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16:03 / 13.10.05
Headphone Treats Records (small US indie label) commissioned an EP cover with some fairly interesting parameters. This is the final result:

+#'s, - names
17:44 / 13.10.05
Delicatesseract , thats super cool. i hate to say it but i was pokling around your directory, i love those chimera stuffed animals. do you make those?

keith, I never saw the first one, it's really beautiful. What about the one of the angel/demon guy?

Legba, I used illustrator for those. Not sure what the fool uses, either illustrator or freehand.
20:03 / 14.10.05
+#'s, - names My deviantart site directory? Yay. No harm there. I don't make any stuffed animals though.
Saint Keggers
22:35 / 14.10.05
My photos can be seen here:
00:10 / 15.10.05
Given that so many of the people here have spent hours, if not days, over their art, I feel a little embarrassed that I am so damn chuffed my first attempts at camera tossing ending up looking like this:
Peeping Tom2
and even more so that within minutes they had overtaken my favourite photos for popularity. It's just wrong. But kind of nice.
+#'s, - names
02:13 / 15.10.05
What about this?
14:18 / 16.10.05
+#'s, - names - Ahhhh. Ok. My directory is kind of a general repository of images. Most are mine but some are collected odds and ends.

There's a site that makes those deformed stuffed animals. And at some point I wanted to make an image link to it without using up *their* bandwidth. So I dl'ed the image to put in my directory so i could link to their site with the image, but without bandwidth drainage.

Right now I'm working on another eternal tea-n-ink painting which I'll post here as soon as it's done.
16:21 / 16.10.05
Well I posted this on the Blockworks thread originally and alas I think it/I killed it. Perhaps because it was embarassingly awful mishmash with the air of being done in 20 minutes by someone high on the joys of Photoshop (which essentially it was) but nevertheless thinking that it erred on the side of being "a bit gud" I'm going to post it here again. And if it is the former rather than the latter please avert your eyes and continue on as if nothing ever happened, if not some feedback would be good.

09:23 / 17.10.05

A little pressed for time at the moment, so I'll squee over all the fantastic artwork in this thread a little later, but for the moment I'll leave you with the above thing, which is intended to be the first in a series of Oblique Business Cards. The colouring is a bit "ooh look I've got Photoshop", but I'm very happy with the overall effect.
02:01 / 18.10.05
Finally done with this one!

RS 2005. Manufactured Laughing Distance. Tea and india ink on paper. 9 x 12
RS 2005. Manufactured Laughing Distance. Tea and india ink on paper. 9" x 12"
02:06 / 18.10.05
Double Shrug I like it. It's like a digital quilt. It keeps my 1s and 0s snug and warm. And mesmerized. Nice work.

Withiel [fightscrime] I want to see! But the image is broken.
08:11 / 18.10.05
Agh. That would have been my ripway bandwidth being killed again. Should work again today.
14:04 / 18.10.05
Delicatesseract, nice work on the new tea piece. that 9x12 format really agrees with you. seems like it frees you up.
All Acting Regiment
15:42 / 18.10.05
+#'s, - names
17:08 / 18.10.05
double shrug are those your patterns or ones from the program? just curious, patterns are a bit of a hobby.

legba that is pretty strange... i see some horses, elephants, foxes, and some other shit in there. far out.

withiel try something like to host it.

I've really gotten into some of the green man imagery lately, here is a "green cat"kind of in that vein.

22:20 / 18.10.05
+#'s, - names I am captivated by your green cat. I love the lines on that and then there are colors to squee over too. How did you make that?

Been watching The Wicker Man again, eh?
Saint Keggers
15:04 / 09.11.05
Image hosted by

Image hosted by

Photography and photoshop tattoos. Im thinking of doing a whole series of these.
14:32 / 16.01.06
ressurect! c'mon people don't make me show you my stuff...


a few wheate-paste worms, got a few of these up in both Brighton and Lincoln (the only one left in Brighton though is near the sainsburys on london road)

the larger one at the top of the wall is made up of around twenty sheets of A4. A little risky, due to the time it took to put up, but the overall effect was worth it (I hope).

And last but not least:

Hopefully this will sometime soon mutate into the basis for my portfolio.
03:46 / 17.01.06
Just one of the audience, here. Beautiful work! Delika-(forgot the rest), Fool, the lot of you, you're a talented group!
17:39 / 21.01.06

the lot of it over at
electric monk
12:59 / 27.01.06

Receiving Head

Based on a dream I had.
01:40 / 29.01.06
c0ncept, talk me through the last image please. I really like it, but I want to know the thinking behind it.
Sebastian Kant
08:10 / 07.02.06

"Disposing Intelligence"
From my forthcoming De Rosa Nigra: Axio-Emblematum Mysterium Spinacrucianum Qaballo-Alchymicum et Hermeticarum
13:05 / 09.02.06

I needed an image for the background of my portfolio, I wanted it to be retro but not in a kitsch way. The pattern was meant to look like a retro-modernist wallpaper, the dirt and the lines at the bottom are the result of my scanner being absolutely filthy (but I like it like that)
19:22 / 09.02.06

I saw your blue and white pictures yesterday, followed the link and copied the pics for further viewing pleasure. They´re beautiful. They kind of remind me of art like this.

art by artist Felix Stoever
19:38 / 09.02.06
Here another one.

Felix Stoever´s site
Maybe you can inspire each other.
07:38 / 11.02.06
Looks like the illustrations from Robert Anton Wilson books!
08:13 / 16.02.06
Here's a piece I painted whilst studying for a fine art degree about 7 years ago. I remember there was a good rationale behind the work at the time, but I think that I also just wanted to see the people's reaction to a six foot painted frozen chicken.

00:36 / 25.02.06
I drew this sketch of a goblin on the back of an envelope a while ago, but I just found it going through old files and I quite like it.

Plus I'm too shy to ever post anything in this thread and I'm trying to stop being such a baby.

00:38 / 25.02.06
but I just found it going through old files and I quite like it. wasn't. I was.
All Acting Regiment
05:25 / 27.02.06
Dogwonder, that's ace- I wish I had the time to learn figurative painting properly. Really menacing, alive almost. It wants to fuck everyone up.
12:58 / 01.03.06
a poster I designed 2-3 years ago

and an album i designed for a local band from Toronto.

05:11 / 07.03.06
02:53 / 11.03.06
also in an attempt to tuff myself up, here's some pictures what I made, sometime.

Recently all my 'art' attempts have been making text do weird things by mangling it by machine, and though I've made pictures out of that, too, it's not really something that you can post.
19:52 / 14.03.06
Here are a few of my splendidly lowbrow efforts - I think they speak for themselves.

The Sun

Shop 'til you drop darlings...

Polluted street

Some freaks

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