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Questions and Answers - Part 3


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07:13 / 27.03.07
I give the gift of theftination
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
12:20 / 27.03.07
Where did the (I assume British) phrase "come and have a go if you think you're hard enough" originate from? I first heard it as a bravado thing shouted in Dog Soldiers but since then hear it used all over the place.
12:22 / 27.03.07
Benny, what you want, I can give you

YouTube Rippa
12:32 / 27.03.07
come and have a go... is from soccer violence I believe. Wait... here we are, a slang phrase site.
All Acting Regiment
16:24 / 27.03.07
Need to buy 1/72 scale figurines for small relative. No idea where to look (it's been 10 years). Anyone got any ideas?
16:37 / 27.03.07
That shop on Museum St in London near the Plough? Games *ptui* Workshop? or for the historic military stuff?
All Acting Regiment
16:42 / 27.03.07
Aye, that might be of use.

*looks around net some more*

There are some scarily millitary-minded people out there...
Benny the Ball
06:48 / 28.03.07
thank you princess and triplets! Got the video, just need a fvl player or converter now, but at least I know what I'm looking for!
08:13 / 28.03.07
Is there a way to export Flock links, without messing around with or anything? I'm thinking of the way you can do it in Safari - just export them to a file, and then re-import them afterwards? I'm about to reinstall OSX, and trying to remember to back up all the fiddly stuff first...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
08:17 / 28.03.07
Quants, did you have to link to that site? Now I have to go and break things again.
11:45 / 28.03.07
Okay Barbelith, this is a call for technical help, that means jackets, boots, caps and trousers of leather may well be needed. Strap up.

So, I'm thinking of getting me a copy of Twin Peaks Season 2 from the jolly old US of A. Currently I have a DVD player that plays Region 2 DuhVuhDuhs, and a shiny Sony telly bought just under over years ago. The plan is to get the player chipped so it becomes multiregionalised, but I'm still left with the NTSC to PAL problem.

1. Is it, in fact, a problem if you've got a shiny relatively new telly?
2. If it is, what's to be done?

Jump on that kickstarter, fellows!
11:50 / 28.03.07
1. Nope. New tellies are nearly all compatible withe the 60hz rate that ntsc outputs at. Therefore, no problem.

A way to check this it to grab a console with a game that asks if you want to display in 50hz or 60hz mode, they usually have a tester. If there is a problem with 60hz, the game will look balck and white or just have weirded colours. I know the dreamcast games often had this option. Not sure about other consoles. But if it's a new telly, i don't think it's an issue.
11:55 / 28.03.07
Also - have you looked into whether or not your dvd player needs chipping? Many of them just need you to key in a random string of numbers to free up multi-region goodness.
12:07 / 28.03.07
My question:

How can i stop facebook from emailing me everytime something happens on my page? It's a bit annoying.
12:27 / 28.03.07
It should be under your account settings. Click on "My Account" on the left and then "Notifications". The options are all there.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
13:00 / 28.03.07
Worst-case scenario, Boboss, you can always rip and re-burn the DVDs as Region 0. DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter are an awesome double-team that makes this task very easy (assuming you're on PC).
13:20 / 28.03.07
MC- wow, you're right. I should've looked more closely at the C section... I think I'll redirect that link.
All Acting Regiment
13:54 / 28.03.07
So, I'd quite like to get my hands on a reproduction of this Egyptian copy of a Persian Zodiac manuscript which is held in the BNF (Bibliothéque Nationale de France). They do have a page where you can order reproductions, but I wonder if any of you here would have a clue as to how much it would cost, or whether I could download the computer images and somehow print and bind them myself?
14:14 / 28.03.07
Thank you, team trampetunia
16:11 / 28.03.07
One for those linguistically gifted and altruistic of nature.

Que tous ses pas etaient des sentiments. Que toutes ses dents etaient des idee.

(Babelfish gave me: That all its steps etaient feelings. That all its teeth etaient idee.)

And then there is this:

"_Mortuus est Dei filius; credible est quia ineptum est: et
sepultus resurrexit; certum est quia impossibile est,_"

(Which I guess means: The son of christ has died; it is believable: he has resurrected from the tomb; is is impossible)?
16:38 / 28.03.07
And as a third favour:

"_Dicebant mihi sodales si sepulchrum amicae
visitarem, curas meas aliquantulum fore levatas_."

16:45 / 28.03.07
Thanks Princess!

Shrug -

Que tous ses pas etaient des sentiments. Que toutes ses dents etaient des idee.

Reads something like:

That all his/her feet were feelings. That all his/her teeth were idea(s).

Um... i get the feeling i might be missing something.. Do you have a context for it? Is there actually an 's' at the end of 'idee'? cos it seems that should be plural.
16:50 / 28.03.07
How can I get an umlaut or accent?
16:57 / 28.03.07
Muchas Gracias, trampetunia. x

All the above quotes are from the Poe story Berenice, (which I'm reading from Project Guttenburg). The quotes are pretty much thrown into the narrative and alas are without footnoted translation. They are passages the protagonist recalls and probably do have resonance with the story. The tale is a usual Poe affari, people entombed before their time and all that, this one particularly ruminates on the eponymous ill-fated's teeth. Your translation seems relatively apt, of the grammatical issues; I know so very little, maybe an archaic form?

The roundabout jist is great though! Once again. *Mwah*
17:08 / 28.03.07

Just realised 'pas' isn't 'feet' at all. He means steps! Steps dammit!
17:12 / 28.03.07
How can I get an umlaut or accent?

What kind of computer you using?

For macs, you usually just need to hold down the option key and press the letter you want accented.

For windows, it's a bit more effort. You have to hold down alt and type a combination of numbers. There is a short list of these codes here.
17:44 / 28.03.07
Thanks! That's a terribly complicated way to type élan but at least now I know.
18:17 / 28.03.07
Or - if no-one's covered this before - simple accents can be had by putting on caps lock, then holding down ctrl-alt-shift and pressing the vowel. I'm not sure for how many letters this works, but it definitely works on á, é, í, ó, and ú. Might that help?
Red Concrete
18:24 / 28.03.07
Feverfew - usually the AltGr (the right hand Alt key) plus the vowel does the same thing for acute accents.
18:26 / 28.03.07
Wéll, íf yóú wánt to máké thíngs éásíér...

(Thanks, though.)
18:36 / 28.03.07
Éxpéríméntíng Í find that to be the easiest way- tá!
19:52 / 28.03.07
Hello, hello technolovelys.

How can I convert a 3gp file to .mov or .avi for free? Is it possible? All the freeware I can see has limitations of 50% conversion, or 30% conversion, which is supremely unhelpful and a bit sneaky if you ask me.
20:04 / 28.03.07



If you actually bothered to read the instructions that came with your new phone and installed the CD, or checked out the website you might know.

Have no sympathy for me and stop not here. I have clearly been the Queen of Lazy.
20:15 / 28.03.07
06:08 / 29.03.07
No, actually on further inspection my phone CD is no help. Does anyone here know?

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