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Itzz a Late Shift, YOU AND ME against the world


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Saint Keggers
01:06 / 24.03.05
Isn't it always. Thats my new Motto.

Its always time for a sexy Party!
01:10 / 24.03.05

Did somebody say... SEXEH???
Saint Keggers
01:10 / 24.03.05
You're a very bad bad person!
Brigade du jour
01:14 / 24.03.05
A bad sexie person.

Hey everyone, I've got a sore throat, nobody kiss me.
Saint Keggers
01:16 / 24.03.05
I too have a sore throat..did you kiss me while I was busy not noticing?
Brigade du jour
01:18 / 24.03.05
Well, I did take the words right out of your mouth.
Saint Keggers
01:22 / 24.03.05
Nobe, dabt wuth mah thung!
Saint Keggers
02:17 / 24.03.05
Lateshift: Deader than...

Prince Charles' wedding night video sales
electric monk
02:18 / 24.03.05
Eve-enning all.

I'm going to have to ask because I can't not ask: Do mine eyes deceive me, or do I spy a little lady person dressed as a school boy and a pervvy science teacher dressed as a...pervvy science teacher...up yonder there.


Saint Keggers
02:22 / 24.03.05
Its a brit thing... I dont ask. Just smile and slowly back away.
02:28 / 24.03.05
I'm under the impression that the kobald pictured above and its handler, also above, were somehow involved with "Comedy." They've popped up in other threads.
electric monk
02:31 / 24.03.05

I can't

I'm going into some kind of Lovecraftian culture shock and I can't look away! The little one keeps turning and shifting at a wierd angle I didn't realize existed. And the perv! He's winking...and mouthing words...I can't...can't understa

He says I have to go with them. I have to go with them to the Everlasting Cricket Match. And put on a little suit. He's...

he's cutting

Saint Keggers
02:36 / 24.03.05
I guess you're paying the Thumbtax!
02:39 / 24.03.05

Give us your thumbs.
Saint Keggers
02:42 / 24.03.05
I will have strange nightmares about the one on the right. Strange and horrifying "those teeth arn't made for blowjobbbing!" nightmares
electric monk
02:46 / 24.03.05
You've just been added to the Axis of Evil, Stoat. Congrats!


I do pity the little one now, tho. Just a little.
Saint Keggers
03:05 / 24.03.05
Is this it? Has the lateshift raised it final glass and shouted it last hurrah?
03:15 / 24.03.05
No, we're still here.

electric monk
03:19 / 24.03.05
Yer killin' me with this. I'd hit you back with some P-shop, but I've got no upload-abilities at the moment. But I'll be back!

I'll be baaaaack!

Night all. Must meditate.
03:20 / 24.03.05
Night, monk!

No more Krankies for me... I'm starting to frighten myself.
Saint Keggers
03:24 / 24.03.05
G'night Monk!
Saint Keggers
03:28 / 24.03.05
I'll see your Krankies and give you this...actual Canadian childrens tv:

Saint Keggers
03:40 / 24.03.05
Well I too am off to bed. Im fighting a cold from the foulest reaches of hades so I shall pour myself a hot wine and call it a night.

Good night fellow lateshifters wherever you are.
03:58 / 24.03.05
Night, Keggers... jeez, that Canadian kids' TV looks scary...
Saint Keggers
21:12 / 24.03.05
Yup...this is the same show that had kids infront of a firing squad and released Alanis Morisette upon an unsuspecting populance.
Brigade du jour
21:25 / 24.03.05
Prince Charles' wedding night video sales

Ooh, can you get them?
Saint Keggers
21:26 / 24.03.05
I think the more important question is : " Why would you want them? I think there's a limit to masochism and that would far surpass it.
21:30 / 24.03.05
Do not fear. I is here
Saint Keggers
21:32 / 24.03.05 fear here. Quite fear free actually. Except for Dobermans...but thats more of a severe mistrust and aprehension that fear...
Brigade du jour
21:33 / 24.03.05
Sorry, I still don't get it - where's the masochism in a Charles and Camilla wedding-night video? Camilla's a right honey.
Liger Null
21:34 / 24.03.05
I thought they couldn't do that on television.
21:35 / 24.03.05
No fear you say? So what am I doing here?
Saint Keggers
21:37 / 24.03.05
Mr. Slightly : I believe that that is a question between you and your god.

Brian Blessed Brigade: Is that that dry british wit we keep hearing about?

Liger Null: They cant! And dont you forget it!!!
Brigade du jour
21:39 / 24.03.05
No way Keggers, our Cam's a raunch-machine!

(By the way, us Brits never actually admit to irony. It's part of the joke)
Saint Keggers
21:40 / 24.03.05
On a sad note, I have finished the last of the wine in the wine cellar. (yes boys and girls, it is sign of the apocalypse times) Now I have to deal with people sober. But whats worse...they will have to deal with a sober Keggers.

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