Oh yeah!
Hey Trips, this thread will at least let you know you're not the only one who's been there. This happened, or something kinda similar happened, to my brother about a couple of years ago.
Basically, he's still in a bit of a fix because he's not with his ex, and they don't really like each other, and he does hate being stuck with her because she pulls all kinda manipulative stuff. He'd love to go to med school but the only university he can really go to is in the town where his ex and his daughter live, because he won't be taken out of his daughter's life.
And this kid. I love her socks off and my brother is absolutely, surprisingly, amazingly a fantastic dad. He hates the mom, he loves the kid (and I mean she's 19 months old and she just keeps getting more apple in his eyes). I personally think the relationship between them is eventually going to settle once they've simply had enough time to realize it's too much energy to be vitriolic all the time. But anyway. The thing is that he can be irritated about things, but if you ask him if he sometimes wishes Em had never been born, he'd use one of his Bruce Lee moves on you for even imagining the idea.
Just on that experience, my advice is that you may find a kid of your own to be something you really really love. And that even if you aren't together with your ex, the kid can have a potentially large base of support and love in the form of many other family members. That's the other thing, everyone ELSE in my family and in her family is smitten with the little girl. We're all nuts over her, and even though neither family is exactly in control of a large financial thwack of resources, kid's got everything she needs.
Right. I'm not purposefully hijacking the thread (I hope), but I just wanted to show that it can work out (without actually working out yet). |