Flyboy, in the interest that it may die down, and the presumption that you're not the only one confused & offended, but that others are not driven to drop a cryptic 'ass backwards and incoherent, again' (it appears to be less incoherent and more that you just didn't agree) and then blame it on a poor defenseless crackpipe: I found Vaughan's joke neither subversive nor any sort of great progress as a narrative. As a joke, it encapsulated many of the BKV tics and tropes into one absurd package.
I like that Vaughan is willing and able to look at himself and his work critically enough he could make that joke. Does anybody think Hughes is could've made a similar joke, with the issues floating around the MJ statuette, or that John Byrne is going to make that joke about characters he's connected to? Autocrit joke, I thought, and I found that refreshing. That was what made up for what I do consider to be troublesome (well, minorly/frustratingly, and possibly to be revised once I catch up on Runaways), regardless, and I'm glad to discuss here or elsewhere why you don't think the Xavin thing's troublesome. And of course, it doesn't 'make up for' in any realistic way as a restitution or correction, but it gave me a little bit of hope for him, and apparently, my renewed hope that Vaughan was aware enough to pull some things off, narratively, like the issue of Xavin's gendering, was/is paying off.
Troyj15 I'm thinking Pop Art may not be the best qualifier for the issue at hand. Not that they aren't examples of pop art, arguably, but a primary difference between, say, the Spidey-centric covers and the H4H cover is that one is panderng to a presumed audience who need their protagonists whimpering, helpless and frightened, while exposing some good-looking flesh (as opposed to the rotting zombie kind) and getting decorated with unnamed bodily fluids by xenomorphic insectile rape machines from space. That difference outweighs the similarity that the covers may not literally represent the story behind that cover.
Put Spidey in the Black Cat's place, complete with whimpering expression and moneyshot on the mostly-bared chest, while tentacles apparently seek to steal Spidey's new bell and collar.
Now, Black Cat in place of Spidey on either of the two covers you posted. She makes a good zombie, really, and she's perfectly capable of taking off her mask.
Therein - at least, for me - most of the offense. |