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Big Brother 2006


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20:04 / 18.05.06
Lisa = wackaday spiritual soulmate of Pete. Not quite as sphincter-clenching.

Richard = Teh Daddy. There to make Posh Boy and Misogynist Boy afraid to pick up the soap, etc., etc.
20:05 / 18.05.06
Hmmm. I think he'll try and get pretty badly rebuffed and turned into a sad little puppy.

Here's hoping etc etc
20:05 / 18.05.06
Working boy makes good vs posh pillocks? Probably not, but I reckon Endemol would like a bit of it.
20:06 / 18.05.06
Sezer: fuck, they've really gone for the boy eye-candy this year, haven't they? Despite the Li'l Von Mises stylings, he could be okay. Big Dick will knock him into shape.
Tryphena Absent
20:07 / 18.05.06
Boboss, have you lost a brother?
20:07 / 18.05.06
nice hair.
20:07 / 18.05.06
Anna, I was going to say something. Fucking weird, isn't it?
20:08 / 18.05.06
Mikey = Vernon Kaye.

I'm loving how the straight boys are looking a little bit cowed so far.
20:08 / 18.05.06
Okay, it's a bit like watching me circa 2002 on the telly (although my clothes were better)
20:09 / 18.05.06
oh come on. Nikki = Saskia remade blonde.
20:09 / 18.05.06
Okay, Nikki's gonna get ripped to shreds.
Tryphena Absent
20:10 / 18.05.06
It is rather odd.

Nikki and Mikey 2geva 4eva.
20:11 / 18.05.06
20:11 / 18.05.06
Nikki: identikit "I'm gagging for it, I love getting naked" wannabe Footballer's Wife. I see these as BB padding (but hey, I could be wrong). Wot no trans Housemate? Or are we doing stealth this year?

Irritating capitalism a theme. I'm feeling nostalgic for Kitten's old-skool socialism.
20:11 / 18.05.06
I'm gonna have to see if I can dig up a photo of me or the Punce when we were sporting that hairdo (v. out of fashion nowadays) and put it up.
20:11 / 18.05.06
she looks hysterically nervous actually, poor love.

i'm just so sincere.
Tryphena Absent
20:13 / 18.05.06
Lisa out first?
20:13 / 18.05.06
It's practically a BB commandment that She Who Enters The House In "Sexy" Drag Is Trying Too Hard (For Possibly Tragic Psychodramatic Reasons).
20:14 / 18.05.06
I think they should run odds on exactly which "daring" outfits one or more of the housemates will turn up in each year.
Tryphena Absent
20:15 / 18.05.06
Is it stretching too much to say Nikki and Bonnie = Moonpig and Sam?
20:15 / 18.05.06
No no no no Lisa is lovely! Get rid of boring posh Grace. She adds nothing. She's this year's version of that boring one with the eyebrows and manicure from the Tickle Year.
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:15 / 18.05.06
After a very very dodgy start, there are already slightly more tolerable people in this year than last, no? Richard in particular = the most immediately likeable BB housemate in a long while. Not just because it's high time they put an unapologetic, jungle cat gay man in there - he could have been all that and unbearably obnoxious, but I reckon he seems okay. And there's no obvious alpha male straight guy - Mikey no doubt thinks it's him, but his sub-Carl Barat stylings won't cut it.

I don't mind Grace either - I was going to say it was a relief that they'd managed to find some 'fun-loving' 'conventionally' attractive women who aren't immediately hateable, but then comes Nikki. And even she's not that bad. Yet. Her and Mikey may form a bond of sorts.

Caesar is indeed the missing third Boboss brother, obviously he's been raised differently so has a few quirks, but again, seems like he might be all right underneath.

I am fully prepared to reverse many of these opinions completely over the coming weeks - that's what it's all about, innit?
20:16 / 18.05.06
Lisa out first?

Yeah. Or Dawn, depending on how entertainin' her complainin'. Or Lea. It's always a woman, and this year's males are, generally speaking, attractive enough to want to keep in there. I'd want Pete out, but I think he'll pull the "it's a syndrome; I'm not responsible" card (and I do think he's playing on the diagnosis) and engender sufficient sympathy to stay for a bit.
20:18 / 18.05.06
Fly, totally agree with all of that.

There is already a third Boboss brother, so that would make Cezar the fourth.
Tryphena Absent
20:19 / 18.05.06
I don't want her to go specifically. I just think she might turn out to be the slightly weird woman. Of course it could be Dawn, which would be a shame as she would prove an interesting sexuality examination specimen.
Evil Scientist
20:20 / 18.05.06
Should be a good year. They've only just got in and I'm already praying for a tragic mistake with carbon monoxide to occur whilst they sleep.

Pete's hitting all of my hate-glands in sequence, but he's the one I'm most interested in watching. Can he keep his Lee Evans act going beyond tonight?
Tryphena Absent
20:20 / 18.05.06
Ooh, yeah you're right it could be Leah. She seemed quite grumpy as well.
20:22 / 18.05.06
some similarities to last years contestants. Shabaz seems like a Derek mark2 and Pete is like Science to the nth degree.
richard also has a facial similarity to dan( and he is also wearing a hat.)
20:24 / 18.05.06
If we're placing bets I reckon Leah out first.

Isn't it awful that it's always a woman.
Evil Scientist
20:27 / 18.05.06
Shahbaz seems like a Derek mark2

Now see I was thinking Posh Boy for that. Shahbaz seems more in the Kamal mode with his "Oh my gaaaaaaaaaaeds." for each and every new entry.
20:27 / 18.05.06
Yeah, it's pretty rank. What could it be down to? Background misogyny plus the other women eliminating el competition?
20:29 / 18.05.06
Shabaz seems more in the Kamal mode

Ah, yes, that's who I was thinking of. Cheers, Cybs - hope you guys win this Saturday.
Evil Scientist
20:30 / 18.05.06
We always win. Anything else is Timelord propaganda.
20:30 / 18.05.06
Yes, no-one this year is immediately hateworthy, with the possible exception of Pete, who a) complicates matters with the Tourette's diagnosis, and b) might calm down and be less contrivedly wickywacky, and nicer. I can't quite decide whether he's wonderfully embracing his tic disorder and making it work for him, or whether he's cynically hyping up a slightly dubious disorder as a BB angle. Time will tell, I guess.

Like Flyboy, I'm intrigued by the fact that there's no obvious alpha hetmale, and they've thrown a variety of straight boys who might think they fulfill that role in with a physically imposing (and, from the looks it it, quite genuinely pleasant) gay male "sexual terrorist". I'm wondering how the hetsters will rally around this. Posho George immediately took a commanding role when he entered the House (making the decision to open the champagne) and I agree that MisogyMikey might also try to push the Jungle Cat angle. Depends how pushy Big Dick is, I guess.

Shahbaz, while I applaud him on paper, is supremely annoying - to me, anyway. Possibly the Gaywegian accent.

Dawn makes me laugh. She's this year's Craig trope, and I'm really hoping she's as sexually confused.
20:30 / 18.05.06
Shabaz seems more in the Kamal mode with his "Oh my gaaaaaaaaaaeds." for each and every new entry.

he also seems to have the voice of Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtfire.

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