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Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann


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Mysterious Transfer Student
03:56 / 17.05.07
Starting to really love this show now, unjustifiable as it is most weeks. (Thinking of the shot from this week's episode with General Gorilla zooming in on the puny humans with his TV wall, one of the screens showing a close-up of a Kuro sister's breasts, naturally.)

New rebel Ganmen so cuuuute! And do we have the first hint of drama and the adumbrations of the man Simon will someday become - i.e. an ego tripper who fancies the leather pants off Yoko, just like big bro'.

I halfway suspected there was way too much swearing in the fansub to be credible, but that doesn't stop it being rather fun; ties in with the rest of the incredibly pre-adolescent vibe this show runs on.

"Yes! Fucking sweet!"
03:07 / 18.05.07
"A retard like you caused something really great to happen."

Yeah, I'm taken up with fanboy lurve too.

It seems all you need to take over the world is to be an idiot and do whatever the hell it is you want to do as long as you never, never back down.

Manly Ignition!
RichT's boring old name
11:03 / 18.05.07
Just jumping in here too to say how enjoyable this series is.

... is Kamina's excessive arrogance, ridiculous pomposity and sheer-pig headedness supposed to be endearing, beacause I'm certainly finding that, especially with that scene at the end where he's alone with Yoko and come out with "not The Gurren Brigade, The GREAT Gurren Brigade". I was laughing and wincing at the same time.
Mysterious Transfer Student
13:54 / 18.05.07
I'd say it's fully endearing and fully intentionally so.

Incidentally, playing the 'Who else are you?' game with the ever-invaluable Anime News Network Encyclopedia yields another wicked result as we find that Kamina's voice actor Katsuyuki Konishi (born Wakayama, 1973, blood type: B) is also known to us as terminal idiot Keigo Asano from Bleach and get this, plays the role of 'Grand Convoy' in Transformers: Energon.

That's right, the guy is the voice of OPTIMUS FRICKIN' PRIME!

He is my new role model.
Mysterious Transfer Student
21:50 / 21.05.07
Episode eight...

Spoiler space required.










... there are no words.

Just the tears of a man.

End spoilers.
00:09 / 22.05.07
Blimey. That's quicker than usual.

Is the avi up yet? I'm still having trouble with mkv files, they're glitch, get stuck and go out of synch on my laptop.
Mysterious Transfer Student
04:30 / 22.05.07
Yes, Nyoro~n seem to be getting this one out of the gate with frightening speed. HQ, SQ (??) and .avi versions have all been made available at once rather than by turn. Supply matching demand and all that.
Essential Dazzler
12:24 / 22.05.07

No Words

Manly Tears

Essential Dazzler
12:28 / 22.05.07
[+] [-] Spoiler
16:40 / 22.05.07
I am not posting about this episode.

It has nothing to do with spoilers.

And a lot to do with denial.
20:27 / 22.05.07
A couple of weeks ago I read what I'd previously believed to be fan speculation about the events that took place in today's episode. As a result the idea of what happens to Kamina had already been floating around in a kind of fug in the back of my mind along with about seven hundred other things.

It's a very bold move for this show. Simon is clearly the focal point and has been since the beginning, but Kamina has been written very deliberately as the guy who the audience loves, a riposte to every anime fan who complains about Gainax heroes being too whiny and insecure. He's the scene stealer. He's the man every bloke wants to be. And now he's gone and you have to wonder what the writers are going for. Is this more deliberate Gainax perversity? Are they aiming to piss off as many people as possible?

I really love these threads in which we're all watching a series together, week in, week out, it's just that Gurren-Lagann is particularly hard to write about because at this stage it really could go anywhere, do anything. It seems to be throwing so many curveballs already and we're still only about a third of the way through.
Essential Dazzler
20:49 / 22.05.07
I like the idea that Gainax created Kamina in direct response to the complaints about shinji.

A character so Secure and Confident he accidentally inspires an entire army to follow him .

Then, after inadvertantly breaking Shinji's (The Audience's, Simon's (With Yoko, is Shinji/Simon the bitter lonely anime fan?)) heart he dies, and leaves Shinji/Simon/The Audience to grow up and fill his fucking shoes, but not be a ridiculous charicature of a person so naive as to belive he is infallible.
Essential Dazzler
20:50 / 22.05.07
Ugh, after I redrafted that post 5 times I decided to give up and stream of conciousness it.

It was smarter in my head.
Essential Dazzler
20:55 / 22.05.07
Also, new character next week, suspected alternate love interest for Simon, potentially not human, voiced by Goony-Bird.
21:09 / 22.05.07
...and leaves Shinji/Simon/The Audience to grow up and fill his fucking shoes, but not be a ridiculous charicature of a person so naive as to belive he is infallible.

I thought this for a while too... but remember the first scene of the first episode? Paraphrasing badly, I think the challenge thrown out was "I'll destroy the lot of you if I have to destroy the entire of space-time!" Doesn't sound necessarily like someone who is more of a sobre realist than Kamina. Apart from a grown up Simon I have no idea who that character could have been.
Mysterious Transfer Student
21:14 / 22.05.07
I'm 99% certain it is indeed Simon, and 90% certain the thin guy he's talking to is a grown-up Rossiu.

Being both an idiot fanboy and a spoiler magnet, searching for TTGL wallpapers this weekend brought me up close to some pretty well founded speculation that this was about to happen. As aniki Tank has mentioned it's a hell of a change of direction. With what we've all been obliged to think of as the show's best feature gone, and several new characters in the wings, at this stage it's anyone's guess.

What I want to talk about is the one scene this week that gave me momentary chills, when Kamina's gung-ho encouragement of Simon on the deck of the Daiganzan gets stripped of its soft comic edge for just a second and it's just a grown man punching a kid in the face. It hit me just then that we'd been here before, in Eureka Seven. Two revolutionary heroes, leaders of men, skilled mecha pilots, charismatic, brave and foolhardy - except Kamina is the fantasy of such a person, Holland the reality - a selfish, immature bully and egotistical jerk.

If he hadn't died then the show could very easily have gone down that road, of bringing Kamina face to face with his shortcomings until he was forced to become the man he only thought he was. But now we have Simon, who's not Renton, and Yoko who isn't Eureka and TTGL is, I hope, going to take a turn that I can't idly map onto other favourite shows of mine. The simplistic route would have Simon following in his big brother's footsteps and finishing what he began, which the series prologue certainly intimates. Of course there's plenty of room for surprises along that road.

Meanwhile, it's only fitting that all the single males on this thread should pay tribute to their fallen hero by walking into a bar this weekend, finding the nearest redhead who looks like she knows her way around a sniper rifle, and crying lustily: "What an amazingly nice body! You surface girls are in a whole different league!"
Mysterious Transfer Student
21:33 / 22.05.07
I'm [] 90% certain the thin guy he's talking to is a grown-up Rossiu.

Erp, just rewatched the scene. That character seems to be some kind of human-animal hybrid dude - yup, a fucking furry. Mia culpa. Better chalk this one up to Fucknose.
Essential Dazzler
16:21 / 28.05.07
Gurren-Lagann convention panel report

Looks like we'll eventually be seeing an un-cut, un-recapy version of Episode 6 at some point.

Number 9 was interesting, but it didn't have nearly the emotional punch I was expecting. Simon, however, was really fucking creepy.
22:26 / 28.05.07
I really liked how they handled Simon, really fucking angry and lashing out at anyone within reach. The kid's got balls even if he is fucking up big time. If the Lagann hadn't rejected him he'd still be fucking up Ganmen shit all up in your subterrain rockworld, and that makes me think that the Ganmen run on a kind of simple, congruent drive without mixed emotions or self deception. The Lagann needs the pure of heart.

A non-Barbelith Gurren-Laganner's working theory for the beginning of the first episode is that it takes place in some ancient history, a long time prior to the events of the show, and that it's part of the story of how Lagann and the drill key came to be in Simon's possession. Kinda like the whole story of the One Ring. It's a sound working hypothesis and it could be either right now.

Quite surprised they broke Nia's secret so soon! Makes me wonder what this show is holding back.
Essential Dazzler
23:42 / 28.05.07
Quite surprised they broke Nia's secret so soon! Makes me wonder what this show is holding back.

I'd hesitate to call it a secret, but I agree with the sentiment. As futile as it continually proves to be, attempting to second-guess this show is amazingly rewarding.

Kamina's death would normally have waited till at least the half way point, and I assumed Nia's family ties would have taken at least an entire arc to be revealed.

Are we witnessing an experiment in decompression writ large? Character arcs and individual plot threads wrapped up before they have a chance to start, but everything feeling complete and organic.

I guess we'll have to wait another 15 weeks to find out(Is that all? I'm wondering how the series shortening from its year long original format to 26 episodes has affected it's plotting).
Essential Dazzler
23:45 / 28.05.07
Again, this show has proved incredibly difficult for me to comment on rationally. That was all stream of conciousness, it appears to be the only way.

I apologise if its a nuisance, and will be very upset if no one can tell the difference from my normal posts.
Essential Dazzler
06:29 / 29.05.07
I didn't mean decompression, I meant supercompression, obvs.
uncle retrospective
11:10 / 29.05.07
Has anyone found any rapidshare subs of this? Could you PM me with them? Share miner is letting me down with this one.
22:17 / 29.05.07
Gosh darnit! You guys are always one ep ahead of me...

The music for ep. 8 was dramatically different. Violins owned pretty much the first half, and when they brought in the horns for the fight scene, I nearly felt like I was watching a different series. The show took itself seriously for once. It was really strange.

Anyways, I'm off to go download ep. 9.
08:21 / 30.05.07
Wots a rapidshare sub?
uncle retrospective
10:46 / 30.05.07
It's were someone puts up the ep on rapidshare, like those links I sent you.
RichT's boring old name
12:06 / 30.05.07
just seen ep. 9 and I'm still in denial
04:18 / 05.06.07
YO! Ten's up.
Mysterious Transfer Student
20:08 / 07.06.07
For those who have been following the show since episode one...

Mysterious Transfer Student
08:47 / 08.06.07
Tits. I guess I should have listened to Talks to Strangers about hosting your on pictures.
11:57 / 08.06.07
YO! What was the picture?
Mysterious Transfer Student
19:36 / 08.06.07
Following my mod request you ought to be able to see it now. I thought it was a pretty funny summary of the series so far.

In other developments, what are we making of TTGL's takes on those timeless adventure anime staples, Sappy Princess Pureheart, Shadowy Evil Patriarch and Shrewish Villainess Who Bitches Out Her Male Underling?

The above is a little unfair as I quite like Nia. I think some of her naivete might a purposeful exaggeration on her part, I was laughing at Kittan's frustrated attempts to explain the rudiments of conflict to her while the entire crew rubbernecked away.

And that's the first mecha with tits I've seen since Godannar.
21:01 / 08.06.07
YO! It's certainly the first I've seen with a talking vagina, but then I haven't been at this business as long as you.

As to continuing enjoyment of Gurren-Lagann... at the moment I'm a little bit up in the air with it. I don't dislike it, I'm just feeling as though without the out and out craziness of Kamina in the mix we're fairly generic mecha show with some insane design. I know better than to fully trust Gainax that it will continue in this vein, but at this stage I want it to start either getting a little more meat on its bones or to become a lot dafter.
Essential Dazzler
21:27 / 11.06.07
Episode 11 is out.

Hm, I really enjoyed that, definitely felt like the end of act 1, didn't it.

Again I'm surprised by how quickly this show is wrapping individual threads up.
02:15 / 12.06.07
Hmm. The place I download from doesn't have it yet. Can you send me a link?

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