I'm going to have to ask because I can't not ask: Do mine eyes deceive me, or do I spy a little lady person dressed as a school boy and a pervvy science teacher dressed as a...pervvy science teacher...up yonder there.
I'm under the impression that the kobald pictured above and its handler, also above, were somehow involved with "Comedy." They've popped up in other threads.
I'm going into some kind of Lovecraftian culture shock and I can't look away! The little one keeps turning and shifting at a wierd angle I didn't realize existed. And the perv! He's winking...and mouthing words...I can't...can't understa
He says I have to go with them. I have to go with them to the Everlasting Cricket Match. And put on a little suit. He's...
On a sad note, I have finished the last of the wine in the wine cellar. (yes boys and girls, it is sign of the apocalypse times) Now I have to deal with people sober. But whats worse...they will have to deal with a sober Keggers.