Lo and behold barbelith, the fundamental difference between libertarians and republicans, about the same size as a strand of human hair.
I really, truly, honestly hope that was sarcasm.
Well, that's what I was going to go with, Nina; try to explain why it's not a good idea to equate examples of how my beliefs work with the entirety of my beliefs.
I made a very smart choice to go back and read some of the essentially rabid things you put up earlier in this thread, though, and all I can really say is that if you aren't going to take the time to actual think about what you're saying about me and my beliefs, I'd appreciate you not commenting on them. I really doubt that'll stop you, though.
To put it another way: you obviously have a very concise idea of how I should think. Awesome! Good for you! It is, however, entirely wrong. You're not automatically smarter or more right than me, or anyone else, even someone who happens to root for the Yankees, or voted for Bush.
Shifting gears, have any of you guys ever wondered how many possible rewarding relationships (I mean in the basic 'form of interaction' definition of the word) you might've spoiled by being so vehement in your rightness? Where do you think it comes from, this need to have people agree with what you say?
For example: you can call Bush a killer. It's entirely within your rights and abilities. But, I mean, until the dude's on TV uppercutting a guys head off or something, it's basically conjecture. Even aside from the whole "he's just a figurehead" argument, there's the fact that he's distanced from things that have happened under his power. When things happen distantly from you... your perspective changes, and hard choices become much easier, for better or worse.
Edit: That part is less clear than I wanted. What I am saying is: why do people automatically look at what Bush has done and call him a murderer and want to spit on his face? Would you kick Donald Rumsfeld in the balls? (bad example, who wouldn't) But, still, at what point does the accountability stop? Who do you hold responsible for what actions? And are you all sure you know enough about what happened behind the scenes that you know WHO to crucify?
Why is it things like empathy and understanding fly out the door in the face of things like politics and sports? What is it about 'teams' that make people so violently angry?
Second edit: Fridgemagnet, you posted while i was originally typing this. All I want to add is, why should the Libertarian party help 'you' with anything if you believe in something that runs entirely contrary to what they believe in? Wellfare is shite. Why should you set up a program where everyone gives money to some people who then divide it up and give it to the people they think need it? Are you somehow incapable of deciding who deserves your charity, or are you just too lazy to do it yourself, or what? (laziness comment added for effect, not accusation). |