Saturday was AWESOME. Weather was lovely. Numbers seem to have stabilised somewhere between 20 and 300- apparently there was some shit with disgruntled *channers pulling a swastiget at QVS, but nothing too major, and I don't think they're very popular with everyone else.
Got some good pictures, which as soon as I can figure out how I'll post. Met Tory and WBM, which was ultra-cool. The TCR $cilons seem to have given up even trying to proselytise outside when we're there, which is less lulzy, but actually something of a result- if we can get the org effectively closed for one business day out of twenty-eight, that's what, about 4% of the time? Which HAS to put them severely downstat. Except it's not closed, so they still have their overheads- including, AFAIK, hiring non-$cilon security guards (who presumably get paid more than their own staff). It's just eating money at that point.
In hindsight the spy theme might have been a bit of a misstep, though it was lots of fun. Having lots of people walking around looking suspicious made it far harder to spot which ones actually WERE spying on us, and which ones were actually us pretending to spy on us, if you see what I mean.
Next month's is on my week off, so I'll be able to do the whole thing again (last two months have involved nightshifts and sleep deprivation).
AND THERE WAS A GUY THERE WHO'D MOCKED-UP A BATTLETOADS VIDEO GAME BOX. Apparently there was a just-for-lulz Battletoads raid on Game in Oxford Street planned; not sure if it happened. |