter between the Humans and the Rebels as they were forced to cover each other asses would have been nice (alright it have been a bit of a cliche too but I like that kind of thing.

This being the source of Cylon immortality I would have thought it would have been a bit better defended too. Alright the raider/viper force got close and managed to cripple the jump engines but the rest of the battle seemed a little one sided.

Baltar's chat with the Centurion was fun, especially the little story about the dog.

I...I think I've guessed who the final Cylon is, and now I think about it it's pretty obvious (which, no doubt means I'm wrong).
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:52 / 11.06.08
Well, it was difficult to find, even for a Basestar... Since the civil war somehow managed to spread amongst the whole fleet (presumably the ship of Sixs, Eights and Two wasn't the only ship that went this way in the fleet and all the other Sixs, Eights and Twos are either actively rebelling or being destroyed by the other Cylons just to be safe) who could be trusted to guard the Resurrection Hub? Too many ships nearby and that would presumably be the place where the next big battle happened.

And we've had some similar battles, the first episode, where they destroy the Basestar at the end of s1, destroying the Resurrection Ship in s2, the rescue from New Caprica in s3... There's not really much new to bring to the table on this occasion so I think staying with the internal drama is probably better.
16:58 / 11.06.08
So who do you think it is, Evil? We could all take a guess here and then see who´s right? My guess is still crooning Gaeta. I suspected him even before he started singing.

What´s everyone else´s guess? The smoking doctor? Helo (no way)? One of the pilots? Tom Zarek?
Eek! A Freek!
17:13 / 11.06.08
I still vote it's Baltar with Starbuck being a Hybrid.
Red Concrete
17:29 / 11.06.08
I'm not sure they can make it any of the current main characters without that being a little... obvious? Not sure I have the right word there. But I don't know what else they can do. The way it's set up, the fifth will have some sort of special importance alright, so it probably can't be a minor character (i.e., in a non-key postion in Galactica's power heirarchy). Is there room for a complete unknown character to move in? Probably not, without the revelation of a new "faction" of some sort.
Lama glama
23:50 / 11.06.08
My guess is still crooning Gaeta. I suspected him even before he started singing.

I'm leaning towards Gaeta as final Cylon too. We still don't really know what big secret he and Baltar shared during the occupation on New Caprica and it may have something to do with Cylon-hood. He may have been aware of his status far in advance of the other members of the final five and could have even delivered the "There are 12 cylon models," note to Adama. Of course, his heavily anti-Cylon leanings throughout the previous seasons somewhat hinders this theory, although it could have been a decoy to cover his own tracks.

Also, the song which he sung a few episodes ago has been used as incidental music under several Cylon scenes during last week's episode, so that's possibly another hint towards his possible status of a Cylon.
Evil Scientist
10:36 / 12.06.08
Also, the song which he sung a few episodes ago has been used as incidental music under several Cylon scenes during last week's episode, so that's possibly another hint towards his possible status of a Cylon.

Ooh I didn't notice that!

I thought it was Helio actually, due to all the other fathers of hybrid Cylons being Cylon themselves (and, out of the three, two would therefore be Cylon/Cylon pairings).
Also he's such a Cylon sympathiser it's a wonder he doesn't strap a red light to his face.

It'll probably be Gaeta though.
Dead Megatron
11:24 / 12.06.08
He may have been aware of his status far in advance of the other members of the final five and could have even delivered the "There are 12 cylon models," note to Adama

Yeah, that note has been bugging me for years. I first suspected Gaeta because throughout the series they seem to have been very careful to not showing any background for him, the only quasi-main character with almost to none.

Anyway, Ain't It Cool has a very interesting, almost spoiler-free, heads-up on the upcoming mid-season finale (and possibly actual season finale, since they seem to be pushing the last half to 2009), aptly named..., well, read it if you want. Here's the link

09:37 / 14.06.08
So, anyone else seen it yet?
09:38 / 14.06.08
Because words cannot express just how much Saul Tigh rules right now.
12:24 / 14.06.08
Yes, that Tigh is one bad cylonfracker.

Wow! I just finished watching it. When I started watching I thought, they better reveal the fifth cylon before the break, or I´ll feel cheated. They didn´t and I don´t feel cheated at all. Because now it doesn´t really seem that important anymore. This episode really had it all.

And on top of it all, everyone held up so well under pressure this time. No crazyness, people stayed quite calm most of the time, and when there was a breakdown, they recovered quite well.

That will be a long wait until the next episode. At least six months, maybe even a year. So maybe the next episode will also take place months or years after this last one?
13:00 / 14.06.08
"Earth...": that final scene was absolutely beautiful - and heartbreaking. The revelations were also handled really really well - and Lee finally found something to do rather than just wander aimlessly (as he has been for the past ten episodes)
Phex: Dorset Doom
15:41 / 14.06.08
[+] [-] Dradis contact! Multiple Spoilers!
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
15:45 / 14.06.08
ARR! There be spoilers here.

Tigh was completely wicked this episode, and made it for me. Starbuck, on the other hand, spends most of it running across Galactica. [CUT TO: Starbuck running. Wait, hasn't she already gone through the repair bay twice now?]

Adama shows us where Apollo inherited his emo from. "Everything I know is...a lie!"


D'anna has randomly become my favourite Cylon, now that Six has receded and they don't seem to do anything with any of her.

The last nine or so minutes were a little meh. I would have liked to have cut right before they got there, when they jumped -- as it stands, it felt like anticlimax. Apparently they showed up on the day that everyone had gone out for coffee (and did anyone else think they'd pull a Planet of the Apes and have the Statue of Liberty in the background?).
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:51 / 14.06.08
Yes, I was expecting that, any New Yorkers in this thread that can pull an "ZOMG! That was filmed at!!!!"? Was it Ellis Island or wherever it is all the immigrants used to end up?
17:03 / 14.06.08
My guess is, they landed at that temple which Apollo was looking at in the book earlier in the episode. Starbuck stood next to him, and they said something of visiting when they got to earth.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
17:05 / 14.06.08
Actually, I'm pretty sure it was a beach on the mainland over here. I think someone said "English Bay," but I could be wrong.
Dead Megatron
17:22 / 14.06.08

Actually brougth tears to my eyes, even though I knew a big letdown was coming (or make because of it).

The final five have their own viper-looking pet raider!!!

Cel. Tigh is the man! The way he kicked off events with his confession and willingness for self-sacrifice just made him the best sentient being in the cylon/human fleet. And to think he started the series as the annoying, drunk, abusive, ssemingly mysoginistic, unrealible right-hand man, there's a wide range for an actor to keep himself busy.

D'anna said only four were in the fleet. Was she buying time for the final final cylon, or will the answer for "who is the final cylon" be "none of the above"?

The last (half-)season will be all about the final final cylon and who is god and is he fraking with us like that. Maybe there will be lots of archeologic diggings?
Dead Megatron
18:13 / 14.06.08
It just hit me that, after the humans in his favorite planet - us - wiped themselves out in a nuclear holocaust*, God may have caused the Cylons to destroy to the 12 Colonies to force them all to join forces and come to Earth and repopulate the place.

Sure, there should be many easier, less genocidal ways to do the same, but, hey, it's God! He's gotta go big!

[* So, the series could take place in the very near future]
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
18:27 / 14.06.08
I had wondered, briefly, if (as this seems to be all Biblical God and all) this was Earth shortly after the flood, which would allow the fleet to repopulate Earth.

I still think that they should maybe check out multiple locations on the planet before they assume apocalypse. I mean, we've probably just gone to the washroom or something. As a species.
Dead Megatron
18:42 / 14.06.08
I had wondered, briefly, if (as this seems to be all Biblical God and all) this was Earth shortly after the flood, which would allow the fleet to repopulate Earth.

Hey, for a moment I thought it was 80 million years ago and that the final cylon would be R. Lon Hubbard
19:44 / 14.06.08
I presume Earth is as destroyed and unpopulated as the colonies. The cylon god probably knew this and got a big déjà vu, when the cylons also started nuking planets. Maybe that´s when ze decided to become proactive and started giving Gaius visions.

Maybe the final five were failsafes, to be activated if the cylons started to fuck up just like the humans did with earth. And the fifth cylon has to manage the non-vision stuff like building Starbuck´s shiny new viper and putting on the Hendrix tape.

So they have to finish the series off with the vision/religious angle. And they´ll have to use the cylon/human children, because they have been such a recurring and important plot point so far.

As both humans and cylons have been proven to be too deadly to themselves and each other for the cylon god to let them survive, their last chance would be to repopulate earth or another planet with that new cylon/human species. They might incorporate the more peaceful traits of both groups and with the nuclear past of their ancestors in mind choose to live more peacefully.

That seems to me to be the course that would make some sense. Because why would there be a point to letting humans or cylons survive, when they both just can´t help but kill humans and cylons alike?
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
21:13 / 14.06.08
Because "God is Love," as Head Six said once. I miss Head Six. She was dubiously sexualized but way more fun than most of the other characters combined.

I wonder if we're heading for a "Mostly Harmless" redux, where all the fleet's hairdressers and receptionists have to restart civilization from scratch...
Dead Megatron
21:19 / 14.06.08
I miss Head Six.

Yeah, the people in Baltar head has been quiet since they lift him from the ground to be beaten up into messiah-dom. I wonder why.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
21:38 / 14.06.08
Not just Baltar's; everyone's delusions were so much fun -- but now we're stuck with boring old reality. Boring old spaceship reality.

Lee looks hawt in the suit though, have to say.
Dead Megatron
21:54 / 14.06.08
Lee kinda had a Tom Cruise moment on the bridge when they arrived on Earth (which further prompted me to think about scientology)

And I think Mist was right upthread. If you pause on the moment Lee looks the picture of the temple in the book, you´ll notice the central building hgas a metal dome... which is the same structure they are standing in the middle of which in the final shot.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
21:55 / 14.06.08
Lee kinda had a Tom Cruise moment on the bridge when they arrived on Earth (which further prompted me to think about scientology)

Oh, you mean the spontaneous ripping off of his jacket and whooping on top of the controls? Yeah, I dunno. Adamas are, like, pathologically ridiculous.
Dead Megatron
22:20 / 14.06.08
I see your point. And, ridiculous as he may be, he actually managed to break the vicious cicle of violence and distrust, if only for a little while. For someone who's been president for two days, he is doing a pretty nifty job at it.

And he does look handsome in a suit, I'll give him that. (as well as in the pilot uniform and the commander uniform, which pretty much makes up for all his wardrobe throughout the series)
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
22:43 / 14.06.08
Which is refreshing, really, after many episodes where Lee's written as if he's fourteen and NOBODY UNDERSTANDS HIM!!!1!!!1.

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