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Liger Null
21:57 / 17.04.05
So what was number one? Do I want to know....?
21:57 / 17.04.05
Gotta admit... I love OK Computer... no way is it the best album, like, EVER... but I'm not burning down my neighbourhood and killing people like I would have done if it had been various other records in there.

I refuse to admit the primacy of any system that can not include "My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts" by Brian Eno and David Byrne AT ALL in its 100.

I'm calm now. My telly thing has finished. I shall watch the pirate documentary I taped earlier, then my "no telly but Dr Who" thing shall come back into effect.

I promise. As soon as Who finishes, I'm getting rid of that aerial. My TV shall be XBox only.
Brigade du jour
21:57 / 17.04.05
The Holy Bible, dude. Singing along to every word.
22:02 / 17.04.05
In my world, it'd be fighting against Tender Prey (Mr Cave), The White Album (These parentheses don't really need filling), Unknown Pleasures (Joy Division) and, and this is the one for which I'm prepared to face all the mockery it will no doubt bring upon my head, Thunder And Consolation (New Model Army).
It'd be fighting REAL hard, though. It might even win. Not sure, yet.

They'd all have chains, though.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:03 / 17.04.05
Yes, I am a Radiohead fan. %How d'you guess?%
Brigade du jour
22:04 / 17.04.05
I didn't Mordant, I was just trying to get there first in naming Channel 4's number one album. Like, of all time. For fuck's sake. Ahem.
22:05 / 17.04.05
Whoah. This Selkirk documentary I taped earlier is totally pirate-tastic. Anyone see it?
Brigade du jour
22:16 / 17.04.05
No, sorry!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:17 / 17.04.05
What's it about? I mean, pirates, yes, but details.
22:29 / 17.04.05
It's the guy who was the inspiration for Robinson Crusoe, marooned on an island by a captain whose crew included one William Dampier. Coincidences abound for me right now (for so many reasons... probably not Convo ones, though)...

I just read a biography of William Dampier, who I'd NEVER heard of... he was ace. Proper pirate, but also a brilliant observer of his situation. Apparently Dampier was one of Darwin's heroes... he also invented the word "sub-species", and introduced the words avocado and barbecue to the English language. Strangely, the thing I'm most impressed by is that he was apparently the first Westerner to ever eat lime pickle.

Weird thing is, I told my mum she'd probably enjoy this book... she was horrified I'd never heard of Dampier before. "What do you mean, you've never heard of William Dampier? You went to school in East Coker, which is where he started out!!!" I was all like, "well, mum, they all seemed very impressed about Eliot. Who was ACE, it must be said. But trying to give eight-year-olds a sense of place with modernist poetry's a bit poo. If they'd told us there was a PIRATE from here... that would have worked SO much better."

Having said that, I now have a fantasy of Eliot as an incredibly conservative pirate captain... "I grow old, I grow old... I'll file me wooden leg down a bit, what d'ya think?"
22:44 / 17.04.05
I dont know Grace.. Somwhere where its easy to get a job and cheap to live..
22:56 / 17.04.05
Well I don't know this Pirate chap, but do like the sound of him - most likely more than those bland radio headed chappies I'll be bound. Was that the KLF white album bracketted reffered to earlier, or do I mean the white room? I cannot be sure. Which reminds me of those Quasar issues after he "died" following the infinety war malarky and all...
sorry miles away there.

Yes to Pirates,although Ninja's also V good, personally Jilted Generation or possibly Nigger Mortis dependending on my mood. Although I'm not one to deny anyone elses choice (however I may mock them remorselessly, if only I could spell it). Conservative Pirates seems to go against everything I ever did grow to know and love about them, although... 'what do you mean rape pillage and destroy? In my day we had none of this destruction business, I'll have you know we've been pirates on the high seas for generations and we've never had any mexicans on board...'
23:05 / 17.04.05
Well, yes, hence it being a joke...

...oh, they just showed some baby goats. Only puppies have the ability to make me go AAAWWWW more than baby goats. Kittens... yeah, they're cool, but..?

Other than Biscuits, the Best Dog In The World, the best pet I ever had was Tknkerbell. Who was a goat. A totally psychotic goat, admittedly, but a wonderful creature. She literally dragged my sister through a hedge backwards. At that point I knew I was in love.
23:06 / 17.04.05
Oh dear. Tom Hanks is on. Time to forget about TV.
23:06 / 17.04.05
How's about the poor hedge?
23:09 / 17.04.05
I had my own problems with that hedge.

Let's just say, they were all made null. Me and the hedge were fine after.
23:11 / 17.04.05
I must admit I am jealous of anyone who had a goat for a pet. What did you get 'it' for is birthday? Goat jacket? comedy hat? special grass or the like?
23:23 / 17.04.05
Anyone seen the dry your eyes video.. the streets.. beautiful song that one
23:25 / 17.04.05
No, like the song, but can't say I recall the video. What's it all about?
23:26 / 17.04.05
Just Mike looking all sad with his dog.. in various places
Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:29 / 17.04.05
Goats are awesome. I should go and find some goats to stare at near my house.

Oh man, I'm tired. I'll see you guys later, I think. Night night.
23:30 / 17.04.05
Night mordant
23:31 / 17.04.05
I came home from school one day to find that my dad, having gone into town to buy food for his tropical fish, hadn't been able to resist saving a goat. It was Somerset. That's not so weird.

(Me dad was the vicar... we had a house and LARGE garden paid for by the church.)

Tinks was very cool. She was totally mad, very very violent, and quite dangerous, but I'll always remember one time when there was a huge thunderstorm, and we couldn't find Benjie (my mum's dog)... he was curled up in Tink's hut with her (they fucking hated each other normally) and it was the sweetest thing ever.
23:32 / 17.04.05
Oh, night Mordant...

actually. possibly night everyone...

I'm gonna figure out whether I can be arsed to make some food or whether I should just go to sleep.
23:33 / 17.04.05
GooD night Mord, I agree with the awesome goatness, although it's mostly hypothetical goats for me!

just got a rollicking from the other half for attempting to steal ciggeies on a Sunday an causing a rude awakaning. However found mine now - hurrah!

Anyone got any tips for looking shiney & new on a cold Monday morning with limited sleep due to overactive mind not shutting up when it should knoiw better?
23:33 / 17.04.05
Well Im of to bed.. New day "shines" tomorrow.. Good night
23:37 / 17.04.05
Let's all have the greatest week ever.

Go on, lets
23:38 / 17.04.05
Thatll be difficult
23:47 / 17.04.05

oh, Mr negative with your fantastic previous week. What's to stop the universe falling into place in order to make this week the best week all Barbelithers ever did have ever
23:48 / 17.04.05
tips for looking shiney & new on a cold Monday morning etc...

Bluff it. Brazen it out. Seriously, it's the only way.

I'm gonna eat food and sleep now...

Goodnight everyone...
23:49 / 17.04.05
Oh, but yes. Let's ALL have a great week. It would be very cool. And we can do it.
23:53 / 17.04.05
well thats true sTe.. but I doubt it
23:55 / 17.04.05
Nice one Stoaty, your positivity does you credit (why does that sound unmeaningly sarcastic).

I for one have decided, enough of this crap, I'm due a good time, why not everyone else dammit, let dreams come true ('cept them weird ones with the shoes chasing me or the demons in the fountain, or... Let's just say all nice dreams)
23:57 / 17.04.05
going to bed again.. Night sTe.. may your week be great
23:59 / 17.04.05
Good Night to you Slightly, your week also shall be great as decreed (doesn't matter by whom so long as it is).

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