Ganesh: I didn't call you silly, wasteful or pointless. I was referring to the manner in which homosexual rights is being pursued as those things. I think it is silly, wasteful, and pointless to try to convince people to think the way you do. The best you can hope for is to remove limits on people doing what they want and find people who think like you do.
Also: What ever makes a majority (of whatever percentage turns up to vote) wrong?
Nothing, thanks for asking me, that's what I am trying to say. Everyone IS allowed to have whatever view they want, no matter how stupid-ass you think it is. Why? Because there is room in the world for people who think different things to live apart from each other and marry and abort whoever and whatever they want.
Perhaps you'd like to search for one of the many threads devoted to this perplexing movement, and attempt to define it?
Do I need to define it to convince you that any definition of it must, at it's root, include that it is an attempt to get all people to play by the same rules in order to be accurate?
The problem would appear to arise when one set of people firmly believes their rights are being infringed by allowing another set of people access to the rights they enjoy? Doesn't that bother you in any sense?
Yes, but I think that in virtually every case (the exceptions being where your ability to live is threatened) you are better off just going away from those people who want to infringe on your rights. There's room!
The Libertarian party is not going to change the world.
%Not with that attitude, mister.% It's entirely possible, but I hope they will. Are you saying I shouldn't act on what I want? I vote Libertarian because I have a vote to use and the Libertarians are the ones I agree with.
Dude, Erisian, I hate to tell but no matter how you voted, you're not a Libertarian. You're just selfish. And you're exactly the kind of person who gives the Libertarian party a bad name.
Again, I don't see what makes me selfish. I think what I think, and that is that people should band together with people who think similarly to them and avoid people who disagree. At it's base, I believe that everyone has the right to think what they want. In what way is that selfish? The fact that I don't agree that Bush must be put out of office at all cost, is that what makes me selfish? The fact that I have different priorities than you does not make me selfish. The fact that I think it's more important that people be allowed to do whatever they want on TV or in video games or music or books than it is that gays be allowed to marry does not make me selfish. The fact that I don't care as much about dead Iraqis as you do doesn't make me selfish, that's what happens when you live in one of the most contested regions of the world. Also, people in Louisiana: STOP LIVING IN A SWAMP IN HURRICANE ALLEY AND HURRICANES WILL STOP DESTROYING YOUR HOUSES! I have sympathy for anyone who has ever had something bad happen to them, but in almost every case that person played SOME PART in what happened to them.
Every person has the capacitiy to uproot themselves and go somewhere else. Yes, it's hard. So what? Life is hard. People were migratory once; I'm not saying it's the right way to live, but if you don't like what things are like where you are, there are better ways to fix that than telling people to think like you do.
Anyhow, I am going to close my browser and think about this for a while and who knows, maybe I'll feel differently tomorrow, but I doubt it. If I have anything to say tomorrow, I'll say it then. |