"I don't have the energy to be nice to someone who voted for someone who has always been a bastard and anyone who was too stupid to see that has no sympathy from me."
Nina, I find that really insulting, even though I didn't vote for Bush, ever. My parents aren't stupid. The friends I've had who are republicans aren't stupid. They've been misinformed by the massive amounts of propaganda they're being fed through the media, by the lack of alternative viewpoints, and by the fact that anyone who manages to get a different point of view out to the masses is portrayed as stupid, uninformed, or a terrorist by the media. It's not just fox news (faux news), but all the major news stations, and to a lesser extent, the newspapers. And, well, something that I believe, but that I couldn't even begin to prove or really to even understand how they're doing it, is that the media and the government are trying to promote complacency. It's not a coincidence that our voter turnout is so low. It's not because we're stupid. I think I've avoided the indoctrination, to some extent, because I grew up in a very liberal part of California, and I don't hear the government/media propaganda echoed to me by the people I know as often as I would if I lived in a different part of the country. I also have lived without a tv for years (I still watch it sometimes. when you haven't watched the news for 3 months, then when you turn it on, the bias and propaganda seem a lot more obvious). I'm trying to fight my own complacency (I never believed the pro-Bush propaganda, but I’ve definitely succumbed to the complacency and indifference that seem so fucking rampant here) so that I can learn about what's really going on and fight it, and it's difficult. I find myself wading through mounds of propaganda to try to get just a little bit of real information, and I don't know how to make a real difference. Protesting doesn't help. Nothing seems to help. I'm not as articulate as the propaganda machine, and my own complacency has left me too uninformed to feel capable of changing anyone's mind on political matters.
If I'd grown up in Utah, or really in any of the more conservative parts of the US, I would probably have voted for Bush, too. Some of the people who voted for Bush are really smart (like my dad. he's got a fucking PhD, started his own successful business, has a really high IQ, etc.,...yet he truely believes that the war in Iraq is necessary, and that we're liberating the people there and improving their lives. and yeah, he voted for Bush.) Nina, unless you’ve lived in such a place and been subjected to the influences that many Americans are being subjected to, I think it’s really out of line to say that the people who have believed what they’ve been told are stupid. (am I correct in believing that you’re British, Nina? If you grew up in Texas or someplace like that, then feel free to call the people who voted for Bush stupid, if you think they’re stupid.)
If the Americans who voted for Bush are really just stupid, then this country is doomed, and is likely to try to take down the rest of the world with it. If the majority of the people in this country are stupid, then there doesn't seem to be much point in trying to change their minds, because they’d never understand anyway. The average republican is not an idiot, nor are they an evil asshole. They deserve to be treated with respect. Dismissing them as stupid is not going to convince them of anything, and will only further the bullshit republican/democrat dichotomy. I truly believe that most of the people in this country want what's best for themselves, their fellow Americans, and the world, and I wish we could all work together.
As powerless as I feel, there is one thing that I am quite convinced of: we need to drastically change the mainstream news media in the US. We need to replace the sound bites and propaganda with actual information and discussion. I don’t know how, but I know that if we don’t, we’re screwed.
Oh, and Ender, congrats.
(If I haven’t made myself clear, then I’ll say this: Nina, I expect that you know that your interpretation of reality is subjective. If you’ve grown up in a different geographical area, with different customs, parents with different political leanings, watching different TV shows, reading different newspapers and books, learning different things in school from different teachers, etc. than another person, then you’re going to come to different conclusions about the world than that person will. That doesn’t mean that the other person is stupid.)
(I’m worried that people here are going to totally misinterpret what I’m trying to say. Nina, I really like you, and in general I think that the things you say are spot on. I’m sorry that this is directed to you, as I realize that it’s quite common for people who didn’t vote for Bush to think that people who did are stupid, and vice versa.)
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