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Saint Keggers
15:49 / 09.02.07
johnleespider: I think its the hat that gives it the Mony Python vibe.

LNS: Your manservant? Strangely enough this is the result of a discussion of steampunk porn.
00:52 / 17.02.07
wow, some of you guys are really great artists. I feel kind of intimidated by most of it. Here is a link to my deviant art page. i hope you enjoy!
10:25 / 20.02.07
Make me Uncomfortable
00:40 / 28.02.07
A recent video work:
The Tower, The Book
Music is by Tom Waits and Sufjan Stevens, everything else was done/photographed/filmed by me.
11:09 / 28.02.07
BTW, I loved that work you did, T&T Bells. I took a look at it in the Temple.
13:12 / 04.03.07
Broomvondle's unemployment + fine liner =

Sibelian 2.0
11:52 / 11.03.07

Much photoshopping, peeps.
Sibelian 2.0
11:56 / 11.03.07

And a pencil drawing scanned and played with a little in the Gimp.
19:05 / 11.03.07

Not been drawing much recently, because of medical issues, but was quite pleased with how unsettlingly this came out...
21:25 / 12.03.07
Here's one of my drawings of recent times.
21:29 / 12.03.07
p.s. Broomvondle- that image reminds me of Jim Woodring, whcih can be nothing but a good thing.
17:02 / 15.03.07
Hester - Yes it looks just like Jim Woodring's pupshaw character - that wasn't intentional - then again nothing about the drawing was intentional I just started drawing random stuff until I ran out of paper.

Liking your robot btw.
18:30 / 15.03.07
cheers- didn't make the connection to Pupshaw just related the terrifying psychedelic cuteness.
Sibelian 2.0
18:29 / 23.04.07
A bit off topic, but I would appreciate comments on this:

... as it is intended to serve a fairly particular purpose.

Good? Bad? WTF, Sib?
18:38 / 23.04.07
I get a kind of Badger Death from the Shadows vibe.

But who am I to judge if this is a good thing or a bad thing?
miss wonderstarr
18:51 / 23.04.07
I really dig it Sibelian. I like the way it's reduced a badger down to a kind of totem or icon (could be tribal, or GUI) ~ down to its basics. It took me a moment to realise what it's a picture "of".
Sibelian 2.0
19:45 / 23.04.07
These are both perfect responses. Thank you, folks!

It is a badger, as you have discerned. I was hoping for it not to be too obvious that it was a badger until it was pointed out, and so far not many people have spotted the badgerness at all, so it's good to have at least 2 people who CAN see him. He is, in fact, intended to be a badger totem.

What's a GUI?
This Sunday
20:27 / 23.04.07
Something I did in a Carrow's ages ago, and thought would be lost for good. Still 'round, apparently. And sideways.

and some other stuff

which later became a really huge poster/mural over a bar in LA that stopped existing circa 2001.

20:31 / 23.04.07
This Sunday
20:31 / 23.04.07
Oh, and Sibelian, that could be the finest spine-design for phonebook ever. To the point where I may print it off and glue it to mine.

Intended purpose? Don't leave us in suspense. In the great words of George Jetson, what does it do besides make noise?
23:27 / 23.04.07
Decrescent, that second image is great. The quick, basic lines and the campfire eyes remind me of a cave-drawing, painted across time. Homo alcoholus.

What media did you use?
This Sunday
07:38 / 24.04.07
It's photoshopped together, collage-style. Top bit is a photo of mine of the Albuquerque skyline took on a lay-over. The figure was drawn onto a third of an envelope with a magick marker really fast to illustrate some point I've now totally forgotten. Scanned and put in negative. The eyes, are, in fact, my friends now-late and very marvelous and psychotic cat's. I scanned a photo into photoshop, cut them out, and bent them a bit and lay them onto the pic.

My work had been so crammed just before that picture, as was the art of everyone I was around (who was doing art) at the time. And I can't help but be contrary, so this was the birth of my newfound get the job done simplicity. And then someone blew it up huge, sort of doctored for the purpose, and that was rented out for a few years before I felt guilty about getting money continuously for it, and I gave it to the bar. Bar, then, almost immediately closed up and went away and I haven't seen the sibling piece in ages. Hadn't seen this one, either, until I went image-searching the other day.
Sibelian 2.0
13:46 / 24.04.07
I particularly like the rock star dude. I wish *I* had that freehand talent. It's the best I can manage, even with vector graphics 'ware, just to keep the lines straight...

The badger totem is exactly that, a badger totem. You will notice a "Drumming and Trance" thread (which I am too lazy to link to) in the Temple explaining that I am participating an a group drumming ritual thing. The badger is our totem animal and the thingy upthread will be our flag, carried for us on the night of April 30th on Calton Hill in Edinburgh by our flag-bearer...

In fact, I may do a Beltane pimping thread later on in the week, as it is soon to take place and you can all come and look at me drum and see what I look like, if you wish . That's me in the wig!
This Sunday
14:15 / 24.04.07
The best bit on Triplets' has got to be the length of the hair-shadows. Extreme lighting go! and all that.

The last set Triplets', mine, and Sibelian's really have been united in how minimalized they seem to the stuff upthread, yeah? Is this a new dawn for BarbArt?
17:24 / 24.04.07
Actually, that's my actual hair just superminimalised
17:26 / 24.04.07
Ohhh, I see. You meant on my forehead. Yes!
This Sunday
17:48 / 24.04.07
Well, don't get me wrong, I'm sure your actual hair's great too. Don't know that it's the best part of you, but you'd be a better judge, I suppose.
19:08 / 24.04.07
Sibelian's Spider Plant

I extra heart your badger and have sent a link of it to the spouse.

GUI= Graphic User Interface
it is the picture and text windows used to interact with a computer rather than just a text based one.

To all you lovely talented people please do consider joing in the Barbelith Temple journal project. We're looking for black and white images that mesh with Temple themes. All are welcome to submit work and the selection is by collective vote.
Some off board folks are joining in so even if you don't consider yourself a Temple poster please participate if interested.
20:15 / 24.04.07

20:49 / 24.04.07
I was hoping for it not to be too obvious that it was a badger until it was pointed out, and so far not many people have spotted the badgerness at all

It was so instantly badgery to me that people not seeing him surprises me. Perhaps it's something to do with people who post on Barbelith being basically weird.
This Sunday
21:57 / 24.04.07
See, I thought it was a badger with a bible. Badgerpriest. Badger Bible Basher.
Sibelian 2.0
16:25 / 25.04.07
XK I am humbled.

/...Bows graciously

I shall have a look at the journal project. I can't say much more at the moment, I am one-handed as the cat has decided he's sitting on the other one.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:27 / 25.04.07

This Sunday
17:35 / 25.04.07
I really like the forwardness vs restrained gliding of that horse piece.

Loki's eyes look a bit snaky to me, for some reason. I blew the picture up to its 'largest size' and don't see where I'm getting it, but it's effective, nonetheless.
18:19 / 25.04.07
It might be because of what you know. Sometimes that happens.

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