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Itzz a Late Shift, YOU AND ME against the world


Page: 12345(6)78910

Less searchable M0rd4nt
00:09 / 25.03.05
Not to mention a generation of young me.
00:10 / 25.03.05
She was just confusing all round, really.
00:11 / 25.03.05
Hotcha Mordant, how's Barca? Put those matches down...
00:13 / 25.03.05
I wonder what her take on rootbeer was.. Do you do colouring aswell Liger?
Liger Null
00:14 / 25.03.05
She was a girl, right? And she just played a boy on TV?
Liger Null
00:15 / 25.03.05
I suppose I could...the submission guys seemed to prefer greyscale, whatever that is...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
00:17 / 25.03.05
But the matches are so preeetyyy!
00:17 / 25.03.05
Not alot of colours then, I guess.
00:19 / 25.03.05
Whatever happened to Bengal matches?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
00:22 / 25.03.05
Bengal matches ? Oh, I remember those... but I was in a book at the time--don't know how to do the imports--sadly.
Saint Keggers
00:35 / 25.03.05
Im hungry!
Brigade du jour
00:36 / 25.03.05
I just thought of something - sit Robert Kilroy Silk next to a radiator, watch his face as it starts to melt. He turns into Lee Marvin!
00:38 / 25.03.05
Im hungry too
00:45 / 25.03.05
Would a blowtorch work as well? Cos that'd provide more, y'know, instant gratification.
01:09 / 25.03.05
On the subject of things that are pretty when they're on fire, if you have the time, Mordant, torch a piano. I have experienced first hand that they turn into giant. goddamned. sparklers!

I think there's magnesium in the strings.

I highly endorse this to any young (or otherwise) pyromaniacs.
Saint Keggers
01:22 / 25.03.05
or really bad pianists
Saint Keggers
01:31 / 25.03.05
Yay me! I've just aquiered a new model and Im also to be aiding in the desing of her halloween costume. Im quite chuffed. (thats a brit-term which means pleased)
01:34 / 25.03.05
Yay keggers!

...hang on, all this happened while you were out buying booze?
Saint Keggers
01:40 / 25.03.05
The talent of the Keggers knows no limit!
01:57 / 25.03.05
Wow, the only models my liquor store has are those cardboard-standup ones.
(though I think the one with the Corona bottle fancies me, the little minx.)
Saint Keggers
02:04 / 25.03.05
Oh her... yeah she thinks you're cute but she's waiting until you have at least a million in the bank.
electric monk
02:18 / 25.03.05
Did her.

She gave me balsa wood crabs.

And splinters.

What's happening, fuckaazzzzzzz?
Saint Keggers
02:23 / 25.03.05
Well, we stopped using Fuckazzzz (it was sooo yesterminute) and life is live.
Saint Keggers
02:24 / 25.03.05
Image hosted by

im just that bored. I thought I'd share my new logo/sigil/tirademark
02:29 / 25.03.05
I shall go home now and pine for my pasteboard petticoat.
Good evening, everyone.
Saint Keggers
02:29 / 25.03.05
oh, and I also got a date. Ok, so its to a museum...but life has to start somewhere, right?
electric monk
02:30 / 25.03.05
I was just trying to be cool.

That's nice work. Adobe Illustrator, I presume?
Saint Keggers
02:30 / 25.03.05
g'night Lekvar
electric monk
02:32 / 25.03.05
Hope that's to be an art museum and not a science museum. Giant walk-thru hearts are a real mood killer.
Saint Keggers
02:33 / 25.03.05
Nope, pure photoshop. (I really wanted to say ink and brush...)
electric monk
02:33 / 25.03.05
Pleasant dreams lekvar.

There goes a fine suit.
02:34 / 25.03.05
Didn't Nick Cave meet his current wife in the Natural History Museum?
electric monk
02:35 / 25.03.05
You should have. I woulda believed you.

Is Photoshop a requirement for the Late Shifters?
Saint Keggers
02:36 / 25.03.05
The only requierment for lateshifters is that they like lateshifting.
Saint Keggers
02:38 / 25.03.05
Wow... I just looke dat the user numbers of the lateshifters... I feel old.

Page: 12345(6)78910

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