Well, in my opinion, there are really only a few kinds of villains that really work.
1. The hopelessly insane, who do evil because they feel like it. The Joker, Green Goblin, etc. There isn't really much you can do to them, design wise, expect make them creepier looking.
2. The "I know better" crowd. They aren't evil in their own minds, because they see a problem with society, and truly believe they can do a better job fixing it. And the scary thing is, in some ways they are right. See Doom, Ra's al Ghul, and (arguably) Darkseid.
3. Conquerors. Not so much evil as amoral, either because they subscribe to a more primitive "might makes right" mentality, or because of the whole "unemotional machine" deal. There are a lot of these, and the most fun is in setting them against each other. 
So here's an example of each, with a patented Mario Spin[TM]
1. Bullseye. The guy is pretty nucking futz by now. But the costume/ forhead tattoo makes him look silly. So I'd tweak him a bit. Ditch all the outfits. He's a remarkably ordinary-looking guy out of costume, someone you could see on the street without a second glance. But in his head, he sees everyone as a target. He visualizes angles, weapons of opportunity, and how they'll look when their eyes roll up in their head.
True, he could easily kill you with a simple thrown object, but he wants the challenge. And, if the money is right, or you annoy him too much, or simply if he feels like it... he'll accept the challenge.
2. Darkseid. Or even Dark Side. Lose the silly hat and skirt outfit. His new look in MM is OK, but the pimp imagery has to go as well. It's been my opinion that Darkseid is mostly about Control, and the subsumption of free will. But if he uses mind control, or torture to achieve it, then there's always a chance someone will fight free.
But not if people submit WILLINGLY. I see a new movement rising up... call it the Omega Society. A suitably charitable organization that will feed you, clothe you, give you a roof over your head, and pay for all your health care needs. Omega will take complete care of you. And all you have to do is make a few concessions.
Well, to start, anyway. Society has become more dangerous than the chairman originally thought, so he asks you to give up a little more. Nothing too drastic, of course...
By the time the cycle finishes, those at his tender mercies will willingly accept any of his wishes... including the sacrifice of their very lives, for the good of the community. And all without him striking a single blow... because they TRUST him.
3. Apocalypse. Mister Survival of the Fittest. The ultimate self-made man. So how come he looks like a doofus with twin mohawks (or whatever those things on his head are) and blue lipstick?
I'd recast him as the ultimate in mutant evolution, both physical and paranormal. He should be as fit as Captain America (tho not as Aryan... we can keep the Egyptian heritage), and as smart as Reed Richards. And his powers should allow him to adapt to any attack, at least temporarily. (I'm reminded of Shane Gooseman from the old Galaxy Rangers show).
He doesn't see other people as enemies (unless they attack him directly), but as potential allies. He tests them, and if they are strong enough, he offers them a place at his side. If not... they are cattle.
When he has gathered enough warriors (mutant or mutate, so long as they are strong) to his side, they will ride out... and the horsemen of Apocalypse will cleanse the Earth of those unworthy of her bounty.
Appearance-wise, I'm thinking of someone who dresses in fairly primitive-looking armor (but with technology integrated). A muscular behemoth, but still agile, rather like Killmonger during the Priest Black Panther era. He should look like he could break you in half if you displease him... and probably will.
That's it for now. I can expand on these ideas, if you like. |