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20:28 / 21.04.05
So, the other one reached ten pages. This is the new one
Benny the Ball
20:29 / 21.04.05
It's my one year anniversary! Barbelith and me 365.
20:30 / 21.04.05
Awww.. so what are you doing this special evening?
Benny the Ball
20:31 / 21.04.05
Listening to the sugababes and moving around so that my back clicks - in my pants.
20:31 / 21.04.05
panties you say?
Saint Keggers
20:32 / 21.04.05
Hello all. Happy oners BtB!
20:33 / 21.04.05
Benny the B, teach me that trick, would ya?
Benny the Ball
20:35 / 21.04.05
Thank you! And yes, to trick teaching. First you need to get down to your pants...
20:35 / 21.04.05
Hello people, whats cracking?
Benny the Ball
20:36 / 21.04.05
I'm happy today due to a) regaining movement in right shoulder post inflamed tendon and b) being offered a job so been looking at sound equipment like a sonic geek, and loving it.
20:46 / 21.04.05
Down to my pants? I can get down in my pants.
Bed Head
20:48 / 21.04.05
Sweet fucking Christ, did anyone just hear the election broadcast by the BNP that was just on Radio 4? Ugh, that was a nasty surprise.
Benny the Ball
20:57 / 21.04.05
No, but I did see the BNP ppb after channel 4 news. It was... odd. Following a vagrant veteran as he wandered the embankment drinking teachers, with captions blaming the immigrants for his plight.
20:57 / 21.04.05
Benny the Ball
20:59 / 21.04.05
hang on - does withiel get trapped in the old lateshift and vanish down the board, having posted in there this evening before the new shift was open? Shouldn't someone go down there and get him?
21:01 / 21.04.05
*plugs nose and dives in....*
Bed Head
21:01 / 21.04.05
Did the tv broadcast have music? The radio one was just a song, as far as I could tell.

Gah, I was drawing, I wasn’t really listening properly. I just slowly became aware that there was a folky-type song being played, and vaguely wondered to myself who it was, and what it was doing on radio 4, and if the news has finished, why isn’t the Book At Bedtime on, etc. And this folky guitar meandered along for 5 or so minutes, while some bloke sung his sad, sad song about... something or other, I wasn’t really listening.

I wish I had bloody well bothered to listen to what he was singing now, so I could object a bit more vehemently. As it is, all I’ve got is the nasty surprise at the end that the BNP have just been playing me music. The announcer-lady said it in such an accusatory way, too.
Benny the Ball
21:03 / 21.04.05
Yep to the music, and it was a folky song - can't remember the lyrics too well, but had something along the lines of, and yet they all have flats in afghanistan and iraq - might be mis-quoting, but that was the one line that jarred the song out of being just a folky bit of background music to something else for me.
Bed Head
21:06 / 21.04.05
Well, I think it’s pretty rotten show. Why can’t they just rant and shout? Is nothing sacred?
Scrubb is on a downward spiral
21:07 / 21.04.05
BNP? Radio 4? Surely those things don't belong in the same space/time dimension. What did they say?

Hello all, by the way. I am eager to learn Benny's secret arts of making things click in his pants...
Benny the Ball
21:11 / 21.04.05
It just happens. I'm blessed.

There was a moment of ranting - a man stood outside a court who shouted again and again 'if they arrest us for telling the truth, well they can, and I will continue to tell the truth, and they can keep on arresting me' he went in this cycle for a while. Not really a ppb as such when you examine it.

I do like the way that the Bethnal Green borough has taken on its own life during this election build up, and seems to be trapped in some eastern european new country democratic battle of truth and shouting and name calling and people storming debates or something.
Brigade du jour
21:11 / 21.04.05
Damn it. I just expelled a big pile of mildly amusing verbal diarrhoea on the other lateshift, so now I have nothing even remotely interesting to say. Sigh.

Hello everyone anyway!
Brigade du jour
21:14 / 21.04.05
Woe. So The Revolution is going to start in Bethnal Green. Hope someone tells Wolfie Smith. And Rik from 'The Young Ones'.
Saint Keggers
21:15 / 21.04.05
Our elections are boring.
Benny the Ball
21:19 / 21.04.05
but aren't things going a little right of centre over there at the moment? Or is that damned Economist lying again!
Bed Head
21:19 / 21.04.05
BNP? Radio 4? Surely those things don't belong in the same space/time dimension. What did they say?

Like I say, I didn’t hear the *text* of their broadcast, just a fluttery guitar droning on and on and on. Kinda like Bert Jansche on valium, it was. And then the announcer at the end said ‘you have been listening to a party election broadcast by the BNP’ with about as much R4ish disdain as she could muster, which snapped me to attention and made me want to shout at my radio that I wasn’t listening, not really. But that would be completely crazy. So instead I’m telling it to people online.

Is Bethnal Green your constituency, benny? *jealous* I wish I was living in a political warzone.
Benny the Ball
21:23 / 21.04.05
Nah, I'm in the blue-as-you-like Wandsworth. But saw the stuff about Galloway and various others (opps, that's lazy of me, aah, who cares) fighting it out - plus there was the leaflet drop during a debate which saw people bombarded with fliers declaring 'a vote for any political party is a ticket to eternal hellfire' or something similar.
21:28 / 21.04.05
Evenin all, why do I keep getting drunk on Thursdays?
Bed Head
21:31 / 21.04.05
Pah. I’ve heard over and over, throughout the campaign that ‘the war isn’t an electoral issue,’ - because it is for me - and yet the one constituency where it absolutely, unavoidably is being discussed and fought over, the angle on the news is all about that leafleting nonsense. Lazy fucking journalists latching onto this stuff, they're the ones who should burn in hell.
Bed Head
21:32 / 21.04.05
Er, that to B the B, obv. Hullo to bearo. Whatcha drinking?
Benny the Ball
21:34 / 21.04.05
Yeah. The whole war issue got about a two second mention - and it seemed really confused and uncertain about who was pro or anti war, and then somebody barked on about Galloway meeting a tyrant and being his lap-dog, and then it just sort of drifted away to somethign completely different.
21:40 / 21.04.05
Happy one-year, Mr the Ball!

Apparently (according to Thursday's papers, anyway) the BNP's TV broadcast may not be shown... because it's shit. That's possibly even better than not showing it because it's objectionable. The film quality's supposed to be near-unbroadcastable...

...fucking Nazis. Can't even make a video properly.

Good evening everyone!
Brigade du jour
21:52 / 21.04.05
I wish I'd heard or seen one of these BNP election broadcasts now. Except I don't want to break my nice big telly.
Bed Head
22:08 / 21.04.05
I wonder if the BNP are running short of money, or something. What with those media-savvy smoothies at Veritas being on the receiving end of all the high-profile shit-flinging incidents these days. How are the BNP supposed to fundraise by kicking against the liberal elite/guardian readers/political correctness gone maaaaad if everyone's busy throwing shit at those other fascists?

The right-wing bigot nutbag vote in this country is really split, isn’t it? Between the BNP, the UKIP, Verifuckingtas, and the tories, the ‘no nonsense’ vote must be a pretty daunting decision for their target demographic these days. Kinda thing.
22:41 / 21.04.05
Our elections are boring.

Even with the scandal that our government is facing.

Yes folks, that is right. The Canadian government is in the midst of a HUGE scandal. What? You haven't heard?

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