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Marathon Lateshift


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01:29 / 27.04.05
I keep wondering about the art in the films, and how I love it so much and yet feel no need to emulate it. It seems odd, but then the art in the films - thin lines, painty backgrounds and whatnot - are not really what I'm in to, but it works so fucking well for animation. In fact all I'm thinking is it works incredibly as animation in exatly the way the Incredibles doesn't. Controversial!

I like watching Miyazaki draw. I'm not wrong in thinking he generally draws while smoking like a madman, am I? I just remember thinking I wish I could do that. I'd have to start smoking first, but really. I'd just burn the paper.
01:36 / 27.04.05
I know I've actually heard of The Castle Of Cagliostro, and indeed, they have it on Amazon... if only I could have an extra birthday.
01:39 / 27.04.05

This is my desktop just now. I've been thinking a lot about the style of art in exactly the way you mention, trying to find out what makes it tick. I think that it made a large impression on me when I was wee. I love that whole aesthetic. I can see it's influence implanted deep with some of my stuff.
01:41 / 27.04.05

I got as far as exuuuuuuuuse me.

Don't ever make me do that again.

Miyazaki will make the pain go away.
01:49 / 27.04.05
I also think - for me personally - it works much more successfully as animation rather than comics. But then I probably have a more specific idea of how I like comics to look (chunky lines!) that I'm predisposed to. Something about the look of the films is so lush, and yet the characters are so simple, but in a very precise way and with a lovely flourish. Ireally haven't seen anything better at creating a beautiful, coherent world all of it's own...

I need to see Laputa the flying whore castle in the sky so bad! I remember it! But... I don't!
01:52 / 27.04.05
You need to click here to make everything better.
01:59 / 27.04.05

Somebody is getting twatted with a Master Sword.
I have it on good authority that it's you.

Yeah, Miyazaki. It's all in the way he makes them move. I think, in keeping the characters simple, apart from making it eaiser to draw them a thousand and one times, it also makes it easier to identify with them. There's enough to give you a good sense of who they are, but not too much as to distract you and all the rest is conveyed through the way they move and speak. I suppose with comics being static, you need to be able to convey something just as dynamic without the movement so character needs to be embellished a bit more through the actual art. Or something. Maybe.
Still, I'm totally in love with the above picture right now and that sort of goes against what I just said.

Ireally haven't seen anything better at creating a beautiful, coherent world all of it's own...

Nintendo, maybe. But their medium and therefore methods for acheiving this are different.
02:03 / 27.04.05
You're not wrong, an all. I... I would love to carry this conversation on but I feel it shall be necessary to go to bed so I can at least try and ensure I wake up before tomorrow is over.

But continue it shall, even if we scare away the rest of the late shift again...

02:06 / 27.04.05
Good night.

I should do the same, really. I feel a bit wired though.
Saint Keggers
02:15 / 27.04.05
Hi alls! (again)
I had to leave for a bit to do some work on the kitchen cabinets.
02:15 / 27.04.05
Yeah right.

You were scared. Admit it.
Saint Keggers
02:20 / 27.04.05
No. No I wasnt.
It takes more than lateshift to scare me.
02:22 / 27.04.05
What about a LateLateShiftShift?
Saint Keggers
02:25 / 27.04.05
Nope...if I cross my eyes it looks normal!
02:26 / 27.04.05
That's pretty damn clever.

I probably would have buried my head in the couch and hoped it went away.
Saint Keggers
02:32 / 27.04.05
Your head or the couch?
02:37 / 27.04.05

It is my dream to be the first headless, couchless boy in my area.
Saint Keggers
02:40 / 27.04.05
That would make you a lazyboy?
02:49 / 27.04.05
No. That comes without effort.

Sorry to make it so brief, but I'm off to snooze. Perhaps you should have realised where your priorities were and told those kitchen cabinets where to shove it. (What kind of work did you do on them? Maths? Long-distance haulage?)

Anyway. 'Night Keggers. Be good.
Saint Keggers
02:50 / 27.04.05
g'night mel!
03:59 / 27.04.05
All this talk of Ghibli is making me want to go sit in my room and watch anime for hours instead of working. I blame society.

Oh, and you all need to see The Cat Returns. Seriously, right now. Go already. Ghibli owns you. He told me so.
04:01 / 27.04.05
Liger Null, I surrender. You have made far better use of liger names thus far, and I'll most likely forget in a week anyway. The day is yours, but Alec Trebek knows your secrets.

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