Quanters, I would move to Brighton at the earliest available opportunity, but it appears that I am to die of anthrax, radiation poisoning or some other nasty before this afternoon is out, sorry.
But just in case I cheat death, Sleaze, when you say the Apple store's less busy than usual, does the security guard look distracted, maybe with back turned watching tv? If so, would you be so kind as to get me an iMac and one of those little cutsie iPods when your do your grab, thanks.
Actually in all seriousness, i don't think we should panic just yet, like DF says, nothing seems wrong with me or anyone else who's right here atm*.
* If those are the last words i ever post i will feel very, very stupid indeed and so politely make it my last wish that a mod deletes them so i don't go down in history as one of those sad unknowns with an heinously ironic choice of last words, ta. |