"I don't like LIARS, I don't like BULLSHITTERS, I don't like SOCIALISTS. This is a three-month JOB INTERVIEW, during which time I expect you to WORK hard in an attempt to EARN my much-desired APPROVAL. One of you is destined to become my APPRENTICE. The rest of you, are going to get FIRED."

Good day to you all!
As you may know, my name is Ludvig Von Mises, theorist of economics without peer, sometime Barbelith agony uncle, and until recently a guest at Her Majesty's Pleasure in Pentonville prison. Now that I have been released back into society, I am keen to get BACK on the HORSE, as they say - the NOBLE HORSE of CAPITALIST ENDEAVOUR.
To aid me in my new business enterprises - the exact nature of which has yet to be determined, but no doubt it will involve a PRODUCT which I will SUPPLY to meet some DEMAND - I will require an assistant, an underling, an APPRENTICE. The exact nature of this role has yet to be determined, and will no doubt reflect the SKILLS, gender, and MEASUREMENTS on the successful candidate. Rest assured, however, that the chosen individual will not merely be an EMPLOYEE. They will also be a pupil, an acolyte whom I will TUTOR in the righteous ways of FREE TRADE, in order that future generations may be saved from the POX of SOCIALISM.
Members of this board can sign up to take part by posting in this thread. Feel free to post a PHOTOGRAPH or PORTRAIT of yourself, if you believe this will help your cause. It's possible that it may do, after all, I am an old man, and my head is easily turned by a pretty ANKLE.
I will then select 12 candidates, who will compete to win an internship under my tutelage. Each week, and sometimes more than once a week, I will set you TASKS, which will test your MENTAL PROWESS, BUSINESS ACUMEN, and general all-round suitability for the job. I may divide the candidates up into TEAMS for some of the duration, teams which I will then re-arrange in an arbitrary fashion. I haven't really decided yet.
May the best man, or most fetching lady, WIN!
Von Mises. |