I reread an old X-Factor annual with the High Evolutionary and Apocalypse that represented the big A quite well - essentially, he really is just fucking with humans to see who toughens up, on a millenial scale. He predates the concept of byzantine by 5000 years, and ideally has no interest in "ruling the world", he just wants to be responsible for making man mean enough to challenge the gods. No fixin' needed there.
Spidey villains? Leave 'em as is. They change often enough as it is (female Dock Ock? what?) to put poor Parker in perspective as an easygoing everyman surrounded by a crazy mad-science world. Okay, except for Venom, but I'm outta ideas there. The symbiote should bond with Aunt may for a year. That'd learn Spidey but good.
Wolverine villains are tough in the same vein Punisher villains are: they're all dead, or will be soon. With the exception of Sabretooth, who should NEVER be a good guy while Wolvie's around. Unless he's just being a friendly cat to get closer to his prey. Failing Sabretooth, the only real unbeatable villain Wolvie should have is the government. ANY government, and SHIELD.
Love the ideas for a WW villain, Fritz and Cassandra.
Martian Manhunter needs a planetary-scale archvillain (Despero, or something from Saturn a la Jemm) contrasted with his detective persona, where his villains can be the most vile, base humans imaginable (think the current Punisher series for the type of reprehensible scum John Jones would have to deal with). |