When I said I'm waiting for it to develop more, I didn't necessarily mean in the sense of of new features added by the developer– the more I think about it, the more I think that as an actual simulation of the what the world might be like after a zombie outbreak (ie constantly on the run, constantly searching for ways to defend oneself, trying to find other humans to band, and basically total chaos) I think it's probably pretty accurate. My experience with MMORPG's is limited, but it seems to me there's no real way to introduce an overall plot (other than zombie outbreak) or Kingdom of Loathing-style quests. Me saying that it's 'a bit shit' is probably more a reflection of frustration with my character still being heinously low-level and unable to kill anything, than anything else. In terms of 'things developing' I mean more communal things among the players- the fort sieges are good examples of the types of things I'm talking about, as well as player-killer David Wylie. What I'm trying to say, I guess, is that it's going to be interested to see how the internal politics of the players coalesce once people have played the game for awhile. |