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03:06 / 19.04.05
Why is Valentine's candy such crap, and Easter candy so damn good?
Bastard Tweed
03:09 / 19.04.05
Perhaps it's the flirtatious/firtility split.
03:12 / 19.04.05
I missed out on all the sweets at Easter. Not even an egg. Bah humbug.
Saint Keggers
03:17 / 19.04.05
Yeah... but Christmas rules as far as candy goes.
Candy Canes: Candy you hang on a tree! How great is that... a tree with candy on it!!
Egg Nog: While not technically candy, when the right amount of booze is added Everything is at Candy Happy Levels
03:18 / 19.04.05
I love eggnog. Eggnog is super.
electric monk
03:23 / 19.04.05
Howdily doodily, sweet-tooth'd late shifters!

I see the visions of sugarplums are dancing in a few headz.
Saint Keggers
03:24 / 19.04.05
Is that what those are? I thought I was having another California Raisins LSD flashback again!
Bastard Tweed
03:25 / 19.04.05
Ah, yes, the California Raisins. Execrable traitors to their own kind.
electric monk
03:29 / 19.04.05
They even got a Xmas special for their efforts. Soulless fucks. Bran's too good for them!
03:31 / 19.04.05
Years ago, when a friend of mine was first getting into both acid and magick, he claimed he was receiving visitations from a being which he sometimes called "Claptar" and sometimes "Eggnog". Apparently it was like a cross between a dog and an extractor fan.

Strange lad, he is.
Bastard Tweed
03:33 / 19.04.05
Although he certainly seems to be having a lot more fun than the rest of us.
electric monk
03:34 / 19.04.05
Do they still talk?

[stops himself from calculating the gematria of "claptar" and "eggnog"]
03:38 / 19.04.05
I don't know... suppose I should ask him, really.
Unsurprisingly, he was quite freaked out by the experience(s), as far as I remember.
electric monk
03:43 / 19.04.05
Well, I hope he's okay.

Y'know, when you initially mentioned acid and magick, I thought sure you were going to say you knew some dude who invoked the California Raisins. And I was going to sudder.
Bastard Tweed
03:46 / 19.04.05
Sometimes this place is just stream of conciousness at its absolute best.

Well, goodnight all.
03:46 / 19.04.05
Oh, he's fine. He's always been a bit nuts, though. I've known him since school, and he's definitely the person I know MOST LIKELY to meet Claptar/Eggnog.
electric monk
03:46 / 19.04.05
Or shudder. Either/or.
electric monk
03:55 / 19.04.05
Ah, the crazy friends. Where are they now? I knew a guy who dropped acid quite frequently AT school. I don't know how he did it. This same loony claimed he once got so high he saw a parade of Smurfs come out of his wall.
electric monk
03:57 / 19.04.05
'Night Czernobog
Saint Keggers
03:59 / 19.04.05
[stops himself from calculating the gematria of "claptar" and "eggnog"]

Phew! Glad I wasn't the only one thinking it.
electric monk
04:10 / 19.04.05
G'night Barbelith, wherever you are.

I'm with you in Rockland
where we are great writers on the same dreadful typewriter

- Allen Ginsburg 'Howl'
04:30 / 19.04.05
Heavens. Dropping like flies.
04:35 / 19.04.05
Haven't done acid in ages myself. But I did used to pretty much live on the stuff in my younger days.

Anyway... probably time to bugger off out of this office- looks like I'm gonna be spending enough time here this week without adding to it...

see you lovely people later!
04:39 / 19.04.05
And again.
07:05 / 19.04.05
Still late for me. I am still up, as I just got home not too long ago.
Brigade du jour
19:55 / 19.04.05
(enters the Lateshift and sits down uncharacteristically quietly, massaging sore neck and foot)

Hello everyone!
23:44 / 19.04.05
(does funny comedy policeman bendy knees thing)

Evenin' all.

(straightens up, wincing. Vows not to do funny comedy policeman bendy knees thing EVER again.)
Brigade du jour
23:58 / 19.04.05
Cheers Stoatie, nice to know I'm not the only one who's injured.

Is that what our German cousins call 'schadenfreude'?
Tryphena Absent
00:01 / 20.04.05
hello all!
Brigade du jour
00:02 / 20.04.05
Hello Nina! Please tell us you're not incapacitated in some way - we may need someone to fetch the tea.
Brigade du jour
00:08 / 20.04.05
It's ok, I've already made it. It's just there, on the sideboard.
00:14 / 20.04.05
Ah... tea.

I'm in WAY better a mood than last night- looks like my "talking to head of personnel and starting an argument between her and my boss" gambit paid off, and I've been given Friday night off to go to the funeral after all.

How's everyone else?
Saint Keggers
00:16 / 20.04.05
Hello all you wonderful peoples! Its 9:13pm here. The weather is wonderful. I just finished watching Ep.3. (of Dr.Who, not Star Wars).
00:21 / 20.04.05
That was my favourite episode so far, I reckon.
Brigade du jour
00:23 / 20.04.05
Blimey Keggers, you got some catching up to do! I almost envy you, in a way.

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