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17:20 / 18.05.07

A bit of shameless pimping, but if you want a t-shirt with broccoli on then by all means vote!

My Submission
This Sunday
17:37 / 18.05.07
The image posted looks great, really nice balance and y'know, I like brocoli more than a number of things I have on t-shirts already (and hence don't wear much) and it would make me wear t-shirts more often, sadly. The faded opposition repro lends it an interesting spatial presence.

Unfortunately, if that's how the shirt looks, it appears to not flow well, when that's gonna be wrapped around a human torso. Anybody else get that feeling? My imaginary visual may just be wonky.
+#'s, - names
23:14 / 19.05.07

Tour poster for friends, much larger pops in new window.
Sibelian 2.0
15:07 / 20.05.07
PROPER vector work.

***** out of *****!

I've never really tried to go for that style, I wouldn't know where to start...
+#'s, - names
20:45 / 21.05.07
It's easy. Just go. Start on something and let it flow. Often I start with a scan from my sketchbook and just have that be my template, but more often the not it becomes something else entirelly... such as....

Just for a kick I decided to do a totem in your style, but I got sloppy early on and it morphed into something else (larger pops in new window):

It still retains a bit of your vibe I think.
Sibelian 2.0
09:02 / 22.05.07
YEAH! Gorgeous!

I love the morphingness. To me, I'd be happiest if people took my stuff off and played with it and changed it and posted it all over the web! In this way, I think it just makes the spirit stronger and helps the vital shapes to come out.

So is it Moth or Butterfly? I think she's a she. Probably her middle aspect is the one that's closest to my style...

I have set myself a bunch of rules and tend to be quite strict with them, first I get a bunch of pictures of who it is I want to make into a totem and start tracing the bits of them that..."work". Then I strip the ececentricites out of the curves until I've got the simplest possible version and then I decorate them with what I feel are the shapes of their spirit. Stag had lots of diamonds because of his pointy nose, and stars because he said so (ahem), and Rabbit (available for viewing in the Art Gallery Thread) wanted little downward pointing chevrons to show how fast she could go.
+#'s, - names
15:05 / 22.05.07

Changes, evolves.

Started with a drawing I took of a butterfly, not sure if that is what it became.
Sibelian 2.0
10:42 / 23.05.07
That's positively fragrant... beautful. A hot, lazy summer night...

I am inspired! But also currently absorbed by Cat.
16:49 / 23.05.07
Sibelian and +#'s, - names, I really like your artwork; it´s so refined and evocative. The green butterfly picture is my new desktop, btw.
Sibelian 2.0
17:07 / 23.05.07
Whatever imaginary band that made the CD that that night-scented moth picture is the cover image for, that's my favourite band, that is.
03:58 / 29.05.07
Yeah, dudes, I am very inspired by your exchange. There is something to be learned from your process, and your repitition of images. The patterns you come up with are almost hypnotizing. Keep it up!
09:49 / 01.06.07
hope I did this right
this is one of many stuff that will be in my end-of-third-year-of-suckyartschool show
I would really appreciate any comments since I'm not really sure what to make of this particular work
Sibelian 2.0
18:53 / 02.06.07

It's interesting.

Is the shot the final work or is this part of an installation? I think different things depending...
00:41 / 03.06.07
That's cool, Greencat. For reference, regarding putting images into a post (and other helpful stuff), this page is good to check out. When you hit "Add your reply" you'll see the link at the top of the page, along with the link to posting etiquette.
Anyway, keep 'em coming.
08:57 / 03.06.07
it's the final product but it's a part of a semi-instelation exibition or something (I'm very confused these days)and most of the other stuff there will also be a sort of documentation of things i did with scalptures.
my intentions are to give just a specific pick at the actions I take in other places and bring them to the gallery insted of the actual objects. the holey hobby thig is kind of a freak amongs the other images but still fits because of its pagan elements. I also tried to capture it on video but I decided the still was better
09:03 / 03.06.07
does this work?

12:32 / 03.06.07
i like it. it looks really well made and the photo captures the feeling of a kind of delapidated urban wastland space which meets with nature aswell. kind of post apocolyptic.

If i were planning to exhibit documentation of this happening in the form of photos inside a gallery space (i imagine your show will be in the college?) i would play about with the cropping of the image to maximise the visual effect created by the composition. Although i like the way you see the expansive forests in the background i feel the shot might have a better effect if it was cropped just slightly more close or into a more dynamic shape.
14:02 / 03.06.07
Greencat's artwork:

like this:

< img src= width=500 >

...only without the spaces after the opening bracket or before the closing bracket. The added width command is used to scale down the size to fit the board.
14:37 / 03.06.07
thanx Justrix

Hester: I think your right about the cropping. i've also been thinking about it. something just felt wrong or missing but I'll probably only know if it works when I frame&hang it
22:05 / 03.06.07
Yeah, it's a cool idea, but it leaves me wanting more. It would probably be difficult to convince the curators to let you have a bonfire in the gallery, but an installation with this in mind could be quite interesting. So, keep going!
02:30 / 04.06.07
I've recently finished a 3D animation / motion graphics project while attending school.
Strongly cyberpunk influenced!
I have not yet received much feedback. I desire critique and comments. So please sign the guestbook!

:::Elk Cloner

Sibelian 2.0
12:02 / 04.06.07
Oh Wow.

I really like that, but I'm at work and couldn't turn the sound up.

More later...
Sibelian 2.0
20:37 / 04.06.07
Greencat - does your work have a title?

I keep thinking different things about it. One minute it's really edgy and strange and oppressive and I expect leering monsters to leap out and grab the firechild and take her into the forest. The next I think the monsters are going to sit down, pop-eyed and gormless and she's going to start moving and tell them a story.

It's the fire. It keeps changing meaning to me.
This Sunday
20:51 / 04.06.07
Greencat, firechild = so cute! I think others are seeing a kind of post-apocayptic or monstrous-wood riskiness to it, and it does seem volatile to me, but happily so.

And, really, I'd love to see that in a decent gallery which would give a very different feel than the one in the picture, all soft-roped off and aflame, but I don't envy you the paperwork or hassle over fire-hazzards and all.

Isosceles, I like how unbalanced the piece is, while remaining quite dualist. Those two circular areas really draw the focus, so that I feel my attention and eyes being batted back and forth. Nice. The rusty clouds going behind the blue structure seems a bit detrimental to me, however, in terms of movement.
+#'s, - names
21:51 / 04.06.07

Why Holly Hobby?
15:00 / 05.06.07
+#'s, - names(you have to explain to me what that means): I'm not really sure why her exactly. I do know, after thinking about it alot, that I deal with idols and social rituals alot in my works and translate them to my world. I use humor to do that, or try to, and also fake cuteness and vintage asthetics so holly hobby was a natural choice and the copyright stealing seemed right somehow.

Sibelian's Priceless Ming Vase: It dosen't have a title. I usually don't like using them, but if I do I like them to be very very obvious and overly-descriptive (I just made something up didn't I?) so maybe the name "holly in flames" would be funny or "worship her!"

Thank you all for your comments. they mean alot.

you guys are great realy
15:39 / 05.06.07
i love the animation isosceles, the editing and music fit really well together and there is some very intriuging imagery in there. My favourite bit is when the red symbol-creature begins to revolve and snap into place. Where did the music and dialogue come from btw?
21:07 / 07.06.07
Where did the music and dialogue come from btw?

Music: Milieu (tons of free exquisite IDM)
Dialogue: recorded myself
+#'s, - names
18:40 / 14.06.07
Got commissioned to do some art for an act from Columbus that goes by the name of Golden Death Music.
I wasn't sure what I was going to think of them, but after listening to the release that this art is for, they are pretty fucking amazing.

Not really breaking new ground as far as my own stuff goes, but still has some nice qualities.
18:28 / 19.06.07
ok, i've got a few more images to post:

the first one is one from a series of digital collages made by altering stills from a famous celebrity chef's dvd.

the next is one from a series of paper collages i made from cannibalised portions of recipe books.

and the final one is of a piece called "the Magic Porridge pot", name borrowed from a folk tale, made from a TV, plinth and porridge.
20:36 / 19.06.07
Ooo hehehe, just love that TV porridge shlop. Another great use of gallery space.
Sibelian 2.0
11:40 / 20.06.07
I also approve of the porridge!
15:31 / 20.06.07
thanks! please note the use of plug in air freshener.
14:45 / 21.06.07
Hester- a very acurate depiction of what really goes on when you turn on the TV.

A couple of digital works of my own. Had to resize, quality sucks. To see them in full glory go to:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
^v^ Athrun ^v^
23:34 / 28.06.07
Very nice work! I think "Predators Calm me Gently" is probably my favorite. I wish I could remember a thing or two from AP art...

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