Sigh. It's Saturday night and I'm on shift, so it feels like my Monday night.
The last post to The Conversation was around fifty minutes ago, and it was one of mine.
I've spent this evening:
- shunting music from CD to my pocket PC so I can play it in the van. This evening I've done Ghostface and The Postal Service, and I'm three-quarters of the way through RZA.
- thinking about how I'd explain shamanic flight for the Miyazaki thread in the Temple. I have a very tenuous sense of what I want to say, and I'm not too keen on all the intellectualised explanations in my books on symbols, shamanism and comparative religion. The only rationale behind the phenomenon to me is that flying is basically just fucking amazing, and we'd all do it if we could. Not sure there's much more to it than that.
- listening to Lyrics Born and Kool Keith (not on the same record). I got both albums ages ago and never really gave them a chance. They're both pretty solid. I used to spend so much time waiting for the hip hop holy grail, wanting something to equal records like Enter the Wu-Tang, Latyrx and Funcrusher Plus that I let a whole lot of decent music slip under my radar. Daftie...
- working out my finances and filing all my mail. I've drafted a rough budget, and now I'm thinking about how to get a couple of extra sources of income. I've got a few ideas, I just want enough extra work to use up some of my spare time (so that I earn rather than spend in that time). More planning needed here, I reckon.
- eating noodles with mixed veg fried with sweet chilli sauce. I couldn't be arsed to make anything else.
- drinking some supermarket's own brand of tropical fruit juice. It's pretty yummy.
- seeing my girlfriend and her son, who dropped by for about half an hour, and left fifteen minutes ago. They've been to a play this evening and are off home to bed. I got him a secondhand N64, and he's addicted to all things Nintendo now. Why would anyone want to play on a console that isn't made by Nintendo?
Between all this I've been looking at the view of Southampton from my balcony and scribbling pencil notes in my notebook. I reckon I've done enough practical planning for the future to be able to engage the I-Ching now without feeling as though I'd just used it to circumvent doing the legwork.
I figure all that can wait for tomorrow now, though. 'Night, Barbelith. x |