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14:06 / 01.09.06

Can the people whose pictures aren't showing in this thread fix their links?
Haus of Mystery
08:47 / 06.09.06
These are some images from a proposed set of playing cards I was working on. The project seems to be on hiatus, so rather than let these gather dust I thought I'd share 'em with the 'lith. Click on the thumbnail to get a bigger picture:

Haus of Mystery
13:10 / 06.09.06
Or not. I seem to be having problems with the image hosting. Anyone having any joy, or is it little cross-boxes all round?
Saint Keggers
22:55 / 06.09.06
Tim Tempest
21:41 / 12.09.06
Oh I really like that one. Good work Keggers!
Liger Null
21:23 / 03.10.06
A couple of sketchbook doodles:

Look out! It's a rhinocerous in a loincloth!

What appears to be some kind of goblin/alien thing hopping around on crude earthenware jugs:

+#'s, - names
19:58 / 14.10.06
My band is playing in a couple of weeks. Just posted the flyer.

23:44 / 14.10.06
That's a beautiful flyer. Did you do it?
+#'s, - names
22:04 / 17.10.06
Thanks. and... Hell yeah.

I have improved it.
22:20 / 17.10.06
It certainly works better vertically; I dug the original design's style but felt it lacked focus. Your second version just seems... tighter, especially with the text better distributed. Nice job!
the Fool
22:46 / 17.10.06
+#'s, - names I so, so love your work. That's beautiful!
11:12 / 18.10.06

Polish miner, 1883

old flyer for a gig
11:23 / 18.10.06
+#'s, - names, I prefer the first one because I really like the font that you've used. I don't like the second one's font nearly so much.

I do like the turn to vertical though.
Haus of Mystery
13:13 / 25.10.06
Can I be a bore, and direct anyone who hasn't visited the comic forum recently, that I've got a new Horror anthology out, featuring work by a number of other Barbeloids....
13:49 / 25.10.06
Here's a drawing that was one of my fave's when I did it a couple of years ago : Lady

I'd love to draw that again really, and make her look a bit better.

Here's another couple from around the same time :

Vamp (Vampey is my one and only serious inking attempt.)


And Spidey was one I loved, because I somehow managed to draw it from scratch, and not from a copy in a comic. I think the artists at Millarworld are to thank for the inspiration to manage drawing that anywhere near as good as I did, even though to their standards it's probably about average at best.
11:56 / 31.10.06
This is what I do these days...

All Acting Regiment
12:00 / 31.10.06
Oooooo lovely...
15:15 / 31.10.06
That is spectacular use of design and texture. I love the suggestion of a "haunted reflection" of a long ago rainforest...but that is just what I see, maybe.
20:52 / 31.10.06
That's very nice. Any way of seeing a larger resolution version?
22:29 / 31.10.06
Thanks for the comments. (nice first day onboard)
It's actually a carborundum print (edition of 5)
printing is a new thing for me..
I am mostly a painter

i have just started blogging here with pics of whatever I am working on/just finished.

help from Barbettes on title suggestions welcome!
+#'s, - names
18:51 / 20.11.06
Larger version POPS! in new window...

+#'s, - names
22:00 / 22.11.06
Mad pattern making rampage

Both are clickable to see in full view.

Saint Keggers
13:42 / 01.12.06
My first attempt at using henna. (instead of digitally drawing tattoos onto photographs)\

01:45 / 11.12.06
here's a few things- enjoy.


Castle Route

flameape in norway

akhibarahydrant/Vitamin C
19:15 / 16.12.06
My doodling (very poorly photographed though). They are about 10 to 15 centimetres in length, and done on normal a4 size paper with a ballpoint pen.

aluhks SMASH!
21:47 / 16.12.06
here's a thing I've been working on recently:

flickr link
02:02 / 17.12.06
Elegant and beautiful Phriar.
17:22 / 18.12.06
Thanks, I am currently making small doodlings combined with poetry which I shall be handing out in envelopes to passers by on the streets. Hope it will make people happy.
13:43 / 04.01.07
Here's some of my stuff. I'm working on sort of Graphic Poems or Poem Comics or ... something like that. clickable!

13:58 / 22.01.07

18:23 / 24.01.07

I want a munny but until I can get that sorted, this'll do.

Normal garden gnome sprayed black and painted on using a tippex pen (I heart tippex as an art material)
23:51 / 24.01.07
I heart your gnome
Saint Keggers
14:49 / 26.01.07
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
05:18 / 09.02.07
I Like the dude Keggers, kinda reminds me of the movie Brasil or some Monty Python.
lord nuneaton savage
14:05 / 09.02.07
Keggers, who gave you permission to make a likeness of my manservant?

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