Sibelian, if that's handdrawn, at least lie to me and tell that it was drawn really, really big, scanned/photoed and shrunk down immensely. Everything's very, very even and immaculately aligned.
I was still in artschool (where things are fraught with meaning especially when they're not) when I did the first piece, which is actually the producer who was sitting at the other end of the table at Carrows, going on about important things that, because our business meeting was in a Carrows, I wasn't really listening to much. Hence the goofy angryface coming upside down out of his mouth. There was something else being communicated despite the smiley happy business.
And someone just e-mailed me, after seeing the second here, and told me they used to think it was a self-portrait. It's not. (I think.)
Trips has got a lovely shimmering quality in those works, hasn't he? I think it communicated a sort of hopefulness, and while it may just be my weird brain, the first thought I had scanning down them this morning (I just glanced at every piece I can see in the full thread) is that they're what Mike Kelly would like to do if he wasn't busy being Mike Kelly all the time. Blissworld Kelly or something. |