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Art Gallery


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Tim Tempest
21:10 / 21.09.05
I know that there are alot of creative people on Barbelith, and I just wanted to see some of your artwork display.

(I wasn't sure if this should go under the art forum, or if it should be in Creation because it's...well, created by Barbelithers. Moderators may chew me out accordingly).

So, now it's time to show off.

And Finderwolf, I know you gots some decent old stuff from yer heyday.
23:07 / 21.09.05
well, I guess I'll start it off.
here's a little collage a made a while back (I'm big on collage... one of my favorite art forms).

it recently won me a year of free webhosting, so yeah... I am happy about that.

I've also been recently fooling around with my scanner and getting some interesting results. the files are rather large, and you need to see them in hi-res to get the full impact, so I'll just post links:

there's plenty more, but that's probably enough for now.
Tim Tempest
23:30 / 21.09.05
TeN, I am in awe of the real-surrealist angle. You turned pictures to...well, it's like turning Kodak into Dali.

Very cool.

So, who awarded you with the free hosting? And are you taking art further...from hobby to career?
23:44 / 21.09.05

the free hosting was from a contest someone from another board ran. basically, you could post any creative stuff you wanted, and he'd give the creator of his favorite piece free hosting for a year on his server. so i rumaged through my computer and posted everything I could. that's the piece that won.

as for art as a career... I'm only 17 (18 in 6 weeks) so I've got plenty of time to think about that stuff. I want to go for school for film, but hopefully I'll be able to take some art courses too.
Jack Fear
00:25 / 22.09.05
Heh. Subtle.
Tim Tempest
01:54 / 22.09.05
I'm 17 too. And I am also interested in Film...but I am heading for the journalist angle, so that's what I hope to turn into a career. Well, and fictional writing on the side.
electric monk
14:37 / 03.10.05
No one else wants to show off? Well, I do.

Enter the J. Crew Torture Gallery

A mash-up of a wax museum's program and a copy from the J. Crew Catalog. Also subtle.
19:00 / 04.10.05
Here's a few shots from some recent work i've been doing. This stuff is about a year old. Now i'm into making similar things only much smaller and out of actual insects and such.
the Fool
00:32 / 05.10.05
These are pieces in progress for a show next year... The first one has every character I've every created (well, almost anyway). The second has a little more work to go, but is about my love of music and dancing. The third is about my make-believe company Afrenasia that becomes more and more real as time passes.

Hopes yas like

the Fool
00:39 / 05.10.05
Skolld, those insects are awesome!!!! Love the medi-spider! As soon as you get more pictures of your new stuff, please post them!!!
+#'s, - names
02:05 / 05.10.05
yeah, that urban wasp is super sweet.
04:10 / 05.10.05
I paint with oils, watercolors, gouache, tea, ink, whatever. Lately the tea and ink have been getting all the action.

I just finished this:

The original is 9" x 12" which is new for me; I was painting these on 4" x 6" watercolor postcards until now.

The rest of my stuff can be found here.
the Fool
06:29 / 05.10.05
They are really beautiful Delicatesseract. They remind me of chinese (or is it Japanese?) watercolour pictures of mountains...
09:30 / 05.10.05
These are all remarkable.

I pat you creative Barbelith people on the back and bask in the reflected glory.
09:48 / 05.10.05
Some great stuff above, cheers everyone.

Lowering the tone with some photos now, constructive criticism much appreciated.

Flickr page
09:55 / 05.10.05
Been awhile, but heres some stuff Ive made.. I like to call it popart

Image hosted by

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Image hosted by>
19:52 / 05.10.05
hey thanks for the good feedback, it is much appreciated.
Really like seeing everybody's stuff, it's great to see all the creative juices flowing.
By the way Fool, i hope you don't mind i put your Kung Fu guy up in my office, he was just too cool not too.

oh, and Delicatesseract, i really like your site, i had never seen the Deviant Art site before, but now i think i will visit frequently, thanks
20:30 / 05.10.05
I'm thoroughly enjoying the work everyone has posted. Skolld, I am in complete love with your paper bugs. Especially the redcross bug.

Adrian D., love the color schemes and starkness. You got me all thinking about Etch-O-Sketch Barbara Kruger.

JD, the photos are so evocative. I love your colors.

And thank you for the lovely feedback. I'm pretty deeply obsessed with Chinese landscape painting and Hiroshige woodcuts.
20:38 / 05.10.05
Skolld, I am in complete love with your paper bugs. Especially the redcross bug.

Thanks, but she's made of steel. Ironically though i am making some with paper, How did you know?
22:40 / 05.10.05
Delicatesseract - those are breathtaking. I'm literally in awe. it kind of makes me want to try the medium of ink and tea as well haha
the Fool
05:18 / 06.10.05
On a different tanget from my usual stuff. Here is the latest round of my pen and ink stuff. Dedicated to my latest disaster of a relationship...

Cuts both ways

The Sourceror's Intent

Revenge Politics

The Lie of Love

The Empathy Plague

Deliberate Separation


Decent from Europa

All the organics stuff is complied here...
13:44 / 06.10.05
Now this is self-inflicted aerial nostalgia and it's exquisite, every bit. I could live in these drawings. How long does each one take, how large are they and what kind of pen do you use? Kudos on the blue ink, by the way, for that extra blueprint/aerial map resonance.
13:55 / 06.10.05
I finished a few things recently that deviate somewhat from my tea-and-ink paintings.

This August I went to be with my grandmother while she got a biopsy and emergency hip replacement. While I was visiting, the lotuses in her pond bloomed. This was the first time I had seen the blossoms in their full glory so I decided to sit down with a pencil and make sketches. My grandmother died last week, so these are a sort of loving memorial.

Lotus leaves
Lotus leaves

Lotus flower
Lotus flower

Both of these are pencil drawings.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
16:05 / 06.10.05
Yo Fool! You are favouritest thing ever. After my beautiful Ganesh Birthday T-Shirt (which I WILL photograph this week, promise - it needs a wash! And I'll find out on Sunday if my elfin friend received the file...) now you lay all this mad new shit on us and I bloody lurve it!

Pretty please can I have a go on the new Ganesh one with the rabbit doctors and nurses?? Oh, go on! You can be my new couturier!! I'll be like a walking advert for your talent!
17:14 / 06.10.05
Also, Fool, do you sell any of your drawings? ME WANT!
18:47 / 06.10.05
i know this is a very dull and boring thing to say, but I've just spent ages resizing all these images so that they don't throw the thread out. Can everyone please remember to include width="500" after the url in the HTML? If you want the picture to be huge then post a link to it somewhere else.

In-thread images should be no bigger than 500. We like things to look tidy, but we don't much like to tidy.
+#'s, - names
03:43 / 07.10.05
In-thread images should be no bigger than 500. We like things to look tidy, but we don't much like to tidy.

ah ma, do we have to?

fine, ill just make it 250 and clickable.

here is a flyer i made the other night for my new band's first gig. whoo hoo. rock and roll bitch eyes.

btw, Belle, you really dont need the quotes.
the Fool
04:44 / 07.10.05
+#'s, - names - that's fucking awesome. I love the skullsuns!!!! Mighty vector work.

I'm so impressed by the quality of stuff in this thread. Barbelith Art crew you RAWK!!!
the Fool
04:46 / 07.10.05
Pretty please can I have a go on the new Ganesh one with the rabbit doctors and nurses?? Oh, go on! You can be my new couturier!! I'll be like a walking advert for your talent!

It was meant to be shown at the gallery first... but I guess you have all already seen it so I don't see why not

PM me or email to prompt me into swift action...
the Fool
04:54 / 07.10.05
Also, Fool, do you sell any of your drawings? ME WANT!

Actually the little ones (all except 'cuts both ways') were made with the idea of selling them.

The little ones are A5. I just draw them on paper using biro. Its all very low tek. The bigger ones are A4. People have asked for bigger ones, but I can't scribble on bigger sheets of paper at my desk unfortunately, space won't allow it...

If you'd like to buy one, PM me and we'll see what we can work out...
13:32 / 07.10.05
So I don't really consider myself a photographer, but I do like to wander around Brooklyn and Manhattan and snipsnap odd things. I took a picture last spring, like 2004 last spring that ended up hidden in a nether folder. Well, I found it yesterday, fired up the photoshop, and went to work. Here's the result:
Our Dried Voices

The only things I did were cropping, desaturization and a sepia overlay. Some curve/level changes were thrown in at the end.
+#'s, - names
14:04 / 07.10.05
hey, thats nice. you should post the non sepia toned just to see the difference!
All Acting Regiment
16:40 / 07.10.05
Hows everyone making those repeating mandala type images?
18:20 / 10.10.05
Here's a doodle I just coloured up in photoshop. Enjoy.

Keith, like a scientist
20:14 / 11.10.05
two semi-recent pieces, both with multi-layer stencil pieces, with spraypaint. 1st one is a going away present for someone who was moving. 2nd one is...well, it is what is.


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