I honestly believe that there is no REAL right or wrong and every situation should be approached from all angles. So, I have to, simultaneously, say what I know (It is mysognistic) and what I feel (It's a sexy little statue).
The point being, I think, the Wrong of "mysoginist" kicks the guts the fuck out of the Right of "sexy". Not in the sense that "sexy" must be prohibited, but that it's rather irrelevant to this topic, so for me at least, it's hard to see where you're getting at with that.
This is nitpicking, but I feel too many of the arguments I here is based on presumption. I'm hearing:
Adam Hughes is a racist.
The artist is oppressed.
I don't really think anyone's made statements one and three, rather, specific comments and reactions have been identified as problematic. There's a difference. As for two, well then, two opposed sets of assumptions:
* the artist, as a woman, is affected by her experiences as a woman and as such develops a view of what is admissable or not in terms of women's sexual representation, that is influenced by the culture she is a part of, a male-dominated one (or if you like: one where male sexuality rules).
* the artist, as a woman, is unaffected by her experiences as a woman, and expresses herself artistically directly from some objective core of artistic purity.
Knowing human nature, the first one seems much more plausible, and as such, the comment not that far-fetched. So it seems alright to take it and run with it in how things are interpreted. |