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Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann


Page: 1234(5)67

Essential Dazzler
19:45 / 09.09.07
It is! I've been downloading it for about 8 hours, now. Only another 27 till it's done!
19:56 / 09.09.07
Where have you found that? I can only find the RAW.
Mysterious Transfer Student
20:03 / 09.09.07

... I can't find it either. Any clues?
Essential Dazzler
22:16 / 09.09.07
I lurk at the Anime Forum over at Something awful, when BSS started the drama, a few members started a collabarative effort to get a sub file out, it was a wonderful thing to behold. They've gotten each sub out before BSS these last two weeks, and to a from my perspective, much higher standard.

Their handle is ADTRW, I think they only do hard-subs in .mkv's, but I've been downloading the RAWs and their work in progress .ass files.
Phex: Dorset Doom
23:13 / 09.09.07 has subbed episodes up to 23, with a RAW of 24 which should be subbed soon.
Essential Dazzler
13:45 / 10.09.07
And lo, there came a time of great loss...

I was totally blindsided by what happened in this episode, this wasn't they way I expected things to go down.

It felt like that moment in every Fianl Fantasy game, when you accidentally stumble across th Omega Weapon and it just tears you apart.

Also, the Anti-Spiral forces where the creepiest anime baddies since Noien.
Essential Dazzler
13:56 / 10.09.07
And Leeron gets a brilliant gratuitous ass-shot.
Mysterious Transfer Student
16:56 / 10.09.07
Can I get a HOLY FUCK!

What a bloodbath. And what a cliffhanger, with the 5-D gods of hyperreality rewriting events to please themselves (I guess we're entering the Meta dimension at infinite speed here). Good call on the big-faced gods of despair being a Noein bite.

Gainax really are playing fast and loose with their back catalogue here, what with godsize Nia/Lilith crucified on the wall of creation, the multiple riffs on Top o Nerae! the first and second, and (from the teaser) Hyper-Galaxy-Gurren-Lagann rising from the deep a la the one true Gunbuster.

I can't decide if this show is aiming to end with a manly triumphant badass climax or a more historically fitting WTF? ending designed to be torn apart and fought over on the internet for many years to come. Or which I'd prefer, even. The unknown... what a beautiful thing.

Three more!
Razor Wind
17:01 / 10.09.07
Ooh fuck,this is not going well for the Gurren-dan. All these rude awakenings and miscalculations... I have the feeling some of the major characters are going to die next episode.

Please,don't let it be Yoko. Please? *worried*

P. S. Was anyone else's copy (ATDRW) interspersed with little skips? Quite distracting,especially in the end theme.
23:48 / 12.09.07
There was a lot of death in the episode but it felt strangely muted to me, as though the show was resting or pausing between breaths. A strange feeling to have in a show entering its final stages. I barely knew the characters who died and didn't feel anything at their passing, besides Jougan and Barinbou who were always good for a laugh.

It's all about Attenborough for me right now. I'll be very upset if he kicks the bucket.
Essential Dazzler
21:14 / 16.09.07
Episode 25 elicited the holy trilogy of reactions in me. A Laugh, a tear, and a "Holy Shit!".

2 more.
Essential Dazzler
21:20 / 16.09.07
Attenborough can't die because Gainiax loves, respects and cares for it's fanbase. They would never hurt us that way.
Mysterious Transfer Student
21:30 / 16.09.07
TTGL #25: A tale of love, sacrifice and really insane sunglasses.

Farewell Kittan, the man with the maddest eyebrows and biggest cojones in the Great Gurren Brigade. I'm sorry I compared you to Jim Corr that time.

Next: Gurren-Lagann versus GOD!
Mysterious Transfer Student
21:45 / 16.09.07
Need I add that within seconds of the credits ending I was on, looking, slightly foolishly, for the fantastic song that played through the climax of this week's show?

Phex: Dorset Doom
21:08 / 17.09.07
Fucking. Yes.

After last weeks downer of an episode we get the same thing happen again- Dai-Gurren brigade have a minus 8000% chance of victory, there is much triumphant screaming, sacrifices are made, victory happens- and yet it's the most awesome spectacle in a series that keeps topping itself in the awesome spectacle department. The death in this episode was far more significant than that of the background/comedy characters in the last episode and, brilliantly, didn't feel like the writer(s) throwing characters into a meat grinder just to show how high the stakes are. Also, there was a surprising lack of fan-service from Yoko- a master class in subtlety when you consider that her costume allows for both front and rear cleavage and a Gainax-adjusted Jiggle index of 10.48 (equivalent to a blancmange in a hurricane).
Razor Wind
23:38 / 17.09.07
Epic sunglasses! Boota's fighting spirit! Kittan Giga Drill Breaker! My normal hyper-analytical style is useless here — this is just one big primal scream.

Quote of the episode:
"The probability of success was 0%. But it seems theoretical calculations are meaningless when it comes to you guys."

Did you see the look Kittan and Yoko shared when they got the news that AS were pushing the ship down? It was affirmation and farewell all at once. Little touches like that make this series.

The graveyard restored some tension. So the Lagann,and all the other Ganmen,were once one of many (dead) others? There goes Super Prototype/Ace Custom.
It was also a nostalgic reminder of the first few episodes where it was just Simon in a little head on legs. Now he's fucking Super Ultra Kamina in a mecha that's inside another mecha that' many mecha is he inside now? I've lost count :-).

Kittan's sacrifice will not be forgotten,for it was truly worthy of my MANLY TEARS.
16:53 / 18.09.07
The stacking Laganns is a brilliant touch, a truly insane piece of Gainax genius. One man, one beast and one mole pig piloting a robot piloting a robot piloting a robot... it's all going into meta overdrive to the extent to which you're incapable of guessing what could possibly happen next.

Some amazing soundtracking moments this episode, Boota gets to kick ass, Kittan's last stand being truly awe-inspiring and Yoko having the second bloke in her life kiss her, then die. Kamina is casting a long shadow.

Where is this all going? Two episodes left to find out, and no real sign of Nia on the horizon...
Mysterious Transfer Student
19:00 / 21.09.07
Waay too good to post in the sunken AMVs thread...

Tonight, we drill through heaven!
Essential Dazzler
20:00 / 21.09.07
That is truly awe-inspiring.

I've just had a horrible realisation, I'm back to Uni tomorrow, where they ban torrents. I'm going to have to skulk around and wait for some kind soul to make a direct download of the final two episodes, what a bugger!
Razor Wind
22:21 / 22.09.07
Psst,this site has links to direct downloads hosted on Megaupload. There's a time limit to stop you from downloading sequentially,but it should suffice to get the last two.
12:12 / 24.09.07
Mysterious Transfer Student
17:51 / 24.09.07
Instead of writing pages and pages about the million and one things this episode made me feel I just want to say:

"I am also... having a sweet dream."

Manly tears never flowed so freely.
18:11 / 24.09.07
I cried my eyes out. It feels wrong to write about it until more people have sad they've seen it though... just in case they glance at the thread and I ruin a couple of the major surprises.
Essential Dazzler
18:42 / 24.09.07
I quite like this show.
Razor Wind
20:36 / 24.09.07
The awesome. It's beyond impossible.

All I can say is that I enjoyed alt-universe Simon and Yoko (it's like the anti-End of Evangelion!),and also the logic behind a giant mech emerging from a finger ring. I mean,where else would it come from? ;-)
Mysterious Transfer Student
15:49 / 29.09.07
Attention BarbAnime clique: This is the weekend in which all our dreams will be fulfilled or denied. All contributors are enjoined to stay the fuck away from 4chan and like sites until FINAL EPISODE has been ripped, subbed, uploaded and/or torrented and can be talked about safely here. (And then just stay away from 4chan as a matter of course, since we don't want a reputation as people who hate life.)

In lighter vein, the TOO HOT FOR TV episode six has been released on DVD and a nice SPOILERY summary with screencaps can be found here. Keywords: ne plus ultra of hot springs episodes, kancho, peeping Tom, mysterious limping, censorship-related humour, skimpy clothing, Kamina acting like a priapic loon for fifteen uninterrupted minutes. Glory days.
16:17 / 29.09.07
I am only just downloading episode three. You guys could have mentioned how good this show was somewhere.

Oh, the glory ahead...
Essential Dazzler
16:36 / 29.09.07
I mentioned it a few times!

I am so ready for this, I've dreamt about it the last 2 nights.

Goodbye Dignity.
18:24 / 29.09.07
I keep reading a thread title in the Conversation as "SHUT UP GANMEN" [PICS].
Razor Wind
19:22 / 30.09.07
Raw is out. Counting the hours until the translation is finished.
Essential Dazzler
11:14 / 01.10.07
Oh, that was good.

It's going to take a few days to settle in my head, and I'm probably going to ave to rewatch the series in its entireity before I can even make an attempt to detach myself enough to make a comment that isn't a big ole heart FUCK YES!

[+] [-] Spoilery Burble

My standards for TV shows have changed considerably over these 25 weeks.
Mysterious Transfer Student
18:00 / 01.10.07
A-fucking-men to that, brother.

I could chinstroke my reaction and say that Gainax have achieved the making of a story that can satisfy everyone on both a philosophical level (the spiral path = feelgood transmutation of the Eternal Return, Simon as Once and Future King, the entirely seductive instinctive-primitivist rebelliousness of Kamina's way and the perfectly rendered central metaphor of the drill - 'moving forward one revolution at a time', both dumbly phallocentrically simple and brilliant) and a heroic galaxy-smashing triumphant emotionally fulfilling level (no parenthetical explanation required for that I trust).

OR.... I could say that my critical faculties went into meltdown forever when Lord Genome said:

[+] [-] (Jack Kirby would be proud, Gainax.)

Heroes and BSG can get out of my fucking face until they come up with something at this level of awesomeness.

So! Now to see off the plebs at Facestabby's TTGL group whingeing about how the epilogue was *cough* 'made of fail'. Mental pygmies.
Razor Wind
20:42 / 01.10.07
Gainax,I can't process this. You deliver galaxy-smashing action and a stupendous finish which kicks reason to the end of the universe,then taint it with two doses of harsh reality when I'd only recently begun to switch off my logic and believe in what you were saying.:/

I can accept the ending — it's a halfway-original addition to the standard "Everyone dies!"/"Everyone lives happily ever after."/"We took mescaline and just started writing..." animé endings.

What I can't truly accept is the postscript we see after the credits. I know that one fan's feelings about what happens to 'their' characters are about as valid as a 13-year-old's first 4chan post. And what the characters might have wanted to make of their lives may have nothing to do with what you thought was right for them.
But did their choices have to be so ordinary?
[+] [-] Spoiler
For all my hatin',it was a good ending and a typical Gainax one too: people are going to be divided over it for years.
Phex: Dorset Doom
21:49 / 01.10.07
Those 'and twenty years later everybody's awesome' endings are never too great (Diebuster was as good as the trope can get) but what was perfect about it was...

[+] [-] Spoiler

Fuck the fanboys and fuck 4chan. Gainax have been telling the same story of triumph over anti-human forces from within and without via Giant Robots since Gunbuster and they keep evolving the idea: Noriko overcomes her lack of confidence to pilot Gunbuster and defeat the Space Monsters, Shinji Ikari does the same to defeat the Angels, same again for Naota in FLCL and now for Simon in Gurren-Lagann. How many other production companies act in this almost autuer-like fashion?
Mysterious Transfer Student
21:46 / 02.10.07
Amidst all the rejoicing and sadness and hoopla and fistfights over what it all meant, we should all bear one simple thing in mind....

[+] [-] 'Nother Spoiler

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