
My APOLOGIES, all of you. However, I have a very good EXPLANATION for my DELAY.
On the evening of 25th May 2006, I visited a GENTLEMEN'S ESTABLISHMENT wherein a MAN may exchange funds for the PRIVILEGE (a wonderful word, how sad that SOCIALISTS try to use it as an insult!) of having a young LADY, possibly an UNDERGRADUATE, GYRATE in one's close proximity wearing VERY LITTLE.
I am old man, from earlier, simpler, BETTER times, times that only seem to be understand these days by SANDI THOM, and so I thought I was behaving perfectly DECENTLY when, during a 'PRIVATE DANCE' which I had paid for with my OWN CASH, I decided to give VON MISES JUNIOR some air, and produced him from my TROUSERS.
Unfortunately my dancer, MYLENE, and her employers, and the other club PATRONS who saw me stumble out into the main bar area with my trousers around my ANKLES, all took a dim VIEW of my BEHAVIOUR.
I tried to explain to them that AT LEAST I was ONLY BEING MYSELF, and that all the so-called 'MEN' in the room who had not EXPOSED themselves were FALSE, TWO-FACED, and FAKE. Unfortunately neither the PRIVATE SECURITY staff nor the POLICE were convinced by my noble RHETORIC, and I was given the COSH several times, repeatedly, IN THE FACE. I was then CUFFED and dragged off to THE CELLS, an INNOCENT punished for CREATIVE EXPRESSION, much in the manner of AVENUE D after that altercation at the KEY CLUB.
It took the best lawyers money could BUY to keep me from returning to PENTONVILLE JAIL (it's very rough), and it took me nearly TWO WEEKS of bed rest to recover. Now however I am RIGHT as RAIN. The next task will follow later TODAY. |