I got a splinter in my hand the other day, though. Stupid bamboo stick/ninja staff. It's not my fault hanging out washing is boring!
Anyway, I haven't seen Castle in the Sky, always wanted to, though. Saw you post this...
I remember seeing Laputa - Castle in the Sky on TV when I was really young, and it lodged itself deep in my brain. But up until two years ago I had no idea what it was or who had made it or anything about it, only some half-remembered scenes.
I'm one of that brigade as well. There are many of us. At least three of my friends remember it from that as well...It's fucking amazing! Every Miyazaki now feels like a lost childhood memory! I still need to revisit that one, though. It's always impressed me how - what was probably - just one showing of that film has affected so many people for life. |