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Chop off my willy


Page: 12(3)456

20:05 / 19.01.07
Several of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Are you going to tell us who exactly? Or settle for vague allusions? I mean I imagine the people in question will want to know that they've done something wrong, perhaps they can even learn from this experience, and God knows my righteous indignation works best with a specific target. You're holding out on us here dude and I don't think that's fair. I'd even got as far as saying you should be ashamed of it.
Dead Megatron
21:19 / 19.01.07
Im pretty sure I should ve ashamed of myself for one or more reasons, and what I say on Barbelith is pretty far down the list, to be honest, but that's all way besides the point.

Does anyone can inform how much does it cost - money-wise only, to simplift the question - to have a paternity test? Not the blood type test, the DNA test. It should be fairly simples in this day and age. And also how long does it take to be ready?
jentacular dreams
21:40 / 19.01.07
Wow, now *that's* sensitivity! Way to go qalyn...

Leaving aside how the cattiness of that remark was enough to bring both myself and Bamba into the thread, I can't imagine that planned parenthood will be providing any options that haven't already been raised (though they will likely be sufficiently familiar with the law to give you legal advice). Granted they might frame their suggestions in a slightly more dispassionate way. However, I'm sure at no point will they suggest that trips stops talking to people such as boboss who he seems to (from the evidence in this thread and others) consider as something of a friend. However, they may well advise that he stop listening to the advice of strangers (like me), no matter how well intentioned they are.

Now, taking into account that I'm just another well intentioned stranger, I'd second XK's list on page 1. Read it again. I think it's the best advice you've had so far. As for the paternity thing: if someone else were in your situation, what would you advise them?

Personally - and this is just me - I'd get it done, if only because knowing I was the father would make me less likely to freak out if it didn't have my eyes/nose/blood group etc. Also this kid deserves a father, and if you aren't (biologically) he but act the role anyway, then at some point the truth will come out and questions will arise. We are entering the genomic age after all.
22:53 / 19.01.07
Just to help out - paternity tests can only be performed, to my knowledge, after parturition, and as such, to be honest, there are quite a few more pressing questions to be answered.

And I think it's possible to be supportive of Triplets, as a person who finds himself facing a very big issue as a result of a mutual lapse of judgement, without denigrating or abusing a pregnant teenager with mental health problems whom we have never met and who is unlikely to have a voice in this forum. Let's all practise together, shall we?
ibis the being
23:11 / 19.01.07
I can't speak for anyone else, but it may be the "eee-vil woman traps nice man into pregnancy" trope that's raising some hackles.
Char Aina
23:15 / 19.01.07
fancy naming any names?
23:25 / 19.01.07
I am not going to support triplets until I hear back from my lawyers.
ibis the being
23:37 / 19.01.07
fancy naming any names?

Well, it's raising my hackles.
23:44 / 19.01.07
I can't speak for anyone else, but it may be the "eee-vil woman traps nice man into pregnancy" trope that's raising some hackles.

That may or may not be the point of Qualyn's post (assuming that's what you're referring to here?) and I'm assuming it probably is his/her annoyance myself, but no one should be left victim to their assumptions and rocking up to a thread to do "Look at me, I'm the voice of reason with my viciously vague and thus all-encompassing judgement" is frankly a nonsense way of expressing any kind of discontent. You don't like/agree with a particular opinion or viewpoint? Then say so. There's a million and one ways of actually having an opinion and making it clear, it's the fact that everyone is being left to guess (purposely I suspect) whether they've transgressed Qualyn's own ethical laws that's raising my own personal hackles. Assuming I even have hackles to raise. Do I? Someone help me out with the biology here. But, um, yeah, either say what you mean and address it to those concerned or don't bother. Blanket and meaningless accusations of required shame aren't really cutting it for me personally.
Char Aina
23:51 / 19.01.07
fair play, ibis.
i guess it was inbetween the lines of what you said when you said I can't speak for anyone else.
thanks for clarifying.

i was also wondering who you thought was using the trope you found objectionable.
care to share on that score too?
ibis the being
23:53 / 19.01.07
I wasn't referring to Qalyn's post - I try not to refer to Qalyn's posts if I can help it (whoops). I was referring to the posts that were being deemed too harsh on Triplets. But I am too tired to make any sense of this thread right now it seems.
Char Aina
23:55 / 19.01.07
i think bamba's criticising the Q, not you.
23:56 / 19.01.07
But I am too tired to make any sense of this thread right now it seems.

Possibly not, it may be (probably is) that I'm too tired and drunk to have properly read your context. I think I'll just shut up now either way. Sorry for misinterpreting you.
23:59 / 19.01.07
i think bamba's criticising the Q, not you.

Oh yeah, I totally am, my ire's not aimed at Ibis at all.
ibis the being
00:07 / 20.01.07
I'm finding it difficult to comment, I really don't want to get all judgemental on Triplets's ass, but Triplets if I were your parent I would want to strangle you right now. I think that Triplets's view of the situation is coloring the way the thread proceeds because of course we'll all friends here and want to be supportive. But I think sympathy is extending past the point of reason once you're damning a woman for allegedly sleeping around when clearly she was "trustworthy" enough for Triplets to choose to have sex with multiple times despite knowing full well there was next to no birth control happening. I think questioning her moral fortitude is really beyond the pale at this point. Sorry.

I guess this paragraph from Gumbitch is where it really turned sour for me, though:

So she’s on anti-depressants – do you happen to know which ones, and how safe it is to be on them while cooking up a baby? If she’s on some relatively recently-developed, funky, ssri types then, as far as I know, she’s basically using herself as a free testing ground for the medical company’s ‘what this stuff does to a fetus’ stats. Again, perhaps not very relevant except as more fuel for the ‘how irresponsible’ fire

It is none, zero, none of his business what anti-depressants she's on. As others have mentioned more than once, there is no baby right now, there is a pregnant woman. Her medications are between her and her doctors. The idea of storing up ammunition for some future custody battle against this woman is, frankly, despicable.
Alex's Grandma
01:06 / 20.01.07
I guess this paragraph from Gumbitch is where it really turned sour for me, though:

On what level do you feel qualified to decide, though, Ibis?

I'd be extremely worried about making such a declaritve statement, myself.
8===>Q: alyn
01:34 / 20.01.07
My objection is to the usual suspects using this situation to score points. There's plenty of despite to go around.
8===>Q: alyn
01:36 / 20.01.07
PS There is no u in Qalyn
Jake, Colossus of Clout
02:01 / 20.01.07
"You know who you are!"

Very illuminating.
Disco is My Class War
02:05 / 20.01.07
I feel for you, Triplets. It must be scary to realise that one mistake can result in a whole mess of reproduction. Just for now, is there some way you can make decisions based on the possibility that this might be your baby, and what responsibilities you will have wanted to perform as a parent-in-the-future if the baby does turn out to be yours?

Second thing, this woman has a choice. Ultimately, it's up to her. Feeling angry about it is to be expected. But in the end, can you separate out the question of how much support to give from how you feel about her decision to keep being pregnant?

I got pregnant at 19. I was 'lucky' enough to miscarry after six weeks, and wasn't even sure I was pregnant at all. But when I considered the probability, I realised I wasn't sure who the father was and that neither of the two possible candidates would even be willing to support me by paying for half of the abortion fee, let alone becoming fathers. Aside from the stress, my body was behaving crazily: nutso hormonal stuff, moodiness, nausea. I was really in the shit, and I needed support. I didn't care who it was from. Pregnancy is a responsiblity a woman bears with her actual BODY: it's not fun. If she's made the decision to keep being pregnant, then she's going to need someone to go to obstetric appointments with her, to go to scans. Is your relationship as exes on a good enough footing that you could do that?

Someone spare a thought for Triplets' partner's disrupted life plans. What happens to your partner's future, Triplets? Is someone (preferably her) thinking about how she might be able to continue to get an education, or keep living her life, despite being pregnant? It's a complete myth that having a child disrupts the life path of everyone concerned, and makes it impossible to continue 'independence'. Plus, when a child is believed to 'fuck up life' for the mother and/or father, it's resented. The kid will know this, sooner or later. My advice is, stop worrying about how this could fuck up your life and start dealing with how to continue your own life plans with this as an extra surprise. Think positive.

Finally, can the various people who are polluting this thread with advice based on their worst castrating-woman fantasies please think before they open their mouths? I'm with gourami, it's fucking unbelievable that people are advising Triplets to see a lawyer, to insist on a paternity test when it's impossible before the actual birth, and to start collecting evidence for some future custody battle. Get real.
Char Aina
02:06 / 20.01.07
care to name some names, qalyn?
ibis the being
02:22 / 20.01.07
On what level do you feel qualified to decide, though, Ibis?

I'd be extremely worried about making such a declaritve statement, myself.

On what level do I feel qualified to decide "this [...]is where it really turned sour for me" - ? Hm, I'd have to say on the level that I'm qualified to make declarative statements characterizing my own perceptions and feelings.
06:31 / 20.01.07
Hey, I'm really sorry if any of the advice I've offered has offended anyone. I've tried to keep the woman in sight throughout, although I think my first post on the subject of their relationship was perhaps a little too condemnatory. I was caught up in how worried Triplet's must be, how he has expressed a great deal of anxiety about the relationship in the past, my own slightly crazy/confused feelings as a new father, and a strong sense that paternity is a very serious issue. All that failed to recognise the reality of paternity tests (I think they can be carried out before birth, but they're less accurate), and to some extent the reality of the mother to be.

I do think that having a go at Trips is the wrong way to go here. I think it's perfectly possible to recognise, and to push him to recognise that he has been irreponsible and that it takes two to tango without brow-beating him. As I said earlier we've all done stupid things, we've all had unprotected sex and we've all behaved irresponsibly in relationships. Thankfully for most of us we didn't find ourselves in his situation the first time around.
06:51 / 20.01.07
Also, when I mentioned my friend not being able to stand his ex, I was simply trying to point out that it is possible to co-parent without getting on with your ex, just in case that's the situation Trips found himself in. I was trying to offer a bit of hope not suggest that his ex is "a nightmare".

Oh, and everything Disco said=so much better than anything I've brought to theparty
08:09 / 20.01.07
Thanks for the reality check here, Disco & ibis.
08:28 / 20.01.07

I did say I would prefer abortion when we had the first pregnancy scare in December (I was also pro-abortion from our first week of getting together). However, when she said no I didn't press the issue. I have also brought up adoption which has been similarly shot down.

So, wait. Let me get this straight.

You've been having unprotected sex with her. This has led to a previous pregnancy scare. At the time of the previous pregnancy scare, you reached the impasse you're at now, where you didn't want to have a baby and she did.

Then, knowing the sorts of choices she would make in the event she were to become pregnant, you kept having unprotected sex with her.

Now, she's pregnant, and, surprise, she still doesn't want to have an abortion or give the baby up for adoption.

Is it just me, or was there a point where you could have done something differently?

I texted her today saying that I'm not comfortable offering support until I see the results of a paternity test and that I'd prefer (knowing that she can be manipulative) less contact as possible.

Dude, no. If you can't text message breakup, and you can't, you sure as hell cannot text message demand a paternity test, and incidentally ask that she not see you anymore. I don't care how many times you have talked to her about it in person. The woman is claiming to be pregnant with your child, and you have reason to believe she may well be right. You absolutely cannot under any circumstances cut her off and inform her by fucking text message. It's just really kind of a faux pas.

Selfish, maybe.

Ya think?

Whisky Priestess:

Not only does she appear to be hugely irresponsible, it seems she's also unfaithful, duplicitous and mendacious.

I think the key word here is "appear." She "appears" that way because Triplets has portrayed her that way. His portrayal may be accurate, or it may not be.

I feel you deserve someone light-years better than her behaviour indicates she is.

Even if she really is the harpy from the pits of Hell he's portraying her as, I fail to see what has given you reason to believe Triplets deserves someone better.


The simple fact that Triplets does not know for certain that he is not the father suggests to me that he is not the innocent victim of some kind of dirty, evil, lying succubus who stole his precious seed while he slept. If this is what is meant by "I love this girl" then I wonder how Triplets would treat her if he held her in contempt.

I, too, am particularly disturbed by the way Triplets continues to portray himself as a naive but well-meaning dupe and his ex as said evil succubus. What makes it especially disturbing is that it just seems so disingenous, like he's pretending he doesn't mean to be portraying her in that way, like he's trying to put her best face forward, and just happens to be dropping in tidbits that make her sound like a total trainwreck. You know, so we can say, "no, Triplets, stop being such a nice guy, she's using you, DO YOU SEE?" and we can twist his arm into standing up for himself. See, he tried to give her every possible benefit of the doubt, but when he told the story even total strangers were trying to convince him to stop playing nice... Basically, he gets to be the nice guy and he gets to weasel out of the situation and he gets to play the victim all, at the same time!

Of course, she could very well be a total nightmare of a human being. I don't know, I've never met the person. I just think the way Triplets is presenting the story is making me suspicious of him.

Honestly, I suspect that in real life she is probably as manipulative and crazy as Triplets is making her appear, but then again I'm cynical about people sometimes. However, I feel that Triplets has been incredibly manipulative in the way he presents the situation - painstakingly crafting the image of himself as the kind of guy who would never smear someone he claims to love, as he is, in fact, smearing her - and so even if she really is as bad as he's making her seem, they probably deserve each other.

This whole thread has seemed to split into people who sympathize with Triplets and demonize the woman, and people who sympathize with the woman and bash on Triplets. Personally, I suspect that it's likely that they're both manipulative, irresponsible fuckwits who are trapped on, as ibis so eloquently called it, the "she-cheated-I-heard-from-Larry merry go round," and have sort of mutually, if subconsciously, conspired to raise the stakes of their petty little game by bringing a baby into it, without any real understanding of the responsibility that entails. I can't say I'm terribly inclined to sympathize with either one of them, though I pity any baby that might be born to the people involved.

Mister Disco:

It's a complete myth that having a child disrupts the life path of everyone concerned, and makes it impossible to continue 'independence'.

With all due respect, not really, no, it's not. Or, rather, no, technically, it's not impossible, but it's extraordinarily unlikely. The statistics are quite grim. Realistically speaking, having a child at that age not only fucks up your life, it fucks up the child's life, too.

Teenage parents have drastically worse economic futures and dramatically worse quality of life metrics across the board. Children born to teenage parents have significantly higher incarceration rates, lower life expectancies, lower IQ scores (leaving aside how fraught the whole issue of intelligence testing is), and, again, drastically worse economic futures.

It's not a myth. It's not something that should be treated like a little surprise that might possibly cause a few hitches in one's life plan. It's a disaster, and it's a mistake. The few people who manage to make it through relatively intact do not outweigh the overwhelming majority of people who do not - just because you know someone who managed to run across eight lanes of speeding traffic without getting hit doesn't mean that doing so is not a colossally stupid idea.

This is not the same thing as vilifying teenage mothers, or cutting off their support, or demonizing teenage sexuality in general. I just don't think it does anyone any favors to pretend that having a kid when you're an unemployed teenager is just one of those curve balls life throws you. I really don't think we should downplay the magnitude of what we're talking about here.


As I said earlier we've all done stupid things, we've all had unprotected sex and we've all behaved irresponsibly in relationships.

I'm about to be a self-righteous asshole, so please, forgive me in advance.

I have done stupid things. I have had unprotected sex. I have also behaved irresonsibly in relationships.

However, I have never had unprotected sex with someone with whom I had not already discussed the issue of abortion, and with whom I did not share basic fundamental assumptions about what should be done in the event of an unplanned pregnancy.

I have had sex with people I didn't know very well, sure, but because I am not dumber than a bag of rocks I wore a goddamned condom. I have also known women who were opposed to abortion, or who felt strongly that they could never have one themselves even if they supported the legal right to have one, but I have never had sex with any of them, because I really thought it was important to avoid finding myself in the situation that Triplets finds himself in now.

Pregnancies happen by accident, but in places where abortion is legal and readily available, they only come to term by choice, and frankly, you only find yourself in Triplets' situation by choice. He chose to have sex with her. He chose to not to wear a condom. He chose to continue to not wear a condom even after a pregnancy scare when it became clear that the two of them would handle a pregnancy very differently, with serious ramifications for the rest of their lives and potentially for the life of a child who would be dependent on them.

We've all done stupid and irresponsible things in relationships, by which I mean we've all gone to visit an ex ostensibly to have a few drinks and watch a movie, platonically, as friends, only to predictably end up humping on the floor and waking up weird and alienated and broken-hearted. We've all done stuff like that, but we have not all done things as stupid, selfish, and irresponsible as Triplets has done, and I for one do not feel the need to sugar-coat that.

I mean, for fuck's sake, he knew she would want to carry any pregnancy to term, and he had unprotected sex with her, and now he's trying to act like she tricked him or something, like she somehow hid from him the sinister truth that penis + vagina - contraception - abortion = baby.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
09:13 / 20.01.07
I feel rather ass about the lawyer thing; Disco makes some good points and I definitely didn't help with the tone of the thread.

But be it a counselor, Planned Parenthood, an appropriate social worker or whomever, I still think that talking to somebody who can basically do what Haus did a few pages ago and lay out all the possible outcomes of this in a coherent way, as a trained professional, would be a good thing. Somebody neutral and hopefully non-judgmental who, if you say "well, what if THIS is the scenario," can tell you "then this, this, this or this will happen."

I didn't think through what I was posting, though, and it really wasn't as helpful as I'd intended it to be. Would the Citizens Advice folks be a good approach?
Dead Megatron
10:45 / 20.01.07
I think in view of the situation, Triplest portrait of the facts that lead to this point and the personality of his female counterpart in this unexpected conception is pretty well expected. Not necessarily correct, mind you, but expected. After all, he must be completely freaked out right now, aren't you buddy? (don't worry, it will probably get better in the coming weeks)

I personally don't get a "she's evil, he's innocent" vibe, nor a "he's playing the victim" vibe. I'm getting a vibe of two young adults who are confused and scared and overwhelmed with something they fell they are not ready to. So, I see no point in focusing on the minutes od who said what to whom about whatever. The guy is here for advice and support, not judgment. Judgement serves no one here (this is valid to you too, Triplets, btw. Lay-off the girl a bit too. After all, the "worse" part of this whole "mess", as it is, still and will always befalls on her shoulders, not yours).

Let's not pick sides on this one, folks. Pretty please????
12:04 / 20.01.07
I'd be interested in discussing the issues here (rights of the woman over her body, the responsibility of contraception etc), but I think we should move that aspect of conversation to another thread. Maybe the Feminism thread? It seems to cover a lot of the bases.

Let's keep this thread just for advice on this one specific situation of Triplets. Blame (or lack of) is not really an issue. The situation already exists, pointing fingers just adds extra unpleasantness. Could 'lithers try and play Belinda and make with the kindness?

Triplets. I'm sending you all types of love. That's probably not the most practical of things to send, but still.
12:51 / 20.01.07
While accountability and kindness are very good things to have, ithey are only useful insofar as they help people to make good, responsible and informed choices right now and in the future.

So, good things to stick on the whiteboard right now:

1) The lesson that future generations can take from this is that if you don't want to have a pregnancy, you shouldn't have unprotected sex. If you don't want to risk there being a child which is connected in some biological fashion to you, you shouldn't have unprotected sex with people who have stated that they would not take steps to terminated that pregnancy. If Triplets is not the father, he is not the father only due to dumb luck.

2) Having said which, we find ourselves in a situation right here where none of that good advice can be taken, because unprotected sex has already happened.

3) Paternity cannot be established until after birth. Therefore, while it is good to think about how paternity will affect the situation after birth, it isn't the immediate question. As such, how many people this girl may have slept with and when is really not a useful question, unless someone is actually prepared to quiz her about frequency and level of contraception used and then create a probability scatter graph, which might not be the most profitable use of time. It might be Triplets' genetic information in there, it might not. That's it. Hopefully any other potential fathers have also been alerted to the possibility.

4) So, for the next however many months - and presumably a doctor might be able to give an opinion about that - the question is how much support the pregnant woman needs and where she gets it.

5) If there is a strict sequence here - if the child is his, Triplets will support it - then one might think that it would be a good idea to start helping out with the care now, on the off chance. This will require a lot of good and decent communication, to the effect that this support is being provided purely in case the child is his, to protect his (as it were) potential investment, and that if it turns out not to be his then he will no longer be involved in raising the child, or that this support is being provided as a friend, and that if the child turns out not to be his then any further support that is forthcoming will also be from a position of friendship. Mind you, it's traditional to like your friends, so that may be a factor.

6) Anyone else in reasonable danger of being the father - if anyone else is - should by now presumably have been contacted and made aware of this possibility, and allowed to make up their own minds about the same question.

7) If and when the pregnant woman ceases to be a pregnant woman and becomes a woman with a child, all those concerned will be in a position to start taking next ations. If Triplets is happy to act as a parent to the child and a partner to the mother (his option 1) or to support the child without being in a romantic relationship with the mother (his option 2, extending the financial help to possibly include doing some shopping or cleaning, which sounds like a better if not ideal idea), then the mother may still want to establish paternity, as she may be entitled to support from the biological father if he does turn out not to be Triplets. If Triplets wants no involvement with the child unless his paternity is proven, then we're in the position gourami has considered - that Triplets is identified as the biological father either after agreeing to a test or as part of a legal process and his obligations are decided either through negotiation or, again, as part of a legal process. However, if the mother is going to claim Income Support or Jobseeker's Allowance, then a government agency will have to get involved, and the question of the identify of the non-resident parent will become an issue - unless Triplets is happy to be identified as the non-resident parent without scientific verification, which seems on current form unlikely.

Right now, though, the issue is how best to manage the pregnancy, which may mean alerting people who may find themselves in a parental role and discussing how they want to handle caregiving during the pregnancy, if at all. That group may or may not include people other than Triplets, but bar talk is probably not a useful way to identify this.

Speaking purely personally, I don't think that this would be a good time to get back into a romantic relationship, but that is not because she is a discredit to her sex (for fuck's sake) - it's because they are both dealing with emotionally intense news and probably shouldn't be making decisions like that based on anything as dubious as believing oneself to love or be loved. However, not going out doesn't disqualify people from trying to treat each other well, regardless of who ends up providing parental care or support.
14:02 / 20.01.07
Triplets I think there is some excellent advice there from Haus, and also from xk on the first page. They sayeth the wise word.

I have a friend who found himself in a very similar situation - his ex-girlfriend pregnant and depressed, wanting to keep the child. She knew the child could have one of two fathers, she was hoping it was my friend.

He decided to support her through the pregnancy (gave her lifts to the hospital and so on and was just generally there for her) because he said that even if the child wasn't his, he did still care about her and would want to help her anyway. They agreed to have a paternity test when the child was born. My friend really didn't want to be the father, but if he was then he wanted to do the responsible thing and contribute to the child's welfare and be involved in its life.

It turned out he wasn't the father but he still sees them all the time. He's always helping out with the baby, is really proud of the progress it makes. They're not together, they're just friends but they managed to make the best out of the situation by focusing on the fact that regardless of blame or fault, there was now a pregnancy and the situation had to be dealt with.

I really don't like the suggestions of dishonesty appearing in this thread. I don't think it's helpful to start thinking about it in terms of who did what to whom, about the morals and ethics of unprotected sex. The point is, it has happened to you so now you have to deal with that. Perhaps the maturest thing to do is do what my friend did, and support your ex through the pregnancy as you would anyone you cared about. It surprised me when my friend did that. He's not the most compassionate and caring of people. I thought he would run a mile, especially without knowing who the father actually was. But I suppose, at the end of the day if the baby turns out not to be yours there is nothing lost except maybe a little bit of money spent and instead everything gained. You can feel glad you supported your friend. It's good karma if nothing else. And if the baby is yours, well at least you won't have to live with the shame of having totally ignored its mother for the whole of her pregnancy.

So that's my advice. Ignore the people who think bitching about her is the way forward, because quite frankly it doesn't make any difference to the simple fact that someone you care about could do with your support at the moment.

Oh and text messaging about crucial emotional topics = bad. V bad!
14:23 / 20.01.07
Triplets, did you chop off your willy yet?
Alex's Grandma
16:02 / 20.01.07
He may as well hang onto it now, don't you think? Really, what else can it do to him?
17:14 / 20.01.07
Diz, I don't think you sound at all self-righteous, you do however sound more sensible than many, many other people I've come across, including myself. I did so many stupid things the first time around (and we would do well to remember that this is Triplet's first time around) you could've filled a book.

I'm really not sure what help you're being with all that stuff about teenage parents. I can totally see how you could be cross with Trips, but, fucksake, that little rant was completely uncalled for and quite possibly very, very unhelpful.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
18:01 / 20.01.07
Personally, I suspect that it's likely that they're both manipulative, irresponsible fuckwits

That was helpful, too. Thanks for stopping by, diz. Tell us how you really feel!

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