From reddit this morning:
Scientology on trial in France (or in the original French):
L 'Eglise de scientologie est renvoyée devant le tribunal correctionnel de Paris pour "escroquerie en bande organisée" .
The Church of Scientology is referred to the Correctional Court of Paris for "fraud in an organized gang."
Le juge Jean-Christophe Hullin a signé, lundi 8 septembre, une ordonnance renvoyant devant la justice l'Association spirituelle de l'Eglise de scientologie (ASES - Celebrity Centre), principale structure de l'association en France, et sa librairie, la SARL SEL, pour "escroquerie en bande organisée" .
The judge Jean-Christophe Hullin signed Monday, September 8, an order referring to justice spiritual Association of the Church of Scientology (ASES - Celebrity Centre), the main structure of the association in France, and his bookstore, SARL SALT, for "fraud in an organized gang."
La condamnation de l'Eglise de scientologie pour ce chef pourrait aboutir à la dissolution des deux structures mises en cause, selon une source proche du dossier.
The condemnation of the Church of Scientology for this head could lead to the dissolution of the two structures put in question, according to a source close to the case.
Scientology has issued copyright violation notices (in other words, taken down) some 4,000 anti-Scientology videos from YouTube. The EFF is taking an interest:
Clips included footage of Australian and German news reports about Scientology, A Message to Anonymous/Scientology , and footage from a Clearwater City Commission meeting. Many accounts were suspended by YouTube in response to multiple allegations of copyright infringement.
YouTube users responded with DMCA counter-notices. At this time, many of the suspended channels have been reinstated and many of the videos are back up. ...The Church of Scientology DMCA complaints shut down the YouTube channel of critic Mark Bunker in June, 2008. Bunker’s account, XenuTV, was also among the channels shut down in this latest flurry of takedown notices.