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Questions and Answers - Part 3


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13:12 / 27.11.06
My Dad worked on a farm for a time and whilst he was there, he struck up a friendship with a local gamekeeper who gave him a couple of spare pheasants. My Father, not wanting to look a fool, didnt enquire as to how to prepare said birds and so tried to do it himself, with just the bits of knowledge he picked up from the farm and older relations. What a bloody mess! sticky red feathers all over the garden (and neighbors washing) and mess of entrails and giblets all over the patio!
So, i guess dont try and do it yerself unless you know what you are doing. or ask the gamekeeper.

A question myself..
Has anybody ever been to onbe of those historical battle re-enactments? the idea of running around a field with a bloody great sword and then drinking ale in a tent sounds great, but will it be full of blokey historybores arguing the exact shape of wellingtons areshole or what colour pants the vikings may or may not have been caught not wearing at stamford bridge etc etc?
Give me swords and beer please.
17:48 / 27.11.06
Anybody know any good american sites for cheap flights?

I've just realised that the Mighty British Pound is worth nearly two puny american 'dollars'. This has given me a burst of 'buy everything cheap and now!' which i am much enjoying.

I am planning on visiting New Zealand in february and am after any way to get my flight costs down, thus my need for cheap flight sites.

Will i (being based in the UK) be able to purchase these flights without much problem and will they actually be much cheaper, or do air companies do that thing of changing the prices around so it ends up pretty much the same cost from wherever?
Char Aina
18:18 / 28.11.06
for animation you could use macromedia's flash.
that's assuming you already have that, as downloading that for free would be illegal.

i certainly wouldnt recommend using bittorrent to gain an illegal copy.
14:57 / 29.11.06
Wise people - I'm working on a web siote at work.
One of my collagues has requested that our email addresses not be placed in the visible text, but only as mailto links, to reduce the number of spambots that grab our emails.

I feel this will not reduce the amount of spam we garner, as the bot sees not as the human eye sees, but just scans the source code. I imagine bots not giving tuppence if an address is a mailto or a bit of text.

Who is right?

I am a complete amateur at web design, so please forgive me if that was all a bit clunky.
15:01 / 29.11.06
There are bots that scan the html. The best bet is to use either an image of text or put the email into human speak, i.e. name at gmail dot com. There are other methods that are more fool proof, but these are simple.
Char Aina
16:15 / 29.11.06
you can use the lynx browser or similar to see a bot's eye view, close enough.
lynx is a text-only browser, innit.
16:23 / 29.11.06
Text-only, but not source-code viewing. So, a bot that scanned source code would still pull out of the code, even if it was linked to a GIF of the words "contact us"...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:16 / 01.12.06
I am broke and want to go to America. Are there any sneaky alternatives to paying through the nose for a plane ticket?
18:20 / 01.12.06
yes there are. You can get cheap tickets through stand by and strange specials. also being willing to fly to weird lay over and wait places works.

My question is were these really required by our reality enough that someone invented them?
18:22 / 01.12.06
Mordant check these pieces of advice
18:32 / 01.12.06
My question is were these really required by our reality enough that someone invented them?

Ahem. I posted these in the Gleeeushusheshusheush thread months ago.

Obviously, they´re the perfect christmas present.
18:35 / 01.12.06
Ah well I tend to stay out of that thread as it made my skin crawl.

I'll have you know we've decided elephants are in fact the perfect xmas gift.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:22 / 01.12.06
*squeezes parcel* Oooh, I wonder what it is?

Thks for the link, xk.
19:23 / 01.12.06
And it´s a wonderful idea!

Also, pee and poo are very 2005.
A beautiful tunnel of ghosts
10:56 / 02.12.06
A few years ago, I read a review in New Scientist of a book that studied the history of foreign pioneers in Africa, and claimed that either a bacterium or a virus brought over with the settlers or their animals was responsible for destroying the grass in the areas in which they settled, disrupting the ecological balance and heavily impacting the African way of life. Now I'd really like to read this book, so can anyone tell me the name or the author, or even tell me if I'm misremembering the subject?

*tips ghostly top hat* Thank you for your kind attention.
Baz Auckland
12:14 / 03.12.06
Mordant: The cheapest trans-atlantic flights I know are Zoom Airways which will fly you to Toronto (near America?) for $199CDN (109GPB) each way...
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
13:13 / 03.12.06
I'm looking for information on modern military indoctrination techniques, specifically on the use of de-sensitisation and objectification to aid combat soldiers to kill more easily. I am also interested in connections between the above and first person shoot-em-ups. If I promise that I am on the side of angels (not recruiting my own army or indeed looking to have first person shoot-em-ups banned) could anyone suggest where I might find such information?

Any help very much appreciated.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
14:49 / 04.12.06
Has anyone ever written anything on the Godzilla/Cthulhu commonalities? I was watching "Giant Monsters All-Out Attack" last night and I was thinking it would make a wicked awesome story if you wrote in full-bore Lovecraft mode, but then it seemed like an obvious sort of thing to do, really.

Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:53 / 04.12.06
I have more Lovecraft-influenced stories in my repetoire than I realised.

I never understood what an influence he was on me.
unheimlich manoeuvre
16:26 / 04.12.06
I am also interested in connections between the above and first person shoot-em-ups.

Virtual Reality Prepares Soldiers for Real War
Washington Post. Feb. 14, 2006

I've read some other more recent stories that'll try to dig up.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
17:08 / 04.12.06
On a totally different note, are there any Web sites that index how much lending rates on lines of credit fluctuate above prime, per bank? Any Google searches I attempt inevitably result in a leering man with an eyepatch and a rusty hook for a hand offering me "LOANS 4 U BAD KREDIT NO PROBBLEM!"
doozy floop
08:19 / 06.12.06
If a cat is a very lovely and dozy slightly aged house cat, would it be unthinkable for him to move to a first floor flat with no immediate access to the outside world? He could obviously pop outside when the people come and go, but the people wouldn't be around for great swathes of the time so he would often be stuck inside. Is that just mean and un-fun for a cat, even if I really really really want to adopt him?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
11:39 / 06.12.06
What is this "I claim my five pounds" meme that keeps cropping up on Barbelith, anyway?
11:43 / 06.12.06
It's from an old NEwspaper competition - the News Chronicle would send a chap known as Lobby Ludd out around a particular town and publish the location in the paper ('Today Lobby Ludd will be in Margate!')
You approached him with a copy of the paper under your arm and said 'You are Lobby Ludd and I claim my five pounds!'
And then got a fiver, hopefully.

My mother thought she saw him once, when young, but he was off duty (lunch hour).
11:44 / 06.12.06
I imagine they also printed a photograph of Lobby in the paper. Or it would be a minefield.
11:47 / 06.12.06
The News Chronicle, IIRC, a now-defunct British newspaper, promoted itself by sending a character called Lobby Ludd to various seaside resort towns. In the News Chronicle would be an account of where he would be and what he would be wearing. If somebody approached him and said "You are Lobby Ludd and I claim my five pounds", or a similar prearranged phrase, he would give them a five pound note, if they did so while holding that day's copy of the Chronicle. This was back when five pounds was a lot of money, of course.
Char Aina
11:47 / 06.12.06
it isnt a barbelith thing.
copying and pasting "I claim my five pounds" into google could help.
11:49 / 06.12.06
Like lightning.

Did your mother, then, get the moral victory but no money, Ex? That must be the smallest moral victory EVARGH?
11:52 / 06.12.06
I'm looking to download the entirety of BBC4's 'In Our Time' as a christmas present but it seems that the BBC only have a few of them up as mp3 at the moment - the rest are in Realplayer .ram format.

SO: Does anybody know of either:
1. Someone who has collected the series in mp3 format (perhaps on a torrent site, though my searches haven't found anything)?
2. A way to record .ram files in a less icky (and more permanent) format?
Whisky Priestess
13:08 / 06.12.06
"I claim my five pounds" also comes from Graham Greene's Brighton Rock, which steals the Lobby Ludd idea but calls the guy Kolley Kibber (after a notoriously poor Poet Laureate of the 18th(?) century). This is where I came across the phrase first. Pinkie murders him, but I can't recall whether he claims his five pounds.
13:38 / 06.12.06
Colley Cibber, made poet laureate in 1730 for his staunch support of Walpole's Whig party. Even he was reasonably cheerful about how bad his poetry was. Alexander Pope hated him.
15:13 / 06.12.06
Lobby Lud was a fictional character invented in 1927 by the Westminster Gazette, a British newspaper, now defunct. The name derives from the telegraphic address of the newspaper ("Lobby, Ludgate").

So says Wikipedia. Interestinger and …
17:01 / 06.12.06
.trampetunia: I hear that a program called Totalrecorder (Or Total Recorder) may do what you want it to do - but it's recording of streaming audio, not a conversion tool, as far as I know.

(Which isn't a great distance.)
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:10 / 06.12.06
I just tried dicking around with Audacity for a couple of minutes to see if I could get it to record streams, but couldn't manage it. I do it constantly with Cool Edit, and I think Goldwave is capable, but they're both pay to play (and Cool Edit is long out of print).

There's probably a setting on Audacity to record onboard audio that I can't figure out quickly.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:14 / 06.12.06
Ah. Apparently can't be done in Mac OSX, but it's possible with Windows. And there are links for other Mac apps that can do streams here.

Streaming is, of course, real time. Which will require a bit of sitting around and listening.

I'd be surprised if the .ram files were full audio, and not just little stream links anyway. Do you know if they're really the files in RP format?

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