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Questions and Answers - Part 3


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13:17 / 03.11.06
"Bisou" looks French. "Besos" is "kisses."

Ron Stoppable
15:56 / 03.11.06
quick one - Google is giving me nothing:

Is there a day planned sometime soon in which, to highlight Britain's wasteful ways, people are encouraged to turn off everything electrical, effectively blacking out London for an hour or so and getting important press coverage on the back of it?

I thought it might have been called Switch Off Day but apparently not. Did I make it up?

Grateful for your help
Mon Oncle Ignatius
17:53 / 03.11.06
This one?:

Blackout London is being called by the same group that organised the
Power Cut on 31st August 2006, and is being promoted by workface"
Ron Stoppable
23:52 / 03.11.06
Django, that's magic - many thanks, man
06:54 / 04.11.06
Many years ago, I heard a recording--I believe it was on cassette--of some British comedy (probably radio), most likely from the 40s or 50s. What I recall is a mature voice reading--in a slow, flat monotone--a list of the extemely bizarre contents of an estate (as for an auction). I remember something about monkeys' brains.

I long ago lost touch with the person who played this recording for me, and in recent years have enquired of a number of people who--supposedly--knew alot about post-war British comedy, but none have been able to identify the performer.

Has anyone here ever heard this, or even (if you have not actually heard it) have an idea of who *may* have performed such a thing?

Hoping I may finally be able to solve this minor mystery with the help of the true esotericists among us!
14:00 / 04.11.06
Tabitha Tickletooth - Careful buying would be making sure that the second-hand thing you're buying is what you think it is, that it's all working perfectly, and preferably (though this bit isn't always possible) that it's from someone you trust.

Jessops are pricey, but offer pretty good service on second hand stuff (compared to, say, Ebay). Other than that, ingratiating yourself with some gadget-obsessives who must have the latest thing is the way forward. Whatever you find, try taking some pictures and seeing how they go - if possible, get them onto a computer, as those little screens can hide a multitude of sins. Also, take into account that any Lithium battery that's more than a couple of years old is likely to be next-to-useless and might need replacing.
Kirin? Who the heck?
21:49 / 04.11.06
Neither 'abrazos' nor 'besos' are inducements to sexing, but they are somewhat informal ways of ending a letter. Best used with people you know well, and I think 'abrazos' is the most common. The kids are all about signing their messages with 'hugs' in English too, nowadays.
All Acting Regiment
10:55 / 05.11.06
Given that

a) it's winter, or so

b) I'm short-sighted

How stupid would I be if I bought those shades? You know, those shades...or would I be cute?
16:42 / 06.11.06
I need sulphuric acid. Where can I get some?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
16:49 / 06.11.06
Chemical supply catalogs. Yarr, There The Acid Beee. Contact your local university chem department for other alternatives.

Uh... why do you want sulfuric acid, anyway?
17:02 / 06.11.06
How about borax?
17:06 / 06.11.06
Thanks Matt. Unfortunately they only ship to educational establishments in America. I am neither one nor the other. And somehow I can't see the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, giving out free H2SO4.
Turns out I need Hydrochloric anyway.
Or I could just use vinegar and lemon juice, but where's the fun in that?

I'm using it to etch a steel blade. Any info about alternative methods of pretty marking would be loved.
17:07 / 06.11.06
Ah, the power of cross-post. I'm off to google borax. Although all I know about it is that you can make homemade pyrotechnics from it.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
17:07 / 06.11.06
They may not give it out free, but if you can convince them you are sane, they might order some for you. What about those electric metal-etching kits that were all the rage in the '80s to put your name on your Betamax and whatnot? Would one of those work?
17:08 / 06.11.06
Also, most rituals actually work better if you use a Betamax instead of an athame. True fact.
17:12 / 06.11.06
Less useful in a stabbing\skinning\crafting capacity though. Thanks Matt, I may try to convince them.
17:16 / 06.11.06
I knew I was doing something wrong. Tomorrow, my taxidermy practise REOPENS!

17:24 / 06.11.06
Engrave with Dremel

I luvr my Dremel! In fact you've reminded me to go poke someone in the eye for borowing it for too long.

Really is the way to go. Regular Dremel tools are excellent for multiple tasks don't have to get the engraver model.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
17:26 / 06.11.06
Don't poke them in the eye with the Dremel.
17:30 / 06.11.06
Unless they have eyes made of metal.
17:46 / 06.11.06
Haus, Borax is a flux used for soldering metal, specifically silver and gold, and any good industry supplier should have it. Try Sutton's Tools.

Princess, to etch you're better off using Nitric acid. You can get it via your University or specialist shops. If you want some I can get you the name of the shop we use, but not until Wednesday. Another alternative to etch metal home stylee is to use battery acid from an old car battery and dilute it. It's a dangerous business etching though and should really be done in a safe box.
18:13 / 06.11.06
Hmm, I'll wait for the knife to arrive and then decide. It was more idle speculation than anything.
Another question, what is the recommended weekly alcohol intake for short yet beautiful men?. I'm sure I'm over it, but I want to know by how much and if that's something that's a danger to my youthful and nubile body.
18:17 / 06.11.06
21 units for a man and 14 unit for a woman I believe. I don't think it much matters if you're a short man unless you're as short as me (5'3") and then perhaps you should maybe consider counting under the female category.

There a cute little test on the BUPA site if you really want to worry yourself.
18:24 / 06.11.06
Isn't Borax the one that speaks for the trees?

Oh shit. I'm getting all confused again. NURSE!!!
18:24 / 06.11.06
Unfortunately there is no column for bottles of drink. Last week I was up to 28.5 units. My estimated alcohol intake for the coming week would have amounted to about 65 units. Possibly a rethink is in order.

Editor's Comment: This post upsets me. On one hand it perpetuates the idea of Princess as a "wacky student" type, something that he quite likes. He feels it gives him a Jamie-Oliveresque charm. On the other hand, it proves that he truly is no longer Rock and/or Roll and that all the dreams of his gothic, black wearing, fifteen years old self, have died.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
18:27 / 06.11.06
What's the difference between tone and pitch?
18:28 / 06.11.06
One happens before sport, the other happens during.
Jack Vincennes
18:30 / 06.11.06
no column for bottles of drink

Last time I did that test I decided that a bottle = 1 x spirit measure, which is wildly generous (or the opposite, as I suspect most bottles are more than that) and still made me worried.
18:33 / 06.11.06
Well if a spirit measure is one unit, which I think it is, then each bottle of this particular drink is worth 9.5 of them. I love ginger wine so much.
18:35 / 06.11.06
Unless Princess is referrring to whole bottles of spirits. In which case the feeling is less along the lines of worried and more along the lines of dead.

Matt, I know that a pure tone has no harmonic parts (overtones) to it whereas pitch does, but I think there is proably more to it than that.
18:48 / 06.11.06
Princess- when I had myself referred for alcohol counselling (due to what my doctor referred to as "alcohol dependency syndrome", which sounds much better than "being a chronic pisshead") I had to start counting units- I was averaging about 140 a week. Believe me, you really don't want to go there. Now I'm down to about 90 on alternate weeks, and don't drink at all the rest of the time.

I did work out what a bottle of spirits comes to, but I forget- it's roughly the same as six cans of Special Brew, if that helps.
20:17 / 06.11.06
A bottle of wine is between 7 and 9 units, depending on strength. 140, Stoats? Fuck, I thought I had a problem. Well, I do, but y'know. Ouch.
20:18 / 06.11.06
Stones ginger wine is 9.5
Lama glama
20:39 / 06.11.06
I have a tooth-ache and as all health-type places are closed (pharmacy, dentist's, &c) I was wondering if there's some sort of household remedy that would work to deaden the throbbing tear-inducing pain. I've tried pain-killers, but they've done sweet feck all. I've heard that there's a fairly common household spice that's good for getting rid of tooth-ache, but I can't remember what it is and neither does anybody else in the house. Help heal my pain!
20:44 / 06.11.06
There're a few household solutions here, though be warned, the one right at the top of the page seems to have teeth mixed up with ears.

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