Somewhere in space, a man in a flowing cape vows to crush his amassed enemies ("Enemy fleet impossibly large!", "So, all the heavenly lights are the enemy?") along with Space-Time itself.

In an underground cavern a group of orphans spend their days toiling away to please the village elder.
A young boy, Simon, is content with his lot in life, taking solace in the treasures he's found recently, a tiny glowing drill-bit, and a huge face.
Headstrong, rebellious Kamina, meanwhile is determined to defy the village elder and find a way to break through to the fabled surface world. A mythical place which only he and his father, who died there, have ever witnessed.
Suddenly their workaday lives are thrown into disarray as a gigantic monster crashes through the ceiling, chased by a scantily clad, sniper-rifle toting, woman.
I've been wanting to follow more series as they happen, and this series seemed a good place to start.
It's far from the most original of premises, I admit, and it may not amount to much in the end (although it is Gainax, I have faith it'll be worth the ride). But what I've seen so far has been pulled off with enough flair to make it thoroughly enjoyable. Plus, it's only 25 minutes a week, with the potential to be amazing. If it only turns out to be OK, will you ever be able to justify taking time out of your already packed-with-amazing-anime schedules to watch all 26 episodes in the future? Stay with me people.
4 episodes have been aired in Japan, and the first 3 have been fan-subbed. For simplicity's sake I've been streaming it from Crunchy Roll.
The series director was involved fairly heavily in FLCL I believe.
My favourite element so far is the very, very odd Mecha design.
Also, it has an extraordinary amount of Swearing and Fan-Service for a Saturday morning cartoon, is this normal? |