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18:30 / 25.04.07
Sib, that piece at the top with the wireframe clone baby looking out at us over it's shoulder is fucking tip-top.
19:27 / 25.04.07
At the urging of Pacific State I tried to get these images to show up in the thread but succeeded only in finding links... these are from my 'gallery' on Deviantart.

This was playing with blowing ink and made pretty patterns;
Bluebird Wood

This was my very first attempt at oil painting, I like the colours but am less sure of the finish;
This Sunday
19:40 / 25.04.07
Were these done around the same time?

Anyhow, I really like the birds and limbs piece. Nicely done with one bird looking very lazily in the air, and the other all sharp and speedy. Also, I really like the green. I'm easily amused, yes, but seriously, that green is fabulous.

The second piece I'm less into, but I like the soft yellowing of the eyes. I'm thinking I'd like to see a painting of yours that's primarily eyes. Is that absurd sounding?
10:25 / 26.04.07
I understand the preference, they were both done since October and I like the oils one less and less as it seems unfinished to me, but I still like the way the colours blend. Did you look at any of the others? Nietzsche was my second experiment with oils and is much better, has two sets of eyes as well!

The eye thing is an odd thought, but I might give it a go, were you thinking one big pair of eyes or lots of little ones? I'm tempted by the former.

I'll be putting some more pics that I've done over the last few years in the gallery, mostly watercolour pencil, should I link my favourites here as well?
Sibelian 2.0
09:40 / 27.04.07

... and here he is again - a little bit more totemy. I've really got into him and decided that if I was going to have a god he would be a beautiful god and to decorate him to make him happy. There are now, needless to say, multiple versions of him cluttering up my desktop. This isn't the final one. I shall make decision at some point in the future about when to stop, but probably not any time soon...

A friend of mine has now asked me to do a rabbit totem. I like this.

Trips - your stuff is really vibrant and fabulous. Do you illustrate professionally?

Decrescent - your stuff is deeply spooky and organic looking. It looks like you draw from life?
13:21 / 27.04.07
Thats gorgeous. Is it drawn by hand or on computer or both?
This Sunday
15:41 / 27.04.07
Sibelian, if that's handdrawn, at least lie to me and tell that it was drawn really, really big, scanned/photoed and shrunk down immensely. Everything's very, very even and immaculately aligned.

I was still in artschool (where things are fraught with meaning especially when they're not) when I did the first piece, which is actually the producer who was sitting at the other end of the table at Carrows, going on about important things that, because our business meeting was in a Carrows, I wasn't really listening to much. Hence the goofy angryface coming upside down out of his mouth. There was something else being communicated despite the smiley happy business.

And someone just e-mailed me, after seeing the second here, and told me they used to think it was a self-portrait. It's not. (I think.)

Trips has got a lovely shimmering quality in those works, hasn't he? I think it communicated a sort of hopefulness, and while it may just be my weird brain, the first thought I had scanning down them this morning (I just glanced at every piece I can see in the full thread) is that they're what Mike Kelly would like to do if he wasn't busy being Mike Kelly all the time. Blissworld Kelly or something.
Sibelian 2.0
20:46 / 27.04.07
Darling! Good Heavens!

1. Inkscape
2. Photoshop

...although a hand-drawn version might be fun, I do NOT have the patience.

I'm usually happy with something so long as it looks nice. I'm not generally worried about where it comes from or how. I am very pleased that you think it looks like it might be hand-drawn, though! Most electronic stuff looks very electronic.
21:05 / 27.04.07
I was imagining a kind of etching rather than a pencil thing, and am impressed regardless of method, very purty... I could see the badger in the first one, but not without being told in the second.
This Sunday
21:50 / 27.04.07
Haloquin: big eyes, is what I was thinking of. I think you'd commmunicate well on a pair of big eyes. That's a basis-lacking assumption but I'm sticking to it because I'd like to see the picture.

And, Sibelian, I've never got the notion behind one method or medium being superior to another. So long as the end product does its job, I couldn't care less if da Vinci painted on top of photographs or carved the canvas in special ways so the lines catch the light and reflect various colors making the image of that girl and her swan. Yours definitely do their job. Even if I still see the badger in the first one as a biblebadger and the second as some higher-aspect badger.
Sibelian 2.0
13:32 / 29.04.07

... and here is a foxy.

I'm really getting into this.
05:04 / 30.04.07
Greetings all. Figgered this would be a good enough place to introduce myself...I like to draw and making animations to music.

links to animations:
(music stolen from prefuse 73)
All the images I'm seeing on here are really great and I've been looking to find some like-minded folk to collaborate with. I was reading about the old travelling sketch/note books and loved that idea...hopefully I can show you guys more things and we can talk about making comics together and all that Fartsy stuff...hooray!
03:19 / 05.05.07
Mauve Zone Recordings 003 Front:

Mauve Zone Recordings 003 Back:
Sibelian 2.0
11:22 / 07.05.07
Domino -

I like you stuff!

The apathy guy reminds me of Bill Clinton.
Sibelian 2.0
11:30 / 07.05.07

Here's two more of mine.

After this I will stop as I am TOTALLY on a roll and will clog up this thread with me, me, me pictures. If you like them, there are more on my flickr account, where I am also called sibelian.


(I plague you with the large version because you can't see the detail in the smaller one (which, for some reason, won't upload anyway). So there.)


Which I finally did.


I've reloaded these. They aren't showing up for some reason...
This Sunday
11:34 / 07.05.07
I thought it was a bobble-head Leno, but Clinton's good too. Nice piece, regardless, Domino.

And how cool is that album art? Just the right bit of sloppiness in the technique to make it glow. ButterflEyes!

I was just reading the old 'worst comics artist' thread over in, um, the comics forum. This is my palate cleanser. Well, this and Cameron Stewart's level-headed professional decency in the thread. Did he really throttle the Wood Invisibles art online as badly as myth has it?

We are an excellent arsty board aren't we. No question about it.
02:32 / 08.05.07
Hehehe yeah, butterfly eyeballs of mind expansion. My only criticism would be the text, but I'm always biased towards nicely hand written text anyways. And the more totem animals the merrier sibelian; it would be awesome to see one of those on a massive scale, like a huge marching banner or somethin'.
This Sunday
10:41 / 08.05.07
The dragonfly one seems like it wants to be sedate, but it's so mobile. It has that shimmery feel of looking at a dragonfly.

The rabbit kinda scares me.

Maybe you should post new ones in a separate thread? A sibelian art-viewing or something, for the ones you're especially happy with.
11:07 / 08.05.07
Sibelian, if your picture needs to be bigger you should link to it. It's not fair for everyone to keep to the correct size but not you. Most of the time people put a small picture in the thread and then link to the large one. Because of the rules we have set ourselves about picture size, I've resized yours. You can make a link if you want to.

Can everyone please keep to this rule?
Sibelian 2.0
12:06 / 08.05.07
Lula - My Apogellies, and thanks for fixing...
13:03 / 08.05.07
It's all cool.

My request has not gone through yet. We need more creation mods.
14:58 / 09.05.07
Sibellian, i particularly like the fox and rabbit drawings- the rabbit one brings back a certain disturbed feeling i got from watching the black rabbit in watership down

this is a piece of work from my degree show. it's called Rose Scented Summer Fruit Pudding
and is oils on plates.
16:09 / 09.05.07
Whoa, very interesting. Are those dishes mounted to the wall? Did you somehow create those scented oils? I love the idea of including smell into the experience.
17:06 / 09.05.07
unfortunately the were just normal oil paints not scented ones although that is an interesting idea....the word scented was just a part of the title.
18:33 / 09.05.07
The bunny one looks like Frank (from Donnie Darko) in cyberspaaacceeeee. Great use of working within one style, Sib.

Hester, those oil plates look fantastic. Do you have any shots of them from a different angle?
18:46 / 09.05.07
Hester, I would like to know more about the theory behind your oil plates. How did you come to create such a thing?
19:28 / 09.05.07
Sibelian: I just adore the Dragonfly. I want it on a T-Shirt.

Hester: I too, am curious about your plates.
19:34 / 09.05.07
Yeah, the oils almost look transparent, which really makes it look like pudding. Definitely something I would like to examine in the gallery up close, so good job!
20:42 / 09.05.07
thanks for the interest

the plates were the product of my final year, in which i spent alot of time investigating food, espescially its portrayal in photography and advertising.
Of particluar interest was the way in which the food is made to look so glossy and seductive but is probably made inedible through the process which makes it look that way. I felt that these food images (not to mention the marks and spencer adverts)created an interesting analogy for culture; chromed glossy surface vs. zero actual substance.

The starting point for the plates was an image of a fruit pudding which really grabbed me because of how it exemplified these qualities. I used Photoshop to zoom right into te image and extract smaller portions, which were then printed out and painted onto the plates. this process was really that calculated or pre planned, more of a series of happy accidents from which something interesting began to surface. Painting the images onto the plates seemed to drive home the idea that these images aren't food and have no nutritional value (except to an artist but that's a different dissertation). I also liked the way the images actually began to resemble endoscopic images from within the body cavity, throwing the idea of digestion into the mix to boot.

i have a couple more images which show the dodgy hang:

Sibelian 2.0
10:29 / 10.05.07
Hi Hester,

Thats really edgy stuff. I like the contrast between the plate's simplicity and hanging, implying a ruthlessly orderly consumerist mass-production business model and the glistening, endoscopic OTT pudding shapes and colours.

Can we see more of your stuff?
Sibelian 2.0
10:31 / 10.05.07

I shall put the new totems in a new thread, although they are starting to morph into something a little less totem-y....
12:27 / 14.05.07
thanks for the kind comments. I will endeavour to post some more images once i can find the time to tackle the image hosting and so on....
04:49 / 15.05.07
Thanks for the compliments... Mr. Domino, well, in regards to the text, my handwriting isn't the best, and to fit all the words on the back cover would be very difficult by hand (and I didn't want to get a cramp writing out Auto-sodomizing Dadalectical Topology). The art is compressed to fit in the back cover, but the original can be found at the Necronomicon Transhumanism website here:
the Fool
01:34 / 16.05.07
Can I just say - I heart Sibelian.

Awesome vector work!!!
Sibelian 2.0
07:30 / 18.05.07

/...totally DIES.

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