Still recovering from illness, spurred on by a phone conversation with a mate decided to look up queer theory on the net. Then, it seemed like too much work so here I am ...
That's funny, we were just in the midst of a jolly edifying discussion on queer theory, referring to Eric Stoltz, Owen Wilson and even Michael Caine. What's your take?
Good evening. Ah, a Friday evening spent away from the usual friend shite. So relaxing. Cocteaus being ripped. I am already ripped. How d'hell is y'all?
Well hhmm I suppose the world would be a nicer place if men danced with their mother's but I am at a loss to say if Foucault would have anything to about it.. har.
I like to see an essay on Queer Theory for Sharks and Giant Anaconda's though even if just some surrealist piss-taking garble.
I just cant take it anymore.. ive made an ass of myself at the local pub.. i just want her to hug kme you know.. just hug me.. nothing more.. I feel so fucking alone.. like pj said.. w3ho will love me now?
Slightly. That really gorgeous woman you've only seen on telly? Yes, her. In a year or two you'll have moved into a job where you can realise even she wasn't all that, and your friend down the pub will be a distant memory. You will be having a child with a Barbelith member (not me, I've got an outy, too) and you will not care a toss. Promise. Time wounds all heals. Or something like that. Il faut que tu soit calme. Chill a little. All been there.
Yes alcohol always exaggerates those feelings of crappiness when you've done something well crappy but in actuality people probably thought oh well he's just had a bit too much or something (well maybe)
Its always those people who get completely fuck off their faces and are all guilt free the next morning that are suspicious.
And even if you did Slightly, fuck 'em. We all make asses of ourselves. And we all don't make asses of ourselves sometimes, too. I'm not helping, am I?
you are grqace.. but really.. it wont g away.. i know it.. this isnt some casuaol fling.. i ove here.. she loves me.. i rhink.. i wont ever forget her.. why cant people understand that? I fucking love her.. and it wont ever go away
Yeah Slightly, pubs is where you're supposed to make an ass of yourself. Its no biggie. She's probably done the same. Or worse. We all have our 'pub' stories. There'll be plenty of more tomorrows to make up foe that night.
And on a much lighter note, Ice Cube survived! And Jon Voight got swallowed, and then regurgitated back out, before winking at J-Lo and dying. Which, to me, says 'perfect movie'.