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Benny the Ball
08:32 / 22.04.05
I'm wet out of the shower having gotten work phone calls and now just going for a coffee before a meeting, so howdy! and byeeeee!
08:42 / 22.04.05
Kids just don't got the stamina these days.
08:45 / 22.04.05
I am just decompressing from work. I shall lose my stamina soon, as I am not a kid anymore.
Jack Denfeld
08:48 / 22.04.05
I took some eophedrine, now i'll clean my room and listen to music and play poker and look at the forums and take the trash out
08:54 / 22.04.05
Strix, you're just being modest. You're still a big kid at heart. I'll wager all it takes is a decent climbing tree and a patch of mud, and you'll be weaving daisies into your hair and going "la la la la la".

Mr. Denfeld! That sounds like a plan.

"Take the trash out" in the mundane, household way? Or in the hard-boiled detective on the edge way?
08:59 / 22.04.05
I feel like I am about 107 years old right now. Give me a climbing tree, later today.
09:05 / 22.04.05
We'll start you off on a tyre-swing and work up from there.

Be sure to practice your "Weeeeee!". That makes the years fly off, that one.
09:08 / 22.04.05
That just makes me want to pee.
09:09 / 22.04.05
That's part of it.

Flushes out the toxins. Gets rid of all those nasty free radicals.
Jack Denfeld
09:15 / 22.04.05
"Take the trash out" in the mundane, household way? Or in the hard-boiled detective on the edge way?
I don't know if it's because it's really really late, but that made me laugh and laugh. I would have peed my pants if not for the ephedrine.
09:15 / 22.04.05
nasty free radicals

Fucking libertines!
09:16 / 22.04.05
Way too much pee in the Lateshift.
09:20 / 22.04.05
It's a catharsis.

Let the river flow golden.
Jack Denfeld
09:21 / 22.04.05
This kid named Brian once tried to freeze his pee in a cup, but then it spilled all over the meat and his family ate the meat cuz he didnt wanna admit to freezing his pee.

Also one time Crazy Joe Vaughn (who was probably a senior in high school at this point) peed into a cup and then drank it when his dad walked in the room. His dad was furious and started yelling at him, and Joe responded by yelling even louder "WHAT!?!? IT TASTE LIKE APPLE JUICE! IT TASTES LIKE APPLE JUICE!!" and his dad got annoyed and just walked away.
09:24 / 22.04.05
Is pee drinking taboo?
Jack Denfeld
09:25 / 22.04.05
I'm pretty sure, though some people swear by it.
09:26 / 22.04.05
I dunno. You're the one complaining about the urine content of the thread.

All I know is it makes me snigger like a schoolboy.
09:27 / 22.04.05
It is good for you.

So scientists say.

And they should know.
Jack Denfeld
09:29 / 22.04.05
I don't want to kiss anyone with pee breath.
Jack Denfeld
09:29 / 22.04.05
Especially if it smelled like asparagus pee! Yuck!
09:30 / 22.04.05
Well, call me out as a total freak then becuase I have drank my own urine. I did it for a ritual involving shrooms.
09:30 / 22.04.05
Don't go out with scientists then.
Jack Denfeld
09:32 / 22.04.05
When I worked in a comic shop I saw 2 guys almost get in a fist fight over which coast had more mad scientists. East Coast West Coast beef continues.
09:33 / 22.04.05
It's all water to me, Strix.
09:34 / 22.04.05
Who won?

East Coast? West Coast?

Someone else?
Jack Denfeld
09:36 / 22.04.05
I don't recall. I think west coast made some good arguments with nuclear radiation and more wide open spaces for underground lairs. They eventually walked out of the shop.
09:37 / 22.04.05
And you cackled maniacally, pressed a button, and descended into your underground lair.
09:41 / 22.04.05
WHich is what I m about to do.

I shall be going now. Thank you all.

Getting back to you tomorrow Mel.
Jack Denfeld
09:42 / 22.04.05
We made fun of the nerds while my coworker in his Star Wars shirt stole Gundam models, and me in my Captain America shirt stole the whole Excalibur run because I wanted something to read for the night.
09:43 / 22.04.05
Oh! Ta!

See you later Strix.

Don't overdo the cackling. It counteracts the "Weeeee!"'ing and the "la la la la la"'ing.
09:46 / 22.04.05
I like your style Denfeld. I like your style.

Stealing from jobs is great.

When I worked in an art store, I stole supplies.
When I worked in a games store, I stole games.
When I worked in a cinema, I stole popcorn.
When I worked in a resteraunt, I stole silver cutlery.
When I went to my friend's, I stole their food with aforementioned cutlery.
Jack Denfeld
09:49 / 22.04.05
I don't want to promote stealing from your workplace. One day you'll wake up and wonder "Why the fuck do I have the entire Robin run?"
09:50 / 22.04.05
Now that is taboo.
Jack Denfeld
09:51 / 22.04.05
Ok, I'm wired, but I can't get myself to clean anything. I'm going to steal the roommate's car and make a coffee run. Good night Meldureen.
Jack Denfeld
09:51 / 22.04.05
Meludreen. Sorry, it's late, type-o

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