It's not. I live here too. In Montreal, that is. Very laid back, libertine and supportive of the arts. I love it. I can also buy beer at the corner store...I mean, oh yeah!
OK, y'all. Have had an enjoyably louche evening, time to retire. If Slightly crops up, tell him to go to bed.
and remember, all you bad horror film fans...
[Morphs into Nick Ross}
... don't have nightmares.
Keggers - wasn't being snitty BTW. If you really want one let me know. Is Montreal better than Vancouver. Always liked the sound of Vancouver - too much Douglas Coupland...
Well I loved Vancouver when I was out there. Its a great pladce if you never want to see the sun again. Always rain rain rain. Everyone is really friendly. Mr.Rogers Neighbourhood friendly. But its a lot more expensive.
This is just a speculation, but has anybody noticed a really pissy mood hanging over the Convo recently? (Over and above the barbannoys etc. Even the positive threads seem to be tinged with it).
This thread is different. This is Barbeloids comunally rejoicing in a love of bad movies, drunkeness and supporting one another through relationship woes.
Meludreen - agreed. I'm having a quite shamefully enjoyable time here, while my better half snoozes (or rather snores like a goddamned chainsaw) on the sofa. Gawd bless Friday nights in.
Hmmmm I don't know 'bout that but thinking about it I can't remember any film series with such a disparity in genre between sequels than this. It's a bit bad isn't it? I mean American Psycho 2? Couldn't it just have been called something else?