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Pappa Cass
05:28 / 18.04.05
Dominionism is scary stuff to study this late. But it's either that or Terrence McKenna, machine elves, VALIS, and PK Dick.

Oh, yeah, that's another thing. About mid August I stopped sleeping for the most part. I think I average about two hours a night. At the behest of my SO, I did some work and drank some of her Evil Satan Tea(TM) and have slept for about five hours a night.

This wasn't a conscious decision, but I now have to ask people more often than normal wheather life has always been this bizzare or I'm just hallucinating.
05:28 / 18.04.05
Teh Best Ice Cream In Teh Coun-tree. Per their commercials, anyway.

Incense charcoal doesn't have much to recommend it for eating, I should think?
Pappa Cass
05:30 / 18.04.05
Blue Bell=teh r0x0r. And incense charcoals are only good for the hookah and, well, incense. But some people think that that horrible burning sensation is good in their food. I disagree with great enthusiasm, but what the hell do I know? The jeera rice is good, also.
05:33 / 18.04.05
Yes, well, now I am reading Promethea. Maybe it was just the Morrison-ness of KYB that was hurting my brains.

I have a very hard time now reading McKenna because I found out what his voice sounds like. Now reading him I can't help but hear that grating, nasal whine. It's rather disturbing.
05:35 / 18.04.05
McKenna's voice can;t be nearly as distracting as Truman Capote's voice. I still have nightmares of that voice.

For a minute, I almost gave in and went to bed, but then I got good and distracted by Firefox extensions. Now I have lots of new toys!
Pappa Cass
05:36 / 18.04.05
Now y'see, that's where I have to respectfully disagree.

I like McKenna's nasal irritating voice. For some bizzare reason it just makes me giggle uncontrollably, even when sober. Somehow this helps me to understand what he's saying. Him and old Doc Leary. Oh, and the Patron Saint RA Wilson. I saw the last issue of Promethea(I think that's the comic, the really wierd one with the nude woman throught the whole thing?), and it's now very high on my things to do to get all the back issues.
Pappa Cass
05:41 / 18.04.05
Another caller. Two in a row with vaguely normal questions.

I might just get out of tonight without banging my head against my keyboard hardly at all.

Thanks Barbelith!*

*No, seriously. This is the first time in recent memory I haven't banged my head against my desk by now. Go you.
05:41 / 18.04.05
Promethea is like a very pretty and colorful adventure story-cum-primer to magic. Fun stuff. Problem being that I've never read the whole thing because I'm missing a few issues and I don't like skipping...

Giggling is probably a better reaction.

Hmm. Speaking of those three gents; is it required that you have a weird voice to be a druggie eschaton guru?
05:43 / 18.04.05
Which issues are you missing? I've got a few sitting around and I've been looking for a reason to play with the scanner...
05:46 / 18.04.05
I seem to be missing 19, 20 and 21. I also can't lay my hands on 6-10, but I've read them before, so it doesn't really matter. At least, I think I have. I hope so, because I'm reading 13 now, and I know I've read this one... or have I?... Now I'm confused.

Anyway, don't trouble yourself, Chuckster - I have a friend who doubtless has the whole collection for borrowing. Thanks for the thought!
05:50 / 18.04.05
Twas a fruitless hope anyway, I lack those issues as well.

Damn, I had to go and look at my user info, and now there's no way I can sleep tonight until I hit 400 posts. Maybe there's something going on in another thread...
Pappa Cass
05:53 / 18.04.05
Yeah, definitely going to get into that. It sounds like the Invisibles and Books of Magic before they both got wierd in a bad way.

I happen to like the giggling reaction a lot. But it does get me strange looks. I mean, giggling insanely when reading a book with big psychedelic mushroom on it is not the best way to convince people of your mental stability. However, it seems that in New Jersey, that's almost considered normal.

Yes, I think that you have to have to have a wierd voice to be a druggie eschaton guru. I think the drugs do it to you. When you take a Super Secret Guru Making Hallucinogen Cocktail(containing psylocibin, DMT, at least one harmala alkaloid, a touch of MDMA, a smidge of LSD, AND...a CHERRY), it randomly modifies your voice. Like helium, only..."groovy".

********************RANDOM BAD BAD MENTAL IMAGE. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK**********

I just realized one of the reasons listening to these guys is so funny. Think of them having sex with whatever woman/man/whatever they end up with. This also makes me feel much less silly about whenever me or anyone else I know does such. Hmm..

***********************END BAD NAUGHTY SPEAK *******************************************************

I'm missing one through the one before the last one. Your offer is much appriciated, but I need to get off my lazy shroom eatin' dope smokin' butt and order the back issues from the comic store. Stan Lee would want it that way.

But if you want to scan random pretty pictures, that would rawk(yes, with an awk).
05:53 / 18.04.05
This thread not cool enough for you? Eh?
Pappa Cass
05:57 / 18.04.05
Maybe if we wore black berets and talked about Allen Ginsberg or jazz, would that make it cool enough?
05:57 / 18.04.05
I think I'm crashing.

G'night for the second time, Chuck, Cass, Barbelith at large. Nice visiting with y'all.
Pappa Cass
05:59 / 18.04.05
G'night, I'll be right there with ya in about six hours. See ya soon, daystar walker.
05:59 / 18.04.05
Oh, this thread is quite cool. Almost too cool for me. Trouble is, my coherence-ness is fading fast, so I should get to bed soon, and the lateshift isn't fast-paced enough to get me to 400 on its own before I pass out at the keyboard.

And as this is post number 400 for me (insert bells and whatnot that nobody else cares about), my sodas have all been consumed, and my eyes hurt, it's time for bed. See you on the next shift, and don't forget the protective headgear next time.
Pappa Cass
06:02 / 18.04.05

And Barbelith IS my protective head gear.

Pappa Cass, out to the high wierness forums.
Saint Keggers
01:06 / 19.04.05
Hello. Bueller, bueller ect
01:12 / 19.04.05
Saint Keggers
01:13 / 19.04.05
Hey its Stoatie! Hows work?
01:36 / 19.04.05
Alright... a bit weird; trying to negotiate getting Friday night off without really pissing my boss off... otherwise not too bad!
Saint Keggers
02:00 / 19.04.05
Ah the joys of work. I gotta get me some of that.
02:02 / 19.04.05
Fellllllllllllas! How are my people?
Saint Keggers
02:03 / 19.04.05
Your people? YOUR people? I dont know about everyone but Im fine? And you Sally?
Bastard Tweed
02:24 / 19.04.05
Evening, ladies and gents.

I don't think I can say, Sally. Who exactly are your people? Or would that peoplez? Pzeeplez, maybe?
02:32 / 19.04.05
All late shifters are my people. Not in the "subjects" sense but in the now defunct "my peeps" sense. I'm pretty good.
Saint Keggers
02:32 / 19.04.05
'Evening Czerno!
Saint Keggers
02:34 / 19.04.05
I've never been a peep before. I think that calls for a drink.
02:38 / 19.04.05
Bastard Tweed
02:39 / 19.04.05
Could we please refrain from all the "peeps", the memories are hard enough this time of year as it is.
Saint Keggers
02:40 / 19.04.05
02:44 / 19.04.05
Hey there, Sally, Czerno...
Bastard Tweed
02:46 / 19.04.05
Visions of fragile, yellow marshmallow flesh hideously distending at the machines merciless heat. You cry out, "No they're so much more than polyfab sugar structures; they mean something!" But always on deaf ears.

Always on deaf ears . . .
Saint Keggers
02:50 / 19.04.05
Oh, those. I stay the hell away from any non-chocolate easter treats. Its safer

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