I can't believe I've been missing this. Damn Jamie Oliver and his turkey Twizzlers.
I'm playing catch-up, obviously, but JeeZUS. Alan Sugar... sorry, Sir Alan (did he at any point insist they call him that?)... must be shitting himself about having to give a position of responsibility in his company to one of these children. Raj might be invisible, but that strikes me as a pretty sound tactic given the company he's in. Although Alan's 'It was so blindingly obvious, I asked Raj!' was telling.
I love the way these people talk as if they're Big Swinging Dicks (Paul and his Management, and Saira with her 'Professionalcapacity'), but then sob like school-girls at the first sign of disapproval from Daddy... I mean Alan Sugar. I mean. Alan. Fucking. Sugar.
And Rachel's presentation to Publicis was the first TV moment of this year to induce in me the kind of cringe that makes my palms itch. 'Whoo! Yeah...How do you feel? How do you feel now?'. And that collage. What was she thinking? Do that kind of thing if you must, if it helps you, but fefuxake don't show it to people.
Great show though. |